Article: Q135307
Product(s): Microsoft FoxPro
Version(s): 3.00
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 09-AUG-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 3.0
This article is a guide to the Visual FoxPro documentation. It lists the printed
and online documentation that comes with the Standard (STD) and Professional
(PRO) versions of Visual FoxPro, and it also provides a reference to common
Documentation Summary
Documentation STD PRO Description
Installation Guide X X Contains instructions on installing,
Master Index configuring, and optimizing Visual FoxPro,
and a master index that covers all the
User's Guide X X Provides instruction on how to use the
product interactively (no programming
necessary). Each chapter focuses on a
different aspect of the product (tables,
queries, reports, forms, and so on).
Developer's Guide X X Covers all aspects of creating an
application in Visual FoxPro. Covers basic
programming tasks, and includes material to
help the move from interactive use to
programming, and from procedural
programming to the new object-oriented
programming model.
Quick Reference X X Gives a brief description of all the Visual
FoxPro 3.0 commands, system memory
variables, and properties, events, and
Professional X Covers client-server solutions, creating
Features Guide help files, distributing applications, and
accessing the Visual FoxPro API.
Language Reference X Has been updated with all the new
commands, functions, properties, events,
and methods. Many functions that we
support for backwards compatibility only
are now found in the Help file. Also,
lengthy language program examples now
appear only in the Help file.
Windows-Style Help X X Standard Edition Help includes all
interface, language, how-to topics, and
error messages, and lists commands
and functions by category. Professional
Edition Help includes additional Help
topics for Client-Server applications,
creating Help files, application
distribution, API library construction, OLE
controls, and Professional Edition tools,
samples, and wizards.
.DBF-Style Help X Includes all interface and language
reference topics and most other topics
available in Windows-style help, except
"how to" topics.
Win32API Help File X Professional Edition CD-ROM version only.
Autodemo X Professional Edition VFP3.0b CD-ROM version
Sample Files, Tools, and Learning Aids
File STD PRO Description
CONTROLS.APP X X Allows you to look at examples of object-
oriented code and then run them to see how
the resulting objects work. Shows examples
of new controls available, such as timers,
grids, tabbed dialogs, and so on, and it
demonstrates how to use familiar objects in
the new OOP methodology.
TASTRADE.APP X X A realistic integrated business
application. The Behind the Scenes option
(accessible from the menu or toolbar) lets
you see the code and find out how a
particular feature was implemented, while
the Case Study provides a summary of the
design and implementation methodology used.
Sample Client-Server X Provides an example of an application
updating remote data through a grid on a
form, refreshing remote data on demand, and
handlng errors. Run Main.prg in the
\Samples\Csapp subdirectory to connect to
the SQL Server sample database "Pubs" by
selecting from a list of ODBC data sources
installed on your system, and use a simple
library application.
Professional Edition X Includes the BUILDAPP program, the Class
Tools and Samples Browser, the Image Editor, and an OLE
Controls sample.
Documentation Set Topic Guide
Moving from FoxPro 2.x or Other Products:
For information about Refer to
What's new in 3.0? Search for "Overview of Visual FoxPro
Features" in the Help menu.
Differences between Search for "Differences Between FoxPro 2.6
2.6 and 3.0 and Visual FoxPro" in the Help menu.
Converting 2.x applications Search for "Converting from FoxPro 2.6" in
to Visual FoxPro the Help menu.
Upgrading to Visual FoxPro Search for "Switching from dBASE" in
from dBASE the Help menu.
Basics of objects & classes Developer's Guide:
Chapter 3 - Object-Oriented Programming.
Chapter 9 - Creating Forms.
Chapter 10 - Designing Classes.
Chapter 11 - Using Controls.
Object-oriented code samples Run from the Samples directory.
Importing files from other Search for "Importing Data" in the Help menu.
Professional Features
For information about Refer to
Client-server and upsizing CSAPP - run Main.prg in the Csapp directory
applications Part 1 of Professional Features Guide
(Chapters 1 through 4).
Distributing an application Professional Features Guide, Chapters
9 and 10.
Creating libraries, and Professional Features Guide, Chapters 11
using the Visual FoxPro API and 12.
Creating a Help system Professional Features Guide, Chapter 5
through Chapter 8.
Product Tools and Features
For information about Refer to
Basic interactive use of the User's Guide, Chapter 2, "Up and
product Running."
Queries and Query Designer User's Guide, Chapter 6.
Views and View Designer User's Guide, Chapter 7; Developer's Guide,
Chapter 8.
Reports and Labels User's Guide, Chapter 9.
Forms User's Guide, Chapter 10; Developer's Guide,
Chapter 9.
Menus Developer's Guide, Chapter 12.
General Topics
For information about Refer to
Database Design Developer's Guide, Chapter 6.
Tables and Table structure Developer's Guide, Chapter 7.
Designing Classes Developer's Guide, Chapter 10.
Using Controls Developer's Guide, Chapter 11.
Optimizing Performance Developer's Guide, Chapter 17.
OLE and OLE Automation Developer's Guide, Chapter 18.
Multiuser Applications Developer's Guide, Chapter 19.
International issues Developer's Guide, Chapter 20.
System Capacities Search for "system capacities" in Help.
File Structures Search for "file structures" in Help.
Additional query words: VFoxWin
Keywords :
Technology : kbVFPsearch kbAudDeveloper kbVFP300
Version : 3.00