Article: Q127189
Product(s): Microsoft SourceSafe
Version(s): 3.04 3.10 | 3.04 3.10 | 3.04 3.1
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbsetup
Last Modified: 15-AUG-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft SourceSafe for MS-DOS, versions 3.04, 3.1
- Microsoft SourceSafe for Windows, versions 3.04, 3.1
- Microsoft SourceSafe for Windows NT, versions 3.04, 3.1
- Microsoft SourceSafe for Macintosh, versions 3.04, 3.1
- Microsoft SourceSafe for UNIX, versions 3.04, 3.1
This article lists INI settings and color strings that were not documented in
the SourceSafe documentation.
SourceSafe 3.0 INI Settings
The following INI settings were not documented in the SourceSafe version 3.0
Concepts and Configuration Manual:
Diff_Context - Indicates how many lines to show before and after a difference:
Syntax: Diff_Context = <n1>
Example: Diff_Context = 3
Indicate_Expandable - Controls whether SourceSafe will put a + or - character in
the folders (Inteface Only):
Syntax: Indicate_Expandable = <Yes|No>
Example: Indicate_Expandable = Yes
Store_Deltas - Indicates whether changes are stored or not:
Syntax: Store_Deltas = <Yes|No>
Example: Store_Deltas = Yes
Update_No_Conflicts - Indicates to SourceSafe to merge with no conflicts:
Syntax: Update_No_Conflicts = <Yes|No>
Example: Update_No_Conflicts = No
Viewer_Font - Sets font attributes for any SourceSafe viewer window:
Syntax: Viewer_Font = <Font face>, <Font size>, <Font
weight>, <[Bold|Underline|Strikeout|Italic]>
Example: Viewer_Font = arial, 10
SourceSafe 3.02 INI Settings
The following INI settings were new to version 3.02:
Hist_Rect - Sets coordinates of the History window:
Syntax: Hist_Rect = <x1, y1, x2, y2>
Example: Hist_Rect = 65,61,966,665
Preview_Rect - Sets coordinates of the Preview window:
Syntax: Preview_Rect = <x1, y1, x2, y2>
Example: Preview_Rect = 65,61,966,665
Visual_Diff_ChangeClr - Sets color of Visual Difference Change text:
Syntax: Visual_Diff_ChangeClr = <color string| RGB value>
Example: Visual_Diff_ChangeClr = Green
Visual_Diff_DeleteClr - Sets color of Visual Difference Delete text:
Syntax: Visual_Diff_DeleteClr = <color string| RGB value>
Example: Visual_Diff_DeleteClr = Green
Visual_Diff_InsertClr - Sets color of Visual Difference Insert text:
Syntax: Visual_Diff_InsertClr = <color string| RGB value>
Example: Visual_Diff_InsertClr = Green
Visual_Diff_Rect - Coordinates of a Visual Difference Window:
Syntax: Visual_Diff_Rect = <x1,y1,x2,y2>
Example: Visual_Diff_Rect = 65,61,966,665
Color String Values
The following color-string values were not documented in the SourceSafe 3.0
Concepts and Configuration Manual:
Light Blue
Light Green
Light Cyan
Light Red
Light Magenta
Light Yellow
Additional query words: ss3 vbwin 3.10
Keywords : kbsetup
Technology : kbHWMAC kbOSMAC kbSSafeSearch kbAudDeveloper kbZNotKeyword2 kbZNotKeyword3 kbSSafe304 kbSSafe304DOS kbSSafe310 kbSSafe310DOS kbSSafe304Mac kbSSafe310Mac kbSSafe304UNIX kbSSafe310UNIX kbSSafe304NT kbSSafe310NT
Version : 3.04 3.10 | 3.04 3.10 | 3.04 3.1