Article: Q122296
Product(s): Microsoft C Compiler
Version(s): 1.0,1.5,1.51,2.0,4.0,5.0,6.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kb3rdparty kbLangCPP kbVC100 kbVC150 kbVC151 kbVC200 kbVC400 kbVC500 kbVC600
Last Modified: 11-FEB-2002
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual C++, versions 1.0, 1.5, 1.51, 2.0, 4.0
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition, versions 5.0, 6.0
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition, versions 5.0, 6.0
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Learning Edition, version 6.0
Below is a list of books about programming in C++. The list includes the last
name of the author, the ISBN for the book, the publisher, and the title of the
The third-party products discussed here are manufactured by vendors independent
of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these
products' performance or reliability.
Author ISBN Publisher Title
Adams 0-8306-3813-X McGraw Windows Visualization
Programming with C/C++
Adamson 0-02-300821-0 Macmill Programming with C++
Ammeraal 0-471-93011-3 Wiley C++ for Programmers
Ananthaswamy 0-07-911857-7 McGraw Data Communications using
OOD and C++
Anderson 0-13-118266-8 Prentice C++ Programming and
Fundamental Concepts
Anderson 0-13-532748-2 Prentice Moving to C++
Andrews 1-55828-300-5 MIS Programming Windows NT with
Andrews 0-672-30150-4 Prentice Visual C/C++ Object-Oriented
Ayer 0-07-002861-3 McGraw OO Client/Server Application
Development using Object Pal
and C++
Barkakati 0-672-22800-9 Sams Object-Oriented Programming
in C++
Barton 0-201-53393-6 Addison Scientific and Engineering
Berry 0-672-22619 Sams The Waite Group's C++
Blum Wiley Neural networks in C++ an OO
Brain 0-13-097833-7 Prentice Windows NT Programming An
Introduction Using C++
Brumbaugh 0-471-58371-5 Wiley OOD: Building Case Tools
with C++
Budd 0-201-50889-3 Addison Classic Data Structures in
Buzzi-Ferraris 0-201-63192-X Addison Scientific C++
Callan 1-56252-264-7 Comp Building Object-Oriented
Systems, Applications in C++
Campbell 0-13-097833-7 Prentice Windows NT Programming An
Introduction Using C++
Capper 0-387-19847-4 Springr The C++ Programming Language
for Scientists and Engineers
Cargill 0-201-56365-7 Addison C++ Programming Style
Carroll 0-201-51284-X Addison Designing and Implementing
Reusable C++
Christian 1-55615-394-5 MSPress The Microsoft Guide to C++
Christian 1-55615-803-3 MSPress Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime
Cline 0-201-58958-3 Addison C++ FAQs
Cogswell 1-878739-44-1 Waite Simple C++ Featuring Rododog
Cooper 0-471-03171-2 Wiley A Jump Start Course in C++
Coplien 0-201-54855-0 Addison Advanced C++ Programming
Styles and Idioms
Davis 0-201-60829-4 Addison C++ Programmer's Companion
Deltel 0-13-117334-0 Prentice C++ How to Program
Dewhurst 0-13-723156-3 Prentice Programming in C++
DiLascia 0-201-60891-X Addison Windows++ Write Reuse Code
Duntemann 0-553-37126-6 Bantam PC Techniques C/C++ power
Eckel 0-07-881522-3 McGraw Using C++
Eckel 0-07-881522-3 McGraw C++ Inside and Out
Eckel 1-55851-334-5 M&T Black Belt C++
Ege 0-12-232930-9 Acedemc Programming in an OO
Ege 0-12-232932-5 Academic Object-Oriented Programming
with C++
Ellis 0-201-51284-X Addison Designing and Implementing
Reusable C++
Ellis 0-201-51459-1 Addison The Annotated C++ Reference
Flamig 0-471-00955-5 Wiley Practical Algorithms in C++
Flamig 0-12-742686-8 Acedemc The Complete C++ Primer 2nd
Gerard 0-471-59243-9 Wiley C++ Math Class Library
Goodwin 1-55828-023-5 MIS User Interfaces in C++ and
Goodwin 1-55828-032-4 MIS Graphical Interfaces in C++
Gorlen 0-471-52257-0 Wiley Data Abstraction and OOP in
Graham 0-07-023983-5 McGraw Learning C++
Gurewich 0-672-30532-1 Sams Master Visual C++ 2.0
Gurewich 0-7821-1419-9 Sybex From C to C++ in Two Weeks
Gurganus 0-12-308650-7 Academic Microsoft Visual C++ Windows
Hansen 0-302-11497-6 Addison The C++ Answer Book
Heinze Prentice C++ Programming and
Fundamental Concepts
Hekmetpour Prentice C++ A Guide for C
Hekmetpour 0-13-174129-2 Prentice C++ A Book and Disk for C
Heller 0-12-339095-8 Academic Efficient C/C++ Programming
Henderson 0-07-707585-4 McGraw Object-Oriented Design and
Analysis with C++
Hipson 0-672-30493-7 Sams What Every C++ Programmer
Should Know
Holub 0-07-029662-6 McGraw C + C++ Prog with Objects in
C and C++
Holzner 1-56686-005-9 Brady Microsoft C/C++ Programming
Holzner 1-56686-142-X Brady Visual C++ Programming
Holzner 1-56686-195-0 Brady Visual C++ 2.0 Programming
Holzner 1-56884-196-5 Brady Heavy Metal C++ Programming
Horstmann 0-471-52257-0 Wiley Mastering C++ An
Introduction for C and
Pascal Programmers
Hu 0-943518-86-5 MIS C/C++ Expert Systems
Jaeschke CBM C++ An Intro for Experienced
C Programmers
Johnsonbaugh 0-02-360682-7 Macmill Object-Oriented Programming
in C++
JPAM C++ at Work '89 Conference
JPAM C++ at Work '90 Conference
Kalin 0-02-360682-7 Macmill Object-Oriented Programming
in C++
Kruglinski 1-55615-511-5 MSPress Inside Visual C++
Kruglinski 1-55615-661-8 MSPress Inside Visual C++ An
Insider's Perspective
Ladd 1-558-51076-1 M&T C++ Techniques and
Ladd 1-55851-262-4 M&T Applying C++
Ladd 0-471-00777-3 Wiley Visual C++ X Insider
Lafore 1-878739-08-5 Waite OOP in Microsoft C++
Lakos 0-201-63362-0 Addison Large-Scale Software
Development in C++
Lam 0-471-03171-2 Wiley A Jump Start Course in C++
Levine 0-471-59857-7 Wiley Programming for Graphics
Files In C and C++
Lippman 0-201-54848-8 Addison C++ Primer 2nd Ed
Lomow 0-201-58958-3 Addison C++ FAQs
Long 0-672-27390-X Sams Do-It-Yourself Microsoft
Lucas 0-13-118233-1 Prentice The C++ Programmer's
Mark 0-201-62204-1 Addison Learn C++ on the Macintosh
Mercer 0-938661-72-8 Franklin Computing Fundamentals with
Meyers 0-201-56364-9 Addison Effective C++
Meyers 0-201-63371-X Addison Effective C++ Plus
Model 0-13-088782-X Prentice Data Structures, Data
MSPress 1-55615-382-1 MSPress Microsoft C/C++ Runtime
MSPress 1-55615-559-X MSPress Microsoft Visual C++ Run-
time Library
Mullin 0-201-51722-1 Addison Object-Oriented Program
Design C++
Murray 0-201-56382-7 Addison C++ Strategies and Tactics
Nackman 0-201-53393-6 Addison Scientific and Engineering
Neibauer 0-7821-1414-8 Sybex Your First C/C++ Program
Nicolaison 1-56604-079-5 Ventana The Visual Guide to Visual
Nielsen 0-12-518420-4 Academic Software Development with
North 0-471-01675-6 Wiley Windows Multi-DBMS
Programming Using C++
Nyhoff 0-02-369402-5 Macmill C++ An Introduction to
O'Brien 1-55851-391-4 M&T Exploring Artificial Life in
OpenInventr 0-201-62491-5 Addison OpenInventor C++ Reference
Orlow 0-471-52257-0 Wiley Data Abstraction and OOP in
Palmer 0-679-79136-1 Random Programming with Microsoft
Visual C++ 1.5
Pappas 0-07-882056-1 McGraw Visual C++ Handbook
Perry 1-56529-038-0 Que C++ By Example
Perry 0-672-30487-2 Sams Teach Yourself Object
Oriented Programming with
Visual C++
Perry 1-55828-360-9 MIS Teach Yourself Visual C++
Perry 1-56529-687-7 Que Visual C++ by Example
Perry 1-56529-810-1 Que Using Visual C++
Pinson 0-201-15413-7 Addison An Introduction to Object
Oriented Programming and C++
Pinson 0-201-50930-X Addison The C++ WorkBook
Plexico 0-471-52257-0 Wiley Data Abstraction and Object-
Oriented Programming in C++
Plum 0-911-537-10-4 PlumHall C++ Programming Guidelines
Pohl 0-8053-3158-1 Addison C++ for Pascal Programmers
2nd Ed
Pohl 0-8053-3159-X Benjamin C++ for C Programmers 2nd Ed
Pohl 0-8053-3164-6 Benjamin Easy Reference Guide to C++
Pokorny 0-938661-55-8 Franklin Computer Graphics Using C++
Porter 0-07-881820-6 Osborne The Best C/C++ Tips Ever
Prata 1-878739-02-6 Waite C++ Primer+
Ranade 0-07-051487-9 McGraw C++ Primer for C Programmers
Rao 0-07-051140-3 McGraw C++ and the OOP Paradigm
Reverchon 0-471-93792-4 Wiley Mathematical Software Tools
in C++
Ross 1-56529-806-3 Que Creating Visual C++
Rudd 0-471-06565-X Wiley Mastering C++
Saks 0-911-537-10-4 PlumHall C++ Programming Guidelines
Savitch 0-8053-7440-X Benjamin An Introduction to Computer
Science in C++
Schildt 0-07-881760-9 McGraw Teach Yourself C++
Schildt 0-07-882025-1 McGraw Teach Yourself C++
Sedgewick 0-201-51059-6 Addison Algorithms in C++
Sessions 0-13-630104-5 Prentice Class Construction in C and
Shammas 0-672-30489-9 Sams Teach Yourself Visual C++
1.5 in 21 Days
Shammas 0-672-30534-8 Sams Teach Yourself Visual C++ 2
Shapiro 0-13-127663-8 Prentice A C++ Toolkit
Shaw 0-201-62662-4 Addison Visual Programming++
Smith 0-07-039010-X McGraw C++ Applications Guide
Smith 0-07-059180-6 McGraw C++ for Scientists and
Smith 0-471-52411-5 Wiley Reusability and Software
Construction in C and C++
Soukup 0-201-52826-6 Addison Taming C++
Spuler 0-13-096595-2 Prentice C++ and C Efficiency
Stark 0-13-723156-3 Prentice Programming in C++
Stevens 1-558-28027-8 MIS Teach Yourself C++
Stevens 1-55851-134-2 M&T Fractal Programming and Ray
Tracing with C++
Stevens 1-55828-357-9 MIS C++ Database Development
Stroustrup 0-201-51459-1 Addison The Annotated C++ Reference
Stroustrup 0-201-53992-6 Addison The C++ Programming Language
2nd Ed
Stroustrup 0-201-54330-3 Addison The Design and Evolution of
Swan 0-672-30188-1 Sams Tom Swan's C++ Primer
Teale 0-201-59641-5 Addison C++ IOStreams Handbook
Thielen 0-201-60890-1 Addison No Bugs! Delivering Error-
Free Code in C and C++
Traister 0-12-697415-2 Academic ObjectWindows for C++
Traister 0-12-697420-9 Academic Conquering C++ Pointers
Traister 0-12-697421-7 Academic Leaping from BASIC to C++
Traister 0-12-697422-5 Academic CBreeze C++ BASIC to C++
Tsvi 0-13-630260-2 Prentice Object Oriented Design for
Usenix Usenix C++ Conference
Proceedings 1988
Usenix Usenix C++ Conference
Proceedings 1990
Usenix Usenix C++ Conference
Proceedings 1991
Usenix Usenix C++ Workshop
Proceedings 1987
Vernick C++ Database Applications
Waldo 0-262-73107-X MIT The Evolution of C++
Language Design in the
Watson 0-07-911787-2 McGraw C++ Power Paradigms
Weiner 0-201-15413-7 Addison An Introduction to Object
Oriented Programming and C++
Weiner 0-201-50930-X Addison The C++ Workbook
Weiskamp 0-12-742686-8 Acedemc The Complete C++ Primer 2nd
Weiss 0-8053-5443-3 Addison Data Structures and
Algorithm Analysis in C++
Welstead 0-471-30975-3 Wiley Neural Network and Fuzzy
Logic Applications in C/C++
Weston 0-201-55025-3 Addison Elements of C++ Macintosh
Wiener 0-201-15413-7 Addison An Introduction to Object
Oriented Programming and C++
Wiener 0-201-50930-X Addison The C++ WorkBook
Wilson 0-201-57020-3 Addison C++ Programming with MacApp
Winder 0-471-92384-2 Wiley Developing C++ Software
Winder 0-471-92384-2 Wiley Developing C++ Software
Winston 0-201-58043-8 Addison On to C++
Woollard 1-878739-07-7 Waite Master C++
Young 0-13-630252-1 Prentice OOP with C++ and OSF/MOTIF
Young 0-7821-1147-5 Sybex Windows Prog'ing with
Microsoft C++
Young 0-12-773750-2 Academic Windows Animation
Programming in C++
Young 0-7821-1286-2 Sybex Mastering Windows Utilities
Programming in C++
Additional query words: publications publication program
Keywords : kb3rdparty kbLangCPP kbVC100 kbVC150 kbVC151 kbVC200 kbVC400 kbVC500 kbVC600
Technology : kbVCsearch kbVC400 kbAudDeveloper kbvc150 kbvc100 kbVC500 kbVC600 kbVC151 kbVC200 kbVC32bitSearch kbVC500Search
Version : :1.0,1.5,1.51,2.0,4.0,5.0,6.0
Issue type : kbinfo