Article: Q138725
Product(s): Microsoft Schedule+ for Windows
Version(s): WINDOWS:1.0,1.0a
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 16-SEP-1999
1.00 1.00a
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Schedule+ for Windows, versions 1.0, 1.0a
Schedule distribution is an automated process that exchanges free and busy times
between postoffices. You can send snapshots of a user's appointment books to
another postoffice. These snapshots are stored in access control lists with an
extension of POF.
The access control lists (POF files) contain the following information:
- Free/busy times (stored as bits) for each user on the postoffice.
- Flags specifying which accounts on the postoffice are resources.
- A list of the assistants for those users on the postoffice who have
- Access rights information.
Access control lists are stored in the \CAL subdirectory on the postoffice. Each
postoffice participating in Schedule+ distribution has its own POF file that is
always 00000000.POF. A POF file is created by the Schedule+ distribution program
(SCHDIST.EXE) for each external postoffices that SCHDIST.EXE is configure to
cover. The POF files for external postoffices are stored with an 8 digit ID,
such as 00000001.POF or 00000002.POF.
The Schedule+ distribution program sends updated POF information inside of an
electronic mail message using the established Schedule+ administrator accounts
(ADMINSCH) on each postoffice. The information is sent only if a change occurs.
For example, if there are 150 users on a postoffice but only 10 users have
modified their schedule since the last schedule distribution message was sent,
only 10 new sets of free/busy bits are sent in the next schedule distribution
The schedule distribution information is kept in the CAL directory of the
receiving postoffice. On every postoffice, there is one postoffice file
(<hexid>.POF) for each postoffice that sends it schedule distribution
messages. Schedule distribution is configured through the Schedule+
administration program. The actual work of distributing schedule information is
done when the schedule distribution program, SCHEDIST.EXE, is run.
For step by step instructions for setting up Schedule+ distribution, see the
Schedule+ "Administrator's Guide," or please see the following articles in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q98977 Setting up Dynamic Connections
Q104249 Setting Up Schedule Distribution
With schedule distribution, you can view free and busy information for users on
another postoffice without having network access or access privileges to the
other postoffice. Once you have viewed the free and busy time of users on other
postoffices, they can send a meeting request, although it is possible to send a
meeting request without first viewing free and busy times.
Schedule distribution allows Schedule+ to quickly find out if users on other
postoffices have assistants or are resources. Schedule+ needs to know this
information to decide where to send meeting requests. Schedule distribution uses
the Microsoft Mail system to route information across different local area
networks (LANs).
NOTE: Schedule distribution can cause an increase of consistent network traffic.
This process does not allow users on one postoffice to see anything more than
free and busy time of users on another postoffices. Schedule distribution alone
cannot enable a user on one postoffice to view appointment details, modify
appointment books, or act as an assistant for a user on another postoffice.
Additionally, schedule distribution alone does not let users on one postoffice
automatically book resources on another postoffice. The process of schedule
distribution requires the schedule distribution program, SCHDIST.EXE, to be run,
either manually or continuously, on a dedicated machine or with other processes
using the DISPATCH.EXE program. In addition, SCHDIST.EXE can be run as an idle
process to dispatch and can run on the same machine, at the same time as the
External Mail program (EXTERNAL.EXE).
For additional information, please see the Microsoft Mail Resource Kit, Chapter 4
"Configuration Planning," pages 129-138. The Microsoft Mail Resource Kit is part
number 068-095-475.
Additional query words: 3.50 Mail Resource Kit POF Access Control List
Keywords :
Technology : kbScheduleSearch kbSchedule100 kbSchedule100a
Version : WINDOWS:1.0,1.0a