Q136690: Firing Sequence of Visual FoxPro Events

Article: Q136690
Product(s): Microsoft FoxPro
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 20-AUG-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 3.0 


This article shows the general firing sequence of Visual FoxPro events. For more
information, please search for the "Visual FoxPro Event Sequence" topic in the
Visual FoxPro Help file.

There can be an infinite number of potential user interaction scenarios that will
generate specific event sequences. An easy way to observe the order is to
include the following lines of code in the events you are interested in:

     ? PROGRAM()


For a description of event sequences in a simple user interaction scenario,
please see Chapter 4 of the Visual FoxPro "Developer's Guide." For a detailed
look at Visual FoxPro event sequences, run Controls.app from the
Vfp\Samples\Controls directory, select "See Event Firing Sequences" in the
Examples list, and choose Run Example.

The data environment's AutoOpenTables property is assumed to be set to true
(.T.). Other events can occur based on user interaction and system response.

Object                            Events

Data environment                  BeforeOpenTables
Form set                          Load
Form                              Load
Data environment cursor(s)        Init
Data environment                  Init
Objects  (1)                      Init
Form set                          Activate
Form                              Activate
Object1  (2)                      When
Form                              GotFocus
Object1                           GotFocus
Object1                           Message
Object1                           Valid  (3)
Object1                           LostFocus
Object2  (4)                      When
Object2                           GotFocus
Object2                           Message
Object2                           Valid  (3)
Object2                           LostFocus
Form                              QueryUnload
Object  (5)                       Destroy
Form                              Unload
Form set                          Unload
Data environment                  AfterCloseTables
Data environment                  Destroy
Data environment cursor(s)        Destroy

(1) For each object, from innermost object to outermost container
(2) First object in the tab order
(3) As the object loses focus
(4) Next object to get focus
(5) For each object, from outermost container to innermost object

Additional query words: VFoxWin

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbVFPsearch kbAudDeveloper kbVFP300
