Q150513: Multiple SLI_OPEN()s Can Cause SESSION_ALREADY_OPEN

Article: Q150513
Product(s): Microsoft SNA Server
Version(s): WINDOWS:2.0,2.1,2.11,2.11 SP1
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbenv
Last Modified: 13-JUN-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft SNA Server, versions 2.0, 2.1, 2.11, 2.11 SP1, on platform(s):
   - the operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 


When a multi-threaded LUA application issues more than one SLI_OPEN() before the
first SLI_OPEN() returns, the result is the following:

SLI_OPEN response

  primary return code:   0014      (LUA_UNSUCCESSFUL)
  secondary return code: 00000035  (LUA_SESSION_ALREADY_OPEN)

This SLI_OPEN response will contain an LUA_luname that had not been opened using
an SLI_OPEN().

NOTE: The LUA_luname field is part of the VCB (verb control block) for the
SLI_OPEN() and is explained in the SNA Server [ASCII 147]Programmer's
Reference[ASCII 148] on page 88.


There is a problem in the SNA Server SLI library's algorithm to match up an SLI
application VCB with its owning session control block. This can cause the SLI
library to complete the wrong SLI call if two SLI_OPENs are pending at the same


A update to the SNA Server SLI interface corrects this problem by properly
matching the SLI application's verb control block with the correct session
control block.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft SNA Server versions
2.0, 2.10, 2.11, and 2.11.sp1. This problem was corrected in the latest
Microsoft SNA Server 2.11 U.S. Service Pack. For information on obtaining the
service pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base
(without the spaces):

  S E R V P A C K

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbenv 
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbSNAServSearch
Version           : WINDOWS:2.0,2.1,2.11,2.11 SP1
Issue type        : kbbug
Solution Type     : kbfix
