Article: Q115725
Product(s): Microsoft Fortran Compiler
Version(s): 1.0a
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 02-NOV-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft FORTRAN PowerStation for MS-DOS, version 1.0a
The following information is from parts 6 and 7 of the Microsoft FORTRAN
PowerStation README.TXT file located in the \F32\README directory.
Part 6: Using the Debugger
Part 7: Miscellaneous
Part 6: Using the Debugger
Optimizing Debugging Speed
Because a program being debugged runs as a separate task under Windows, the speed
at which the debugger operates depends upon how many other programs are being
executed at the same time. If screen-swapping is disabled, FORTRAN Visual
Workbench must yield control back to Windows, and any other program waiting for
cycles is serviced along with the program being debugged in the remote monitor
window. To improve the speed of the debugger, don't run other applications at
the same time.
Watching Complex Variables in Commons
Debugging code that has complex variables in common blocks causes the watch
window to display them as characters. This affects common record variables. They
are shown in the locals window as a single space rather than as a structure.
Debugging MASM 6.11 Modules
When assembling modules with MASM 6.11, add the "-coff" switch to the ML command
line. This will ensure proper debugging of assembly modules in the Visual
Using Mixed Source/Asm during Debugging
You can only view Mixed Source/Asm (selected from the View menu) during a
debugging session if you have not built the target with the /Ox option (Optimize
for Time). (The release version will disable Mixed Source/Asm if the /Ox option
is enabled in the Compiler Options dialog box.) If you attempt to view Mixed
Source/Asm for a target built with the /Ox option, the debugger will not be able
to show all of the assembly instructions. Unexpected results may occur.
Viewing Strings and Arrays in the Locals Window
When you first step into a program or routine, you will not be able to see the
values or variable-length strings or allocatable arrays until you step at least
once inside the subprogram. This is because the lengths are not computed until
after the debugger has begun executing subprogram code. Once you have stepped
into the subprogram, you can view the values of single dimensional allocatable
Debugging Very Large Programs
Although it is possible to debug a program that has an executable file and symbol
table that are close to (or larger than) the amount of physical memory in your
PC, the debugger will take longer to load the symbols. This is because the
Windows memory manager must swap portions of memory during loading.
Part 7: Miscellaneous
Differences between Version 1.0 and Version 1.0a
Version 1.0a has many bug fixes in the compiler, runtime library, and debugger.
The DOS Extender has been updated to the version used by newer versions of MASM
and Visual C++. Version 1.0a also includes new samples, including TechNotes and
information on mixing FORTRAN and C/C++. ANSWERS.TXT has been updated (as has
the corresponding "Obtaining Product Support" help file) with answers to common
questions that we receive about FORTRAN PowerStation.
Running Programs
FORTRAN Programs can be executed from the FORTRAN Visual Workbench either in a
window or in full-screen mode. You select which to use in the Execute/Debug
Options dialog box. FORTRAN programs can be run from an MS-DOS session within
Windows either in a window or in full-screen mode. You can switch between these
modes from within the MS-DOS session by pressing ALT-ENTER. You can also select
the mode for a minimized MS-DOS session from the Settings dialog box.
Programs which use graphics may not run properly within a window. In most cases,
Microsoft Windows will ask you to switch to full-screen mode if the graphics
mode is not supported by the graphics driver. Some graphics modes are only
partially supported in a window. In this case, the results will depend upon
which graphics routines are used by the program.
For best results, we recommend that graphics programs are always executed in
full-screen mode.
Redistribution Rights
You have the right to distribute the MS-DOS extender files DOSXMSF.EXE and
DOSXNT.386 with programs that you create with FORTRAN PowerStation. There is no
royalty required.
The font files COURB.FON, HELVB.FON and TMSRB.FON are owned by BitStream, Inc. If
you want to distribute these files with a program, you will need to get
permission from BitStream. The other .FON files may be freely distributed
(including those in the SAMPLES\TECHNOTE\FONTS directory).
If you have any questions about redistribution rights, please contact Microsoft
Product Support Services.
Microsoft Product Support Services
The information under "Help | Obtaining Product Support" in the Visual Workbench
is more up to date than the information given in the FORTRAN PowerStation User's
Guide. Please refer to the on-line version when you need to contact Microsoft
Product Support Services.
TECHNOTE Directory
The SAMPLES\TECHNOTE directory contains TechNotes, technical notes and sample
programs to help you better use FORTRAN PowerStation. You will find the
following TechNotes in this directory:
Fonts: A set of additonal bitmapped fonts for use with graphics.lib,
complete with sample program.
Port_IO: Routines to perform hardware port I/O from FORTRAN (equivalent
to assembly language IN and OUT instructions).
Printer: Routines to reset and control the printer.
Each TechNote directory contains a .TXT file with further information.
TechNotes are provided for your information and to help you. However, the
information and programs included are not as thoroughly tested as other sample
programs. Please take this into account when using these notes in your own
Mixed Language Programming with C/C++
Mixed language programming is possible between FORTRAN PowerStation and Microsoft
Visual C++, 32-bit edition. For more information, please read MIXED_C.TXT in the
F32\SAMPLES\MIXED_C directory.
About Other Text Files
There are three other text files with information about Microsoft FORTRAN
Filename Contents
ADDENDA.TXT Changes to the printed manuals
ANSWERS.TXT Answers to common questions about FORTRAN PowerStation
ERRORS.TXT Additions and corrections to the error messages
VENDORS.TXT Information about products from other vendors
Additional query words: 1.00 1.00a
Keywords :
Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbFortranSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbFORTRANPower100aDOS
Version : :1.0a