Article: Q117656
Product(s): Miscrosoft Systems Journal
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 05-FEB-2002
NOTE: "Microsoft Systems Journal" does not make any representation or warranty,
expressed or implied, with respect to any code or other information herein.
"Microsoft Systems Journal" disclaims any liability whatsoever for any use of
such code or other information.
This article lists the filenames and Snumbers for files available from online
services that contain the source code described in articles published in the
August 1994 issue of the "Microsoft Systems Journal."
Item ID Filename Description
------- -------- -----------
S14817 WINQ&A.EXE The WINQ&A.EXE file contains the code for the
"Windows Q & A" column by Matt Pietrek.
S14819 CPPQ&A.EXE The CPPQ&A.EXE file contains the code for the
"C/C++ Q & A" column by Paul DiLascia.
S14818 WIN32QA.EXE The WIN32QA.EXE file contains the code for the
"Win32 Q & A" column by Jeff Prosise.
S14815 LONGNAME.EXE The LONGNAME.EXE file contains the code for the
article named "Unconstrained Filenames on the PC!
Introducing Chicago's Protected Mode FAT File
System," by Walt Oney.
Finally, the 8.3 MS-DOS filename restriction has
been lifted. Thirty-two-bit applications now have
full access to the file system functionality. For
legacy programs, a set of INT 21H functions has
been added that allows 16-bit code to access files
with long names.
S14816 CONTROL2.EXE The CONTROL2.EXE file contains the code for the
article named "Chicago's Interface Gadgets, Part
II: Toolbars, Status Bars and the RichEdit
Control," by Dave Edson.
Although toolbars and status bars are not new to
applications, new Common controls in Chicago make
them much easier to implement. The new RichEdit
control can format characters and paragraphs, can
print preview and print, and is OLE-compliant.
You can download any of these self-extracting files from the following services:
- Microsoft's World Wide Web Site on the Internet
On the home page, click the Support icon.
Click Knowledge Base, and select the product.
Enter kbfile <FILENAME>.EXE, and click GO!
Open the article, and click the button to download the file.
- Internet (anonymous FTP)
Change to the Softlib/Mslfiles directory.
- The Microsoft Network
On the Edit menu, click Go To, and then click Other Location.
Type "mssupport" (without the quotation marks).
Double-click the MS Software Library icon.
Find the appropriate product area.
Download <FILENAME>.EXE.
- Microsoft Download Service (MSDL)
Dial (425) 936-6735 to connect to MSDL
Download <Filename>.exe
For additional information about downloading, please see the following article in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
Additional query words: 3.10 msj AUG
Keywords :