Article: Q148724
Product(s): Microsoft FoxPro
Version(s): 3.00 3.00b
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbcode
Last Modified: 12-AUG-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 3.0b, 6.0
When using multiple page pageframes, you may find it useful to populate a list
box on a following page with the values selected from a multiple- select list
box on a previous page.
This article demonstrates how to fill the first multiple-select list box from an
array created by an SQL SELECT statement and then take the user's selections
from this list box to fill the second list box on another page of the
The form has a command button that resets the multiple-select list so that the
user can start making selections on a clean unselected list. Initially, this
button is disabled; it becomes enabled when at least one selection is made in
the multiple-select list box. When the user clicks the button to reset the list,
the command button again becomes disabled.
The form also checks whether a selection was made on the first list. If no items
are chosen in the first list, the display value of the second list shows "No
Selection Made" in the list. This feature is optional.
NOTE: To select multiple items from a multiple-select list, hold down the CTRL
key while clicking with the mouse. To select a contiguous range of items, click
first item in the range, and then hold down the SHIFT key as you click the last
Step-by-Step Example
1. Create a new form.
2. In the form designer, choose New Property from the Form menu. Enter the
following array in the name box. Then click OK:
Again choose New Property from the Form menu. Enter the variable that will be
used to count the selected items in the name box. Then click OK:
3. Right-click the form, and select Data Environment. Then right-click the Data
Environment window, and click Add. Click the Other button, and add the
Employee table from the \VFP\Samples\Data directory.
4. Add a page frame to the form by selecting the PageFrame control from the Form
Controls toolbar and clicking the form. Resize the page frame if needed.
5. Right-click the page frame, and select Edit. A hatched border is drawn around
the page frame.
6. Right-click Page1 and select Properties. Select the All tab from the
Properties sheet, and add the following code to the listed events for Page1
of the page frame:
Activate event:
Thisform.nCount=0 && Reset nCount when page is selected
Thisform.aSelected=" " && Reinitialize array to empty string
DIMENSION Thisform.aSelected(1) && Redimension array to one element
FOR i=1 TO This.List1.ListCount && Loop through number items in List
IF This.List1.Selected=.T. && If an item is selected in List,
This.List1.Selected=.F. && the Selected property is .T.
This.List1.ListIndex=0 && Reset the index number of List box
This.Refresh && Force List and Form to refresh
Deactivate event:
LOCAL narraycnt
FOR i=1 TO This.List1.ListCount && Loop through Selected array, if
IF This.List1.Selected(i)=.T. && true, increment nCount variable.
IF Thisform.nCount=0 && No selection made, set nCount=1
Thisform.aSelected(Thisform.nCount)="No Selection Made!"
DIMENSION Thisform.aSelected(Thisform.nCount) && Dimension array
FOR i=1 TO This.List1.Listcount && Loop through items in List,
IF This.List1.Selected(i)=.T. && if Selected-look at List property
7. With the pageframe still in edit mode, add a list box to Page1 of the page
frame by selecting the ListBox control from the Form Controls toolbar and
clicking Page1.
8. Right-click the list box and select Properties, or click the Properties
window if it is already available. Select the All tab from the Properties
sheet, and modify the following properties and events:
RowSource - Enter the following on one, single line:
SELECT DISTINCT Employee.Title from Testdata!Employee ORDER BY
Employee.Title INTO CURSOR mlist WHERE NOT EMPTY(Employee.Title)
RowSourceType: 3 - SQL Statement
MultiSelect: .T.
Click Event:
This.Parent.Command1.Enabled=.T. && Enable 'RESET' button
9. Add a command button to page 1 while the page frame is in edit mode.
Configure the command button with the following properties and events:
Caption: Reset List
Click Event:
This.Parent.List1.ListIndex=0 && Reset ListIndex property
This.Parent.Refresh && Refresh List and Page
This.Enabled=.F. && Disable 'RESET' button
This.Parent.List1.Setfocus && Put focus on list
10. With the page frame in edit mode, click the Page2 tab on the page frame. Add
the following events to Page2 of the pageframe:
Activate event:
This.List1.Requery && Issue Requery to display/refresh
11. Add a list box to Page2 with the following properties:
RowSource: Thisform.aSelected
RowSourceType: 5 - Array
Additional query words: VFoxWin listbox multiselect listcount selected list
Keywords : kbcode
Technology : kbVFPsearch kbAudDeveloper kbVFP300 kbVFP300b kbVFP600
Version : 3.00 3.00b