Article: Q121882
Product(s): Microsoft Home Games
Version(s): WINDOWS:2.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbfaq
Last Modified: 12-JUN-2001
kbsetup kberrmsg kbfaq
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Golf for Windows, version 2.0
If your computer does not meet the minimum requirements for Golf 2.0, you will
receive the following error message during the setup procedure:
Golf 2.0 requires minimum of an Intel 386 computer running Windows 3.1 in 386
Enhanced mode, and a 256 color VGA, or a computer running Windows NT with an
Intel 386 processor and a 256 color VGA
This will be followed by another message indicating that the setup procedure for
Golf 2.0 was not completed successfully.
For a successful installation and full functionality of Golf 2.0, the computer
must meet the following requirements:
- MS-DOS operating system version 3.1 or later
- Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or later
- Personal Computer using a 386sx or higher microprocessor (486sx recommended)
- 4 MB of RAM
- 256-color Super VGA monitor, display card and driver
- Microsoft Mouse or other compatible pointing device
- Sound board (if you want sounds to be heard)
The most common cause of this error message is running in standard VGA mode
instead of 256-color Super VGA.
To check what resolution you are running in Windows 3.1, follow this procedure:
1. From the Program Manager, open the Main group.
2. In the Main group, double-click the Windows Setup icon.
3. View the Display line. If the Display line indicates VGA, then you will need
to contact the manufacturer of your video card to determine which 256-color
Super VGA display driver will function properly for your system.
Once you have determined which display driver will benefit you the best, you can
install the driver by choosing Change System Setting from the Options menu in
the Windows Setup dialog window.
NOTE: For further information regarding changing the display driver under Windows
3.1, please consult the "Microsoft Windows User's Guide" or the manufacturer of
your video card.
To check what resolution you are running in Windows '95, follow this procedure:
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click the Display icon.
3. Click the Settings tab. View the selection under the Color palette section.
If the Display line indicates 16 color, then you will need to contact the
manufacturer of your video card to determine if you are able to run the 256
color option. If your system will run 256 colors, select this option followed
my clicking OK.
Additional query words: 2.00 kbhowto VGA
Keywords : kbfaq
Technology : kbHomeProdSearch kbGamesSearch kbGolfSearch kbGolf200
Version : WINDOWS:2.0
Issue type : kbprb