Article: Q142348
Product(s): Microsoft Schedule+ for Windows
Version(s): WINDOWS:7.0; Win95:7.0
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 21-MAY-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Schedule+ for Windows, version 7.0
When you create recurring appointments with Microsoft Schedule+ version 7.0, the
scheduled appointments include the date specified in the Until Date box.
This is by product design.
The following date boxes are under Duration in the When tab of the Appointment
Series dialog box:
Effective: day mm/dd/yy
Until: day mm/dd/yy
The Until date will always be included in daily recurring appointments. For
example, when you create a daily recurring appointment from 1/15/96 until
1/30/96, appointments will be made every day from Monday 1/15/96 through and
including Tuesday 1/30/96.
For weekly, monthly, and yearly appointments, the Until date will be scheduled
with an appointment when it falls on the same day of the week as the Duration's
Effective date. For example, when you create a weekly recurring appointment from
1/15/96 until 4/15/96, appointments will be made for all Mondays from 1/15/96
through and including Monday 4/15/96. However, for weekly recurring appointments
from 1/15/96 until 5/15/96, appointments will be scheduled for all Mondays from
1/15/96 through Monday 5/13/96. The date 5/15/96 is excluded because it falls on
a Wednesday.
Additional query words: 7.00 schedule plus scheduleplus
Keywords :
Technology : kbOfficeSearch kbSQLServ700 kbScheduleSearch kbOffice95Search kbZNotKeyword3
Version : WINDOWS:7.0; Win95:7.0