Article: Q117249
Product(s): Microsoft Home Multimedia Titles
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 06-FEB-2002
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Encarta 1994 The Complete Multimedia Encyclopedia
This article lists and briefly describes each of the files and folders that are
installed with Encarta. The information is organized by folder. Files are listed
under the folders into which the files are installed. Files are
single-underlined and folders are double-underlined.
NOTE: Some system folders listed here are present only with System version 7.1.0
or later.
QuickTime 1.6.2:
QuickTime 1.6.2 (or later) is necessary for Encarta 1994 to run.
Sound Manager 3.0:
Some Macintoshes have Sound Manager 3.0 built in, and others do not. If Sound
Manager 3.0 is not already present, the Setup program installs it. Sound Manager
3.0 (or later) is necessary for Encarta to run.
Sound Control Panel:
If the Setup program installs Sound Manager 3.0, it also installs version 8.0.1
of the Sound control panel. This control panel is not necessary for Encarta to
run, but is fully compatible with Encarta and Sound Manager 3.0.
V Lucida Sans Font Series:
Encarta uses custom fonts to cover all the special characters that are necessary
to accurately display content from around the world. Encarta will not run
without the V Lucida Sans fonts installed.
MindMaze Preferences:
This file contains high scores and other preferences for MindMaze.
This new subfolder contains game-status files. When you quit MindMaze, the status
of your game is saved in this folder, in a file that is titled with your name.
This file contains which questions you have answered already so that you don't
get asked them again. (Each player's file is less than 4K in length.)
This new subfolder contains the following files:
Encarta Preferences:
Encarta stores various Encarta settings (such as window locations, sound
preferences, and so on) in this file. If you delete this file, Encarta will
create a new one containing default preferences. This file is created when you
first run Encarta.
Encarta BookmarkSet:
This file stores any bookmarks or notes you create in Encarta using the Bookmark
or Create Note feature. If you delete this file, you will lose any bookmarks or
notes you have made. This file is created when you first run Encarta.
This is a text file that contains the various paths to Encarta components. This
file is particularly useful if you have created a network installation and moved
the Encarta components around because you can specify their new locations.
This 1.4 MB file is installed to improve the performance of Encarta. If you don't
want to keep this file in your Preferences folder, you can move it to another
location. Just make sure you update the EncartaFileLocations file (using
TeachText or another text processor) to point to the correct path.
If you don't want the Encarta TitleCache installed at all, you can use the
Encarta Installer to do a custom installation, and choose not to install the
cache file. Encarta will then use the Encarta TitleCache from the CD, which is
considerably slower.
Microsoft Encarta 1994:
This is the Encarta program. Double-click it to start Encarta.
This is an alias to the MindMaze game program, which resides on the Encarta 1994
CD-ROM. The alias is included so that if you don't have enough memory to run
both Encarta and MindMaze at the same time, you have an easy way to run
Animation Launcher:
This small program was included in case you don't have enough memory to run
Encarta and the animations at the same time. It's a convenient way to browse
through Encarta's animations. You do not need this file to run the animations
inside Encarta. It is only for running animations when Encarta is not running.
Encarta Projector:
This is the program that plays Encarta's animations when Encarta is running.
Encarta requires this file to be able to play animations.
Encarta Spelling:
This file is used by Encarta's Spell Check feature, which you can access from the
Contents window in Encarta.
Microsoft Multimedia Catalog:
This is an alias to a catalog of other Macintosh CD-ROM titles available from
This is Apple's basic text processing program. The Encarta Setup program installs
this just in case it is not already present on your system. TeachText is
necessary for reading the readme files.
Encarta 1994 Read Me:
This document contains additional information about Encarta. It is not necessary
to keep it on your hard drive, so after reading it you can delete it.
Encarta & Memory Read Me:
This file contains information about using Encarta 1994 under various memory
configurations. You can delete this file when you are done reading it.
Additional query words: kbhowto mac 1994 multi media multimedia multi- file name list install setup soundmanager directory dir description summary contents content
Keywords :
Technology : kbHomeProdSearch kbEncartaSearch kbEncartaEncycSearch kbEncartaEnCyc1994
Version : :