Article: Q148911
Product(s): Microsoft Home Multimedia Titles
Version(s): 1996 edition
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbfaq
Last Modified: 18-DEC-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Cinemania for Windows 1996 edition
- Microsoft Music Central for Windows 1996 edition
NOTE: The following article assumes C is the letter of the hard drive where you
installed Windows.
When you start Cinemania 96 or Music Central 96, after the program's contents
screen appears you receive a message similar to the following:
Locate CD Image:
Cinemania could not find the files it needs to run properly.
Please indicate the location of the Cinemania CD in the edit field below, or
run the Cinemania application directly from the CD.
If you enter the path to the CD-ROM drive, the program does not start. If you
attempt to run the program directly from the compact disc, you receive the same
error message.
The problem occurs if a corrupted or partially downloaded Cinemania or Music
Central update file (*.cin96upd or *.msc96upd) is located in your C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Multimedia\Cinemania or C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Multimedia\Music Central folder.
Removing and reinstalling Cinemania or Music Central does not resolve the
problem because Setup does not remove this folder.
To resolve this problem you need to isolate the corrupted update file(s) and
remove it from your system. To accomplish this task, do the following:
1. In the Windows Explorer, locate the C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Multimedia\Cinemania or the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Multimedia\ Music
Central folder. Drag this file to the Windows 95 Desktop by using a Drag and
Drop method.
For more information about how to perform this task in Windows, see your
Windows printed documentation or online Help.
2. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon..
3. On the Install/Uninstall tab, click Microsoft Cinemania 96 or Music Central
96, and then click Remove. Make sure you have the Cinemania or Music Central
compact disc in the CD-ROM drive.
4. Reinstall Cinemania or Music Central 96. Setup creates a new, empty
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Multimedia\Cinemania or \Music Central folder. If
this folder does not exist, you will need to create it. After installation is
complete, the program starts without displaying an error message.
NOTE: No update files are integrated at this point
5. To determine which update file is corrupted, move the downloaded update files
one at a time from the folder on your Desktop to the new Cinemania or Music
Central folder located on your hard drive. Start Cinemania or Music Central
after moving each file.
6. If the error message appears again, move the last update file you put in the
Cinemania or Music Central folder to your Recycle Bin. If the error message
still occurs, you need to repeat steps 1-5.
7. Repeat step 5 until all your update files have been moved to the new
Cinemania or Music Central folder on the hard drive, and any corrupted files
are in the Recycle Bin.
8. Download the Cinemania or Music Central update file that was corrupted. To
help eliminate the possibility of data corruption during the download
process, download the self-extracting executable update file.
For additional information, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
Q142076 Cinemania/Music: Integration Fails with Corrupted Update Files
The Cinemania or Music Central update files may have become corrupted during the
download process.
Additional query words: 1996 multi media multimedia multi-media mmtitles kbmm
Keywords : kbfaq
Technology : kbHomeProdSearch kbHomeMMsearch kbCineManiaSearch kbCinemania1996 kbMusicCentral kbMusicCentral1996
Version : :1996 edition