Q143032: PRB: RDO: Hstmt Error with Asynchronous SQL Server Queries

Article: Q143032
Product(s): Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbGrpDSVBDB
Last Modified: 11-JAN-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows, version 6.0 
- Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows, version 6.0 
- Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows, version 6.0 
- Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows, version 4.0 


Trying to simultaneously execute a second query on the same rdoConnection that
currently has an asynchronous query executing will cause the following error:

  S1000: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Connection is busy with
  results for another hstmt


After you execute an asynchronous query you cannot access the recordset or
execute another asynchronous query on the same rdoConnection until the
StillExecuting property of the recordset is False. This behavior is by design.


You need to allow for the asynchronous query to finish before executing another
query on the same rdoConnection or accessing the recordset object.

You can check to see if the query is finished by checking the StillExecuting
property of the recordset. This can also be resolved by opening a separate
rdoConnection for each query you want to execute simultaneously.


Steps to Reproduce Problem in Visual Basic Version 4.0:

This example uses a "DSN-less" ODBC connection so you will not need to set up a
DSN with the ODBC Admin utility.

1. Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.

2. Add two command buttons to Form1.

3. Paste the following code into the General Declarations section of form1.

     Private Sub Command1_Click()
       'The following code will cause the error:
       Dim en As rdoEnvironment
       Dim cn As rdoConnection
       Dim rs1 As rdoResultset
       Dim rs2 As rdoResultset
       Dim sql1 As String
       Dim sql2 As String

       'establish connection
       Set en = rdoEngine.rdoEnvironments(0)
       en.CursorDriver = rdUseOdbc
       'this should be modified to connect to your database
       Dim cnStr As String
       cnStr = "driver={SQL Server};server=myserver;" & _
       Set cn = en.OpenConnection(dsname:="", Prompt:=rdDriverNoPrompt, _

       'create SQL statements that take at least a few seconds to finish
       sql1 = "Select title From Titles"
       Set rs1 = cn.OpenResultset(Name:=sql1, Type:=rdOpenStatic, _

       sql2 = "Select au_id From Authors"
       ' The next line will cause the error:
       ' "Connection is busy with results for another hstmt"
       Set rs2 = cn.OpenResultset(Name:=sql2, Type:=rdOpenStatic, _

       While rs1.StillExecuting Or rs2.StillExecuting
       MsgBox "rs1 and rs1 have both completed"
     End Sub

     Private Sub Command2_Click()
       'The following code will not cause the error:
       Dim en As rdoEnvironment
       Dim cn1 As rdoConnection
       Dim cn2 As rdoConnection  'a second connection has been added
       Dim rs1 As rdoResultset
       Dim rs2 As rdoResultset
       Dim sql1 As String
       Dim sql2 As String

       'establish connection
       Set en = rdoEngine.rdoEnvironments(0)
       en.CursorDriver = rdUseOdbc
       'this should be modified to connect to your database
       Dim cnStr As String
       cnStr = "driver={SQL Server};server=myserver;" & _
       Set cn1 = en.OpenConnection(dsname:="", Prompt:=rdDriverNoPrompt, _
       Set cn2 = en.OpenConnection(dsname:="", Prompt:=rdDriverNoPrompt, _

       'create SQL statements that take at least a few seconds to finish
       sql1 = "Select title From Titles"
       Set rs1 = cn1.OpenResultset(Name:=sql1, Type:=rdOpenStatic, _

       sql2 = "Select au_id From Authors"
       Set rs2 = cn2.OpenResultset(Name:=sql2, Type:=rdOpenStatic, _

       While rs1.StillExecuting Or rs2.StillExecuting
       MsgBox "rs1 and rs1 have both completed"
     End Sub

4. Note that you will need to change your DRIVER, SERVER, DATABASE, UID, and PWD
  in the OpenConnection method. You will also need to modify the SQL statement
  contained in the Command1_Click event to match your own SQL data source.

5. Clicking on Command1 will cause the error: "Connection is busy with results
  for another hstmt." This is because you are trying to simultaneously execute
  a second query on the same rdoConnection. Clicking on Command2 will
  successfully execute each query simultaneously because they are each on a
  separate rdoConnection.


Hitchhiker's Guide to Visual Basic and SQL Server, Microsoft Press. ISBN:

Additional query words: kbVBp400 kbVBp600 kbdse kbDSupport kbVBp kbControl

Keywords          : kbGrpDSVBDB 
Technology        : kbVBSearch kbAudDeveloper kbZNotKeyword6 kbZNotKeyword2 kbVB600Search kbVBA600 kbVB600 kbVB400Search kbVB400
Issue type        : kbprb
