Q141626: ADT/ODE: Invalid Page Fault in Module ACMSETUP.EXE

Article: Q141626
Product(s): Microsoft Access Distribution Kit
Version(s): 7.0 97
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kberrmsg
Last Modified: 05-JUL-2002

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Access Developer's Toolkit, version 7.0 
- Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition 

Moderate: Requires basic macro, coding, and interoperability skills.


When you create disk images for your application using the Setup Wizard, and you
include a shortcut for a Compact or a Repair And Compact of your database and a
shortcut for a Readme or Help file, you may receive an Invalid Page Fault in
module Acmsetup.exe because of a Compact command- line switch that is appended
to your Readme/Help file command line.


The command line that causes the page fault will be in the following format:

  $(FilePath)\readme.txt /compact


  $(FilePath) \Help.hlp /compact


To work around this behavior, do one of the following:

In Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition Tools:

On the Add Shortcuts Page, click the General Shortcut Properties tab, click "I
would like to specify my own custom command line," and then type
"$(FilePath)\Readme.txt" (without the quotation marks) or "$(FilePath)\Help.hlp"
(without the quotation marks), depending on the file type, in the Command Line
box for both your Readme and your Help file.

In Microsoft Access Developer's Toolkit version 7.0:

Select "$"Specify My Own Custom Command Line" from the Command-Line Style section
for both your Readme and your Help file. In the command line, type
"$(FilePath)\Readme.txt" (without the quotation marks) or "$(FilePath)\Help.hlp"
(without the quotation marks), depending on the file type.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

1. On the ShortCuts screen of the Setup Wizard, click the Add button.

2. On the Database Shortcut Properties tab ( or in the Properties dialog box in
  the ADT version 7.0), select your database in the File To Open box.

3. Type "My Application Compact" (without the quotation marks) in the
  Description box.

4. Click Compact or Repair And Compact on the Database Shortcut Properties tab
  (or in the Database Shortcut Action in the ADT version 7.0).

5. Click Add.

6. Add either a Help file or a Readme file.

7. Type a description for the file.

8. Leave the default of Use Wizard-Provided Command-Line.

  NOTE: In the ODE Setup Wizard, you must click the General Shortcut Properties
  tab to see the default for the Command line.

9. From the list of Shortcuts, select your application's shortcut.

10. Click the Help or Readme shortcut. Note that the command line of the Help or
  Readme file has changed to $(FilePath)\readme.txt /compact or $(FilePath)
  \Help.hlp /compact.

11. Complete the Setup Wizard, and run setup for your custom application. Note
  that you receive an invalid page fault error.


For more information about creating shortcuts, search the ODE or ADT Help Index
for "shortcuts," and then "compacting and repairing data in run-time

Additional query words: acmsetup exe

Keywords          : kberrmsg 
Technology        : kbOfficeSearch kbAudDeveloper kbAccessSearch kbOffice97Search kbOffice97 kbZNotKeyword3 kbAccessDevTK700 kbOffice97DevSearch
Version           : 7.0 97
Hardware          : x86
Issue type        : kbprb
