Q124067: STOP Message 0x0000000A in AFD.SYS when Opening Sockets

Article: Q124067
Product(s): Microsoft Windows NT
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 08-AUG-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 3.5 
- Microsoft Windows NT Server version 3.5 


An application, running under Windows NT 3.5, closes a listening socket. While
the close operation is being processed, a new socket is opened with the same
handle value as the listening socket. The application then performs an Accept()
on the new socket, before doing a Listen() on it. This causes the system to
display the STOP message.

The stack trace for the resulting trap may look as follows:

KDx86> kb
FramePtr  RetAddr   Param1   Param2   Param3   Function Name
fe8c8d18  80137989  8040fed8 00000000 00000018 NT!KiTrap0E+0x256
fe8c8d8c  fc61660a  fc6186a4 804054a0 fed82008
fe8c8d9c  fc61052c  fed57ce8 fee15108 fee15108

fe8c8db4  fc610358  fed57ce8 fe8c8ea0 fee15108
fe8c8dd4  fc617597  fee15108 fee151e4 fee15108 AFD!AfdAccept+0x38
fe8c8de8  fc617322  fee15108 fee151e4 fee15108
fe8c8dfc  80107aea  fedb6da0 fee15108 fee15108 AFD!AfdDispatch+0x7e
fe8c8e10  8014a33f  fe8c8ea0 fed69eb0 0094fcb4 NT!@IofCallDriver@8+0x38
fe8c8e2c  80148bbc  fedb6da0 fee15108 fed29380
fe8c8ea0  8015d9be  000000f4 000000dc 00000000 NT!IopXxxControlFile+0x6f6
fe8c8ed4  801385c3  000000f4 000000dc 00000000

fe8c8ed4  77f713a3  000000f4 000000dc 00000000 NT!KiSystemService+0x83
0094fcd4  00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 0x77f713a3
Module Load: \\ntstress\symbols\x86\807\Symbols\SYS\AFD.DBG (symbols
converted & loaded)

BugCheckCode . . . . .0x0000000a
BugCheckParameter1 . .0x00000000
BugCheckParameter2 . .0x000000ff
BugCheckParameter3 . .0x00000001
BugCheckParameter4 . .0x80137989

KDx86> !trap fe8c8d18
Debugger extension library [kdextx86.dll] loaded
eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=fed57d08 edx=fed82010 esi=fed57ce8

eip=80137989 esp=fe8c8d8c ebp=804054b0 iopl=0    nv up di ng nz ac pe nc

vip=0    vif=0
cs=0008  ss=0010  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0030  gs=0000

ErrCode = 00000002
0x80137989  8910             mov         dword ptr [eax],edx

KDx86> u 80137989-10
0x80137979  c20400           retn         0004
0x8013797c  9c               pushfd
0x8013797d  fa               cli
0x8013797e  8b4104           mov          eax,dword ptr [ecx+04]
0x80137981  890a             mov          dword ptr [edx],ecx
0x80137983  894204           mov          dword ptr [edx+04],eax
0x80137986  895104           mov          dword ptr [ecx+04],edx
0x80137989  8910             mov          dword ptr [eax],edx
KDx86> u
0x8013798b  9d               popfd
0x8013798c  33c1             xor          eax,ecx
0x8013798e  7402             je
@ExfInterlockedInsertTailList@12+00000016 (80137992)
0x80137990  33c1             xor          eax,ecx
0x80137992  c20400           retn         0004
0x80137995  2e8bc0           mov          eax,eax
0x80137998  9c               pushfd
0x80137999  fa               cli


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows NT Workstation and
Windows NT Server version 3.5. This problem has been corrected in the latest
U.S. Service Pack for Windows NT version 3.5. For information on obtaining the
Service Pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base
(without the spaces):

  S E R V P A C K

Additional query words: prodnt

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbWinNTsearch kbWinNTWsearch kbWinNT350search kbWinNTW350 kbWinNTW350search kbWinNTSsearch kbWinNTS350 kbWinNTS350search
