Article: Q117586
Product(s): Microsoft FoxPro
Version(s): 2.5x 2.6x
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kberrmsg
Last Modified: 24-MAR-2000
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft FoxPro for Windows, versions 2.5x, 2.6x
The Report Writer will not print a general field that contains a graphic pasted
from the Clipboard.
Since the Report Writer is looking for an OLE server to print the graphic
contained in the general field and the Clipboard is not an OLE server, the area
where the graphic should have been printed will be blank.
Paste the graphic into Paintbrush and save it as a bitmap (.BMP) file. Reference
the .BMP file in the general field of the data file. The Report Writer will use
Paintbrush as the OLE server.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at
the beginning of this article. This problem was corrected in Visual FoxPro 3.0
for Windows.
This behavior usually occurs when the PRINT SCREEN key or the ALT+PRINT SCREEN
key combination is used to create screen captures.
Steps to Reproduce Behavior
1. Capture a screen by pressing PRINT SCREEN or ALT+PRINT SCREEN.
2. Open a general field in one of the data files.
3. Paste the screen capture in the general field.
4. Create a report that prints the general field.
5. From the Report menu, choose Page Preview.
The screen capture will be displayed.
6. From the Command window, issue REPORT FORM <formname> TO PRINTER.
Nothing is printed in the place where the screen capture should be located.
Furthermore, if you double-click the screen capture displayed in the data file's
general field, you will receive the following error message:
Cannot Activate OLE Server
Additional query words: FoxWin VFoxWin 2.50 2.50a 2.50b 2.60 2.60a fixlist3.00 datafile object linking and embedding screen dump printscreen errmsg err msg
Keywords : kberrmsg
Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbFoxproSearch
Version : 2.5x 2.6x
Issue type : kbbug
Solution Type : kbfix