Q141433: File Names and File Sizes of Online Product Updates

Article: Q141433
Product(s): Microsoft Home Multimedia Titles
Version(s): 1996 edition,1997 edition
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 14-DEC-2000

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Bookshelf 1996-97 for Windows 
- Microsoft Cinemania for Windows versions 1996 edition, 1997 edition 
- Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia for Macintosh 
- Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia for Windows 
- Microsoft Encarta 96 Encyclopedia for Windows 
- Microsoft Encarta 97 Encyclopedia for Windows 
- Microsoft Music Central for Windows, 1996, 1997 edition 


You can update the information in the Microsoft programs listed earlier in this
article by downloading update files from the Internet. After you retrieve these
files, they are integrated with the corresponding program on your computer. In
this way, you can upgrade each program with the latest information.

This article describes the names and sizes of the downloadable update files for
each of the Microsoft programs listed earlier in this article.


To check the size of a file on your computer, right-click the file in Windows
Explorer, and then click Properties.

Bookshelf '96 -'97 US English Edition

| File name                  | File size     | 
| BS96ingn.z96 (April 96)    | 71,123 bytes  | 
| BS96ingn.z96 (May 96)      | 76,412 bytes  | 
| BS96ingn.z96 (June 96)     | 135,931 bytes | 
| BS96ingn.z96 (July 96)     | 164,368 bytes | 
| BS96ingn.z96 (August 96)   | 179,521 bytes | 
| BS96ingn.z96 (October 96)  | 195,835 bytes | 
| BS96ingn.z96 (November 96) | 198,105 bytes | 
| BS96ingn.z96 (December 96) | 211,712 bytes | 
| BS96ingn.z96 (January 97)  | 232,081 bytes | 
| BS96ingn.z96 (February 97) | 237,311 bytes | 
| BS96ingn.z96 (March 97)    | 248,845 bytes | 
| BS96ingn.z96 (April 97)    | 258,190 bytes | 
| BS96ingn.z96 (May 97)      | 283,972 bytes | 
| BS96ingn.z96 (June 97)     | n/a           | 
| BS96ingn.z96 (July 97)     | 297,878 bytes | 
| BS96ingn.z96 (August 97)   | 303,406 bytes | 

NOTE: The August 1997 installment is the last update available for Bookshelf
1996-97 owners.

Cinemania 97

| File name | File size     | 
| Jul96.c7u | 400,550 bytes | 
| Aug96.c7u | 625,830 bytes | 
| Sep96.c7u | 398,502 bytes | 
| Oct96.c7u | 423,078 bytes | 
| Nov96.c7u | 597,502 bytes | 
| Dec96.c7u | 572,582 bytes | 
| Jan97.c7u | 562,342 bytes | 
| Feb97.c7u | 599,206 bytes | 
| Mar97.c7u | 517,286 bytes | 
| Apr97.c7u | 531,622 bytes | 
| Jun97.c7u | 464,038 bytes | 
| Jul97.c7u | 476,326 bytes | 
| Aug97.c7u | 386,214 bytes | 

NOTE: The August 1997 installment was the final update for Cinemania 97 owners.
As of December 31, 1998, the Cinemania 97 update files are no longer available.

Cinemania 96

| File name         | File size     | 
| Nov95.cin96upd*   | 700,436 bytes | 
| Dec95.cin96upd*   | 327,700 bytes | 
| Jan96.cin96upd*   | 440,340 bytes | 
| Feb96.cin96upd*   | 389,140 bytes | 
| Mar96.cin96upd*   | 335,892 bytes | 
| Apr96.cin96upd*   | 329,751 bytes | 
| May96.cin96upd*   | 393,239 bytes | 
| WinJun96.cin96upd | 315,415 bytes | 
| WinJul96.cin96upd | 372,759 bytes | 
| WinAug96.cin96upd | 417,816 bytes | 

* These files are also available with a "Win" prefix. For example,

NOTE: The August 96 installment was the final update for Cinemania 96 owners. As
of December 31, 1998, the Cinemania update files are no longer available.

Encarta Encyclopedia 98 Deluxe Edition (US English, Windows or Macintosh)

NOTE: These files integrate only with the Encarta Deluxe edition.

| File name    | File size       | Note             | 
| E8Aug97A.EYB | 695,910 bytes   |                  | 
|              | 695,498 bytes   | Original version | 
| E8Sep97A.EYB | 1,031,216 bytes |                  | 
| E8Oct97A.EYB | 950,722 bytes   |                  | 
| E8Nov97A.EYB | 860,927 bytes   |                  | 
| E8Dec97A.EYB | 881,064 bytes   |                  | 
| E8Jan98A.EYB | 851,423 bytes   |                  | 
| E8Feb98A.EYB | 786,848 bytes   |                  | 
| E8Mar98A.EYB | 938,482 bytes   |                  | 
| E8Apr98A.EYB | 1,111,748 bytes |                  | 
| E8May98A.EYB | 1,051,645 bytes |                  | 
| E8Jun98A.EYB | 905,595 bytes   |                  | 
| E8Jul98A.EYB | 859,654 bytes   |                  | 
| E8Sep98A.EYB | 721,347 bytes   |                  | 
| E8Oct98A.EYB | 948,323 bytes   |                  | 
| E8Nov98A.EYB | 869,452 bytes   |                  | 

Encarta Encyclopedia 98 Standard Edition (US English, Windows or Macintosh)

NOTE: These files integrate with the Encarta Standard edition only if the
optional subscription is purchased.

| File name    | File size       | 
| E8Aug97A.EYB | 695,896 bytes   | 
| E8Sep97A.EYB | 1,031,454 bytes | 
| E8Oct97A.EYB | 950,769 bytes   | 
| E8Nov97A.EYB | 860,797 bytes   | 
| E8Dec97A.EYB | 881,033 bytes   | 
| E8Jan98A.EYB | 851,221 bytes   | 
| E8Feb98A.EYB | 786,708 bytes   | 
| E8Mar98A.EYB | 938,491 bytes   | 
| E8Apr98A.EYB | 1,111,673 bytes | 
| E8May98A.EYB | 1,051,645 bytes | 
| E8Jun98A.EYB | 905,137 bytes   | 
| E8Jul98A.EYB | 859,687 bytes   | 
| E8Sep98A.EYB | 721,506 bytes   | 
| E8Oct98A.EYB | 948,341 bytes   | 
| E8Nov98A.EYB | 868,884 bytes   | 

Encarta Encyclopedia 97 (US English, Windows or Macintosh)

NOTE: These files integrate with the Encarta Deluxe edition. Encarta Standard
edition will integrate these files only if the optional subscription is

| File name    | File size       | 
| E7Aug96A.EYB | 649,790 bytes   | 
| E7Sep96A.EYB | 699,019 bytes   | 
| E7Oct96A.EYB | 834,241 bytes   | 
| E7Nov96A.EYB | 1,087,089 bytes | 
| E7Dec96A.EYB | 877,012 bytes   | 
| E7Jan97A.EYB | 784,931 bytes   | 
| E7Feb97A.EYB | 948,702 bytes   | 
| E7Mar97A.EYB | 869,027 bytes   | 
| E7Apr97A.EYB | 877,842 bytes   | 
| E7May97A.EYB | 966,676 bytes   | 
| E7Jun97A.EYB | 814,061 bytes   | 
| E7Jul97A.EYB | 1,047,446 bytes | 
| E7AUG97A.EYB | 834,013 bytes   | 
| E7SEP97A.EYB | 1,094,249 bytes | 
| E7OCT97A.EYB | 1,013,280 bytes | 
| E7NOV97A.EYB | 918,716 bytes   | 
| E7DEC97A.EYB | 940,527 bytes   | 

Encarta Encyclopedia 96

| File name  | File size       | 
| Sep95a.eyb | 707,394 bytes   | 
| Oct95a.eyb | 646,240 bytes   | 
| Nov95a.eyb | 644,669 bytes   | 
| Dec95a.eyb | 554,173 bytes   | 
| Jan96a.eyb | 741,899 bytes   | 
| Feb96a.eyb | 534,289 bytes   | 
| Mar96a.eyb | 666,536 bytes   | 
| Apr96a.eyb | 667,886 bytes   | 
| May96a.eyb | 653,660 bytes   | 
| Jun96a.eyb | 814,417 bytes   | 
| Jul96a.eyb | 652,374 bytes   | 
| Aug96a.eyb | 798,878 bytes   | 
| Sep96a.eyb | 744,399 bytes   | 
| Nov96a.eyb | 871,602 bytes   | 
| Dec96a.eyb | 1,194,947 bytes | 

NOTE: The December 1996 installment is the last update available for Encarta 96
Encyclopedia owners

Music Central 97

| File name | File size       | 
| Jul96.M7U | 687,245 bytes   | 
| Aug96.M7U | 742,541 bytes   | 
| Sep96.M7U | 714,846 bytes   | 
| Oct96.M7U | 1,058,910 bytes | 
| Nov96.M7U | 1,039,051 bytes | 
| Dec96.M7U | 965,773 bytes   | 
| Jan97.M7U | 976,990 bytes   | 
| Feb97.M7U | 929,886 bytes   | 
| Mar97.M7U | 1,026,142 bytes | 
| Apr97.M7U | 1,114,206 bytes | 
| May97.M7U | 981,086 bytes   | 
| Jun97.M7U | 878,686 bytes   | 
| Jul97.M7U | 1,103,966 bytes | 
| Aug97.M7U | 884,830 bytes   | 

NOTE: The August 1997 installment was the final update for Music Central 97
owners. As of December 31, 1998, the Music Central 97 update files are no longer

Music Central 96

| File name         | File size       | 
| Oct95.msc96upd*   | 1,106,598 bytes | 
| Nov95.msc96upd    | 1,173,205 bytes | 
| Dec95.msc96upd    | 770,726 bytes   | 
| Jan96.msc96upd    | 392,917 bytes   | 
| Feb96.msc96upd    | 813,734 bytes   | 
| Mar96.msc96upd    | 1,487,526 bytes | 
| Apr96.msc96upd    | 721,574 bytes   | 
| May96.msc96upd    | 764,582 bytes   | 
| Jun96.msc96upd    | 1,094,310 bytes | 
| Jul96.msc96upd    | 1,129,126 bytes | 
| WinAug96.msc96upd | 1,020,582 bytes | 

* These files are also available with a "Win" prefix. For example,

NOTE: The August 96 installment was the final update for Music Central 96 owners.
As of December 31, 1998, the Music Central 96 update files are no longer

The file size (K) listed above is the size specified when you download the file.
However, Windows Explorer may report slightly different sizes depending on the
View options settings. To check the actual size in Windows Explorer, do the

1. Click the file to select it.

2. On the File menu, click Properties. The exact number of bytes is listed on
  the Property tab.

Additional query words: 1996 multi media multimedia multi-media mmtitles kbmm internet

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbHWMAC kbOSMAC kbHomeProdSearch kbHomeMMsearch kbEncartaSearch kbBookshelfSearch kbEncartaEncycSearch kbCineManiaSearch kbBookShelf1996 kbBookShelf1997 kbCinemania1996 kbCinemania1997 kbMusicCentral kbEncartaEnCyc1996 kbEncartaEnCyc1997 kbEncartaEnCyc1998Mac kbEncartaEnCyc1998 kbMusicCentral1996 kbMusicCentral1997
Version           : :1996 edition,1997 edition
Issue type        : kbinfo
