Article: Q140295
Product(s): Microsoft FoxPro
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbcode
Last Modified: 10-FEB-2000
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 3.0
You can replace the value in a grid cell with the value contained in the grid
cell that lies above it. This article shows by example how to create a command
button on a form that can perform this operation.
Step-by-Step Example
1. Create a new form, and add a table to the data environment.
2. Drag the table from the data environment onto the form to create a new grid.
3. Place a command button on the form, and add the following code to its click
ThisForm.LockScreen = .T.
IF ThisForm.Grid1.RelativeRow = 1
=MESSAGEBOX("You cannot do this replacement from the top "+;
"of the Grid.",16,"")
*: If the active grid cell is in the top row of the grid, this
*: will display a message to the user.
RepField = FIELD(ThisForm.Grid1.ActiveColumn)
ColumnNumber = "Column"+ALLTRIM(STR(ThisForm.Grid1.ActiveColumn))
RepValue = ThisForm.Grid1.&ColumnNumber..Text1.Value
yesno = MESSAGEBOX("Are you certain that you wish to replace "+;
CHR(13)+"Field "+UPPER(repField)+" current value?",36,"")
IF yesno = 6
REPLACE &RepField WITH RepValue
WAIT WINDOW "Replacement Canceled" NOWAIT
ThisForm.LockScreen = .F.
4. Close, Save, and use the DO command to run the form. Place the insertion
point in any cell of the grid, and click the command button. If the pointer
has been placed in a cell that is in the top row of the grid, you should
observe the "You cannot do this replacement from the top of the grid"
message. Otherwise, you should see the "Are you certain..." message. If you
click Yes, the replacement should occur. If you click No, a wait window
indicating "Replacement Canceled" should appear.
Additional query words: VFoxWin
Keywords : kbcode
Technology : kbVFPsearch kbAudDeveloper kbVFP300
Version : WINDOWS:3.0