Q150440: Windows 95 Service Pack 1 CD-ROM Directory Listing (4 of 5)

Article: Q150440
Product(s): Microsoft Windows 95.x Retail Product
Version(s): 95
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): win95
Last Modified: 17-DEC-2000

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows 95 


This article lists the directory contents of the Microsoft Windows 95 Service
Pack 1 CD-ROM.


Contents of the \Drivers\Modem Folder

UNIMODV        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a unimodv
WDLATT03       <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a wdlatt03
WDLBOCA1       <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a wdlboca1
WDLCARDV       <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a wdlcardv
WDLQDS         <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a wdlqds
WDLROCK        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a wdlrock
WDLSMPL1       <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a wdlsmpl1
WDLUSR1        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a wdlusr1
        0 file(s)              0 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Modem\Unimodv Folder

AWFXEX32 EXE        77,312  12-31-95  9:50a awfxex32.exe
FEMERMES WAV         4,536  12-31-95  9:50a femermes.wav
FEMOPERA WAV        11,364  12-31-95  9:50a femopera.wav
FILEXFER CNT           342  12-31-95  9:50a filexfer.cnt
FILEXFER EXE        48,128  12-31-95  9:50a filexfer.exe
FILEXFER HLP        14,007  12-31-95  9:50a filexfer.hlp
FTE      DLL        53,248  12-31-95  9:50a fte.dll
LICENSE  TXT         5,441  12-31-95  9:50a license.txt
MALERMES WAV         4,152  12-31-95  9:50a malermes.wav
MALOPERA WAV        11,416  12-31-95  9:50a malopera.wav
MDMCPQ   INF        43,113  12-31-95  9:50a mdmcpq.inf
MDMDSI   INF        46,061  12-31-95  9:50a mdmdsi.inf
MDMROCK  INF        60,635  12-31-95  9:50a mdmrock.inf
MDMROCK2 INF        56,933  12-31-95  9:50a mdmrock2.inf
MDMROCK3 INF        55,052  12-31-95  9:50a mdmrock3.inf
MDMROCK4 INF        28,539  12-31-95  9:50a mdmrock4.inf
MODEMUI  DLL        36,144  12-31-95  9:50a modemui.dll
MSHDC    INF        12,475  12-31-95  9:50a mshdc.inf
OPERATOR EXE        44,032  12-31-95  9:50a operator.exe
README   TXT         6,642  12-31-95  9:50a readme.txt
SERWAVE  INF         3,862  12-31-95  9:50a serwave.inf
SERWAVE  VXD        14,160  12-31-95  9:50a serwave.vxd
SERWVDRV DRV        11,904  12-31-95  9:50a serwvdrv.drv
TAMAUDIO DRV        12,336  12-31-95  9:50a tamaudio.drv
TAMWIZ   DLL       165,376  12-31-95  9:50a tamwiz.dll
TAMWRAP  INF         1,701  12-31-95  9:50a tamwrap.inf
UMDM16   DLL         2,096  12-31-95  9:50a umdm16.dll
UMDM32   DLL         6,144  12-31-95  9:50a umdm32.dll
UMDMXFRM DLL        12,192  12-31-95  9:50a umdmxfrm.dll
UNIMDM   HLP        11,433  12-31-95  9:50a unimdm.hlp
UNIMDM   TSP        42,144  12-31-95  9:50a unimdm.tsp
UNIMODEM VXD        55,438  12-31-95  9:50a unimodem.vxd
UNIMODV  INF         4,774  12-31-95  9:50a unimodv.inf
VMODCTL  DLL         4,096  12-31-95  9:50a vmodctl.dll
VTDI     386         5,687  12-31-95  9:50a vtdi.386
VVEXE32  EXE        10,240  12-31-95  9:50a vvexe32.exe
WAVEEDIT DLL        61,952  12-31-95  9:50a waveedit.dll
WAVEWRAP DRV        18,480  12-31-95  9:50a wavewrap.drv
WSOCK    VXD        15,522  12-31-95  9:50a wsock.vxd
WSOCK32  DLL        66,560  12-31-95  9:50a wsock32.dll
WSVV     VXD        92,244  12-31-95  9:50a wsvv.vxd
       41 file(s)      1,237,913 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Modem\Wdlatt03 Folder

WDLATT03 INF        21,754  12-31-95  9:50a wdlatt03.inf
        1 file(s)         21,754 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Modem\Wdlboca1 Folder

CDROM    CFG           737  12-31-95  9:50a cdrom.cfg
CONFIG   TXT         7,085  12-31-95  9:50a config.txt
DISK1                2,216  12-31-95  9:50a disk1
DRIVERS  ZIP        52,521  12-31-95  9:50a drivers.zip
INSTALL  COM        11,595  12-31-95  9:50a install.com
INSTALL  DAT        10,940  12-31-95  9:50a install.dat
LICENSE  TXT         4,700  12-31-95  9:50a license.txt
LOGO     BMP         9,478  12-31-95  9:50a logo.bmp
MDMVV2   INF        28,787  12-31-95  9:50a mdmvv2.inf
OPTICU   EXE        16,751  12-31-95  9:50a opticu.exe
README   TXT           313  12-31-95  9:50a readme.txt
S24M401P VXD        16,016  12-31-95  9:50a s24m401p.vxd
SND924P  DRV        42,496  12-31-95  9:50a snd924p.drv
SND924P  VXD        31,882  12-31-95  9:50a snd924p.vxd
SNDINIT  ZIP       447,063  12-31-95  9:50a sndinit.zip
SNDM401P DRV        17,384  12-31-95  9:50a sndm401p.drv
SNDOPL3P DRV        26,604  12-31-95  9:50a sndopl3p.drv
SOUND16  CFG         1,067  12-31-95  9:50a sound16.cfg
SVGPSRS  INF         5,727  12-31-95  9:50a svgpsrs.inf
TOOLS    ZIP       190,486  12-31-95  9:50a tools.zip
WDLBOCA1 INF        21,979  12-31-95  9:50a wdlboca1.inf
WINAPP   ZIP        21,694  12-31-95  9:50a winapp.zip
WINDRV   ZIP        70,814  12-31-95  9:50a windrv.zip
       23 file(s)      1,038,335 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Modem\Wdlcardv Folder

WDLCARDV INF        17,959  12-31-95  9:50a wdlcardv.inf
        1 file(s)         17,959 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Modem\Wdlqds Folder

WDLQDS   INF         9,472  12-31-95  9:50a wdlqds.inf
        1 file(s)          9,472 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Modem\Wdlrock Folder

WDLROCK  INF        14,986  12-31-95  9:50a wdlrock.inf
        1 file(s)         14,986 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Modem\Wdlsmpl1 Folder

WDLSMPL1 INF        30,177  12-31-95  9:50a wdlsmpl1.inf
        1 file(s)         30,177 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Modem\Wdlusr1 Folder

WDLUSR1  INF        37,197  12-31-95  9:50a wdlusr1.inf
        1 file(s)         37,197 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network Folder

BLUTOK         <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a blutok
CNETP          <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a cnetp
CNETPCC        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a cnetpcc
E100BW         <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a e100bw
E10PW          <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a e10pw
EL59X          <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a el59x
ELNK3          <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a elnk3
ELNKPLA        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a elnkpla
ELPC3X         <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a elpc3x
EPROW          <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a eprow
EVX16          <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a evx16
EWRK3          <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a ewrk3
HPFEND         <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a hpfend
I82593         <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a i82593
IBMFEW         <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a ibmfew
IBMTOK4        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a ibmtok4
ICLNETAM       <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a iclnetam
ILANPCI        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a ilanpci
IRMADCA        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a irmadca
IRMATRAC       <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a irmatrac
KNE-20BT       <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a kne-20bt
NCC16          <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a ncc16
NDIS89XR       <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a ndis89xr
NETFLX3        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a netflx3
O100W          <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a o100w
OCE2XM         <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a oce2xm
OLITOKEN       <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a olitoken
OLITOKOL       <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a olitokol
PE2NDIS        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a pe2ndis
PE3NDIS        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a pe3ndis
PRO4A          <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a pro4a
RACALNI        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a racalni
RTL8029        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a rtl8029
SKETHW95       <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a skethw95
SKFEW95        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a skfew95
SKFIW95        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a skfiw95
SKFMW95        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a skfmw95
SKTOKW95       <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a sktokw95
SLAN           <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a slan
SMCPWRW        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a smcpwrw
STARLAN        <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a starlan
STREAMER       <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a streamer
UBNEI          <DIR>        12-31-95  9:50a ubnei
        0 file(s)              0 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Blutok Folder

BLUTOK   DOS        62,884  12-31-95  9:50a blutok.dos
BLUTOK   SYS        30,528  12-31-95  9:50a blutok.sys
NETBLUE  INF         7,038  12-31-95  9:50a netblue.inf
        3 file(s)        100,450 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Cnetp Folder

CNETP    SYS        28,704  12-31-95  9:50a cnetp.sys
NETCNETP INF         4,287  12-31-95  9:50a netcnetp.inf
        2 file(s)         32,991 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Cnetpcc Folder

CNETPCC  SYS        24,416  12-31-95  9:50a cnetpcc.sys
NETCTPCC INF         2,263  12-31-95  9:50a netctpcc.inf
        2 file(s)         26,679 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\E100bw Folder

E100B    DOS        30,512  12-31-95  9:50a e100b.dos
E100B    SYS        39,936  12-31-95  9:50a e100b.sys
NETE100B INF         5,765  12-31-95  9:50a nete100b.inf
        3 file(s)         76,213 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\E10pw Folder

E10P     DOS        23,120  12-31-95  9:50a e10p.dos
E10P     SYS        36,352  12-31-95  9:50a e10p.sys
NETE10P  INF         7,335  12-31-95  9:50a nete10p.inf
        3 file(s)         66,807 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\El59x Folder

EL59X    VXD        42,564  12-31-95  9:50a el59x.vxd
W95EL59X INF         7,653  12-31-95  9:50a w95el59x.inf
        2 file(s)         50,217 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Elnk3 Folder

ELNK3    VXD        29,751  12-31-95  9:50a elnk3.vxd
        1 file(s)         29,751 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Elnkpla Folder

ELNKPL   DOS        17,116  12-31-95  9:50a elnkpl.dos
NET3COM1 INF        30,846  12-31-95  9:50a net3com1.inf
        2 file(s)         47,962 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Elpc3x Folder

3COMMDM  INF        22,096  12-31-95  9:50a 3commdm.inf
3COMMF   INF        36,152  12-31-95  9:50a 3commf.inf
3COMNET  INF         2,224  12-31-95  9:50a 3comnet.inf
ELPC3X   VXD        30,299  12-31-95  9:50a elpc3x.vxd
        4 file(s)         90,771 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Eprow Folder

EPRO     DOS        17,582  12-31-95  9:50a epro.dos
NETEE16  INF        22,103  12-31-95  9:50a netee16.inf
        2 file(s)         39,685 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Evx16 Folder

EVX16    DOS        11,299  12-31-95  9:50a evx16.dos
NETEVX   INF         2,634  12-31-95  9:50a netevx.inf
        2 file(s)         13,933 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Ewrk3 Folder

EWRK3    DOS         9,509  12-31-95  9:50a ewrk3.dos
EWRK3    SYS        24,064  12-31-95  9:50a ewrk3.sys
NETDEC   INF        20,219  12-31-95  9:50a netdec.inf
        3 file(s)         53,792 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Hpfend Folder

HPFEND   DOS        14,299  12-31-95  9:50a hpfend.dos
HPFEND   VXD        39,494  12-31-95  9:50a hpfend.vxd
HPLAN    DOS        15,470  12-31-95  9:50a hplan.dos
NETHPCD  INF        30,844  12-31-95  9:50a nethpcd.inf
        4 file(s)        100,107 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\I82593 Folder

I82593   DOS        10,279  12-31-95  9:50a i82593.dos
NETZNOTE INF         3,831  12-31-95  9:50a netznote.inf
        2 file(s)         14,110 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Ibmfew Folder

IBMFE    DOS        30,496  12-31-95  9:50a ibmfe.dos
IBMFE    SYS        39,936  12-31-95  9:50a ibmfe.sys
NETIBMFE INF         5,759  12-31-95  9:50a netibmfe.inf
        3 file(s)         76,191 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Ibmtok4 Folder

IBMTOK   NEW        14,014  12-31-95  9:50a ibmtok.new
IBMTOK4  VXD        35,086  12-31-95  9:50a ibmtok4.vxd
LT2      MSG         2,941  12-31-95  9:50a lt2.msg
NETIBM   INF        17,851  12-31-95  9:50a netibm.inf
        4 file(s)         69,892 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Iclnetam Folder

NETAMD   INF        20,543  12-31-95  9:50a netamd.inf
README   TXT           100  12-31-95  9:50a readme.txt
        2 file(s)         20,643 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Ilanpci Folder

NETAMD   INF        20,543  12-31-95  9:50a netamd.inf
README   TXT           100  12-31-95  9:50a readme.txt
        2 file(s)         20,643 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Irmadca Folder

DCAMAC   BIN        40,742  12-31-95  9:50a dcamac.bin
IRMATR   DOS        59,448  12-31-95  9:50a irmatr.dos
IRMATRAC VXD        41,075  12-31-95  9:50a irmatrac.vxd
NETDCA   INF        16,785  12-31-95  9:50a netdca.inf
        4 file(s)        158,050 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Irmatrac Folder

DCAMAC   BIN        40,742  12-31-95  9:50a dcamac.bin
IRMATR   DOS        59,448  12-31-95  9:50a irmatr.dos
IRMATRAC VXD        41,075  12-31-95  9:50a irmatrac.vxd
NETDCA   INF        16,782  12-31-95  9:50a netdca.inf
        4 file(s)        158,047 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Kne-20bt Folder

NETNOVEL INF        23,516  12-31-95  9:50a netnovel.inf
        1 file(s)         23,516 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Ncc16 Folder

NCC16    DOS        42,802  12-31-95  9:50a ncc16.dos
NETTULIP INF         1,980  12-31-95  9:50a nettulip.inf
        2 file(s)         44,782 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Ndis89xr Folder

NDIS89XR DOS        35,160  12-31-95  9:50a ndis89xr.dos
NETPROTM INF         4,452  12-31-95  9:50a netprotm.inf
PRORAPM  DWN        24,734  12-31-95  9:50a prorapm.dwn
        3 file(s)         64,346 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Netflx3 Folder

NETFLX3  INF         3,935  12-31-95  9:50a netflx3.inf
NETFLX3  SYS        46,912  12-31-95  9:50a netflx3.sys
        2 file(s)         50,847 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\O100w Folder

NETO100  INF         8,084  12-31-95  9:50a neto100.inf
O100     SYS        39,424  12-31-95  9:50a o100.sys
        2 file(s)         47,508 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Oce2xm Folder

NETOCE   INF         8,512  12-31-95  9:50a netoce.inf
OCE2XM   SYS        31,744  12-31-95  9:50a oce2xm.sys
        2 file(s)         40,256 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Olitoken Folder

NETINTCD INF        30,846  12-31-95  9:50a netintcd.inf
OCTK32   VXD        72,655  12-31-95  9:50a octk32.vxd
OLITOK16 DOS        55,710  12-31-95  9:50a olitok16.dos
        3 file(s)        159,211 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Olitokol Folder

NETOLICD INF        30,846  12-31-95  9:50a netolicd.inf
OCTK32   VXD        72,655  12-31-95  9:50a octk32.vxd
OLITOK16 DOS        55,710  12-31-95  9:50a olitok16.dos
        3 file(s)        159,211 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Pe2ndis Folder

NETXIRCD INF        30,845  12-31-95  9:50a netxircd.inf
PE2NDIS  DOS        30,721  12-31-95  9:50a pe2ndis.dos
PENDIS   DOS        22,266  12-31-95  9:50a pendis.dos
        3 file(s)         83,832 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Pe3ndis Folder

NETXIR   INF        24,829  12-31-95  9:50a netxir.inf
PE3NDIS  DOS        23,506  12-31-95  9:50a pe3ndis.dos
PE3NDIS  VXD        30,811  12-31-95  9:50a pe3ndis.vxd
        3 file(s)         79,146 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Pro4a Folder

NETPROCD INF        30,841  12-31-95  9:50a netprocd.inf
PRO4     DOS        29,090  12-31-95  9:50a pro4.dos
PRO4AT   DOS        33,770  12-31-95  9:50a pro4at.dos
PRORAPM  DWN        24,734  12-31-95  9:50a prorapm.dwn
        4 file(s)        118,435 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Racalni Folder

ES3210   DOS        14,544  12-31-95  9:50a es3210.dos
NETRACAL INF         8,055  12-31-95  9:50a netracal.inf
NI5210   DOS        10,472  12-31-95  9:50a ni5210.dos
NI6510   DOS        11,070  12-31-95  9:50a ni6510.dos
        4 file(s)         44,141 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Rtl8029 Folder

NETRT    INF         3,273  12-31-95  9:50a netrt.inf
PCIND    DOS        14,854  12-31-95  9:50a pcind.dos
RTL8029  SYS        36,352  12-31-95  9:50a rtl8029.sys
        3 file(s)         54,479 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Skethw95 Folder

NETSK    INF        27,756  12-31-95  9:50a netsk.inf
SKETHW95 VXD        26,181  12-31-95  9:50a skethw95.vxd
        2 file(s)         53,937 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Skfew95 Folder

NETSK    INF        27,756  12-31-95  9:50a netsk.inf
SKFEW95  VXD        95,798  12-31-95  9:50a skfew95.vxd
        2 file(s)        123,554 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Skfiw95 Folder

NETSK    INF        27,756  12-31-95  9:50a netsk.inf
SKFIW95  VXD        95,798  12-31-95  9:50a skfiw95.vxd
        2 file(s)        123,554 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Skfmw95 Folder

NETSK    INF        27,756  12-31-95  9:50a netsk.inf
SKFMW95  VXD        96,310  12-31-95  9:50a skfmw95.vxd
        2 file(s)        124,066 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Sktokw95 Folder

NETSK    INF        27,756  12-31-95  9:50a netsk.inf
SKTOKW95 VXD        59,439  12-31-95  9:50a sktokw95.vxd
        2 file(s)         87,195 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Slan Folder

DNCRWL02 DOS        35,647  12-31-95  9:50a dncrwl02.dos
NETNCR   INF        16,525  12-31-95  9:50a netncr.inf
SLAN     DOS        13,578  12-31-95  9:50a slan.dos
STRN     DOS        41,946  12-31-95  9:50a strn.dos
        4 file(s)        107,696 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Smcpwrw

NETSMCP  INF         6,158  12-31-95  9:50a netsmcp.inf
SMCPWR   DOS        46,070  12-31-95  9:50a smcpwr.dos
SMCPWRW  VXD        39,428  12-31-95  9:50a smcpwrw.vxd
        3 file(s)         91,656 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Starlan Folder

STARLAN  INF         8,778  12-31-95  9:50a starlan.inf
STARLAN  VXD        28,765  12-31-95  9:50a starlan.vxd
        2 file(s)         37,543 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Streamer

NETOLICD INF        30,846  12-31-95  9:50a netolicd.inf
OCTK32   VXD        72,655  12-31-95  9:50a octk32.vxd
OLITOK16 DOS        55,710  12-31-95  9:50a olitok16.dos
        3 file(s)        159,211 bytes

Contents of the \Drivers\Network\Ubnei

NETUB    INF        13,101  12-31-95  9:50a netub.inf
UBNEI    DOS        24,930  12-31-95  9:50a ubnei.dos
UBNEI    VXD        31,311  12-31-95  9:50a ubnei.vxd
UBNEPS   DOS        20,257  12-31-95  9:50a ubneps.dos
        4 file(s)         89,599 bytes

Additional query words: dirwin dirwin95

Keywords          : win95 
Technology        : kbWin95search kbZNotKeyword3
Version           : 95
