Article: Q120586
Product(s): Microsoft Home Games
Version(s): 1.0,2.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kb3rdparty kbdisplay kberrmsg kbsoundkbbuglist kbfaq
Last Modified: 08-NOV-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Golf for Windows, version 2.0
- Microsoft Encarta 97 Encyclopedia for Windows
- Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 97 Deluxe for Windows
- Scholastic's Magic School Bus series: Explores the Ocean for Windows, version 1.0
- the operating system: Microsoft Windows
When you start one of the programs listed at the top of this article, the
following error message may occur when certain S3 video drivers are being used
by Windows 3.x:
Win32s - Error in GLFMOD20.EXE
Unhandled Exception detected. (Code: 0xC0000005)
Application will be terminated
Win32s - Error in ENC97.EXE
Unhandled Exception detected. (Code: 0xC0000005)
Application will be terminated
Win32s - Error in MSBSEA.EXE
Unhandled Exception detected. (Code: 0xC0000005)
Application will be terminated
This error message is a result of a conflict between the Win32s system files and
the S3 video driver.
Microsoft has confirmed that the S3 video driver version 2.1 provided by Dell
Computer Systems causes conflicts with the programs listed at the top of this
Microsoft recommends that version 1.2 or a prerelease version 2.33 of the S3
video driver be used with the above programs. Either of these drivers can be
obtained by contacting Dell Computer Systems.
NOTE: The prerelease version of the S3 video driver will not provide the 1024 x
768 video resolution usually found in other high resolution drivers. Dell
Computer System may correct this problem prior to a full release of the driver.
The Dell products included here are manufactured by Dell Computer Systems, a
vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise,
regarding these products' performance or reliability. For more information about
Dell Computer Systems' products, contact the company at:
Dell technical support: (800) 624-9896
Dell BBS: (512) 728-8528
Additional query words: unhandled exception win32s encarta 97 kbmm homemm
Keywords : kb3rdparty kbdisplay kberrmsg kbsound kbbuglist kbfaq
Technology : kbOSWinSearch kbHomeProdSearch kbHomeMMsearch kbZNotKeyword6 kbEncartaSearch kbGamesSearch kbZNotKeyword kbGolfSearch kbKidsSearch kbEncartaEncycSearch kbScholasticOcean kbGolf200 kbEncartaEnCyc1997 kbEncartaEnCyc1997Del kbMSBSearch
Version : :1.0,2.0
Issue type : kbprb