Article: Q150776
Product(s): Microsoft Home Multimedia Titles
Version(s): WINDOWS:; :1996 edition
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 24-MAY-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Encarta 96 Encyclopedia for Windows
- Microsoft Encarta 96 Encyclopedia for Macintosh
This article lists the features and articles that are included in the December
1995 yearbook update for the Encarta Encyclopedia.
The following articles are added to the Encarta Encyclopedia when you integrate
the December 1995 yearbook update file:
Feature: Jaw Fragment Fuels Debate over Human Migration
Feature: NATO in the Post-Cold War Era
Feature: The Rabin Assassination: What impact on Middle East Peace?
1995 National Book Awards Announced
Algerian Election Results give Current Leader New Mandate
Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Syrian City
Azerbaijan Ruling Party Retains Parliamentary Majority
Baseball Honors the Season's Stars
Beatles' Legacy Unveiled
Bethlehem Steel Shuts Down Last Blast Furnace in Hometown
Bomb Blast in Saudi Capital Kills Seven, Hints at Unrest
Boxing: Bowe Stops Holyfield
Brazil Opens Oil Industry as President Tackles Land Reform
British Columbia Premier Michael Harcourt to Resign
Cholesterol Drug Cuts Heart Attack Risk in Healthy Men
Colin Powell Declines Run for President
Controversy Surrounds Selection of Tibetan Religious Leader
Dow Jones Index Crests 5000 in Bull Market
Egypt Holds Parliamentary Elections
FDA Approves AIDS Drug Combination Therapy
FDA Sets Standard Definitions for Bottled Water
Fledgling Stars in eagle Nebula Viewed by Hubble Space Telescope
Football: College Results, NFL Franchise Defection, CFL Title
Former Communist Beats Walesa in Polish Presidential Election
Former south Korean President Arrested in Slush Fund Scandal
Guatemalan Presidential Election Leads to January Runoff
Huntington's Disease Linked to New Protein Discovery
Misplaced Protein Linked to Breast Cancer
Nigerian Dissident Ken Saro-Wiwa Is Executed
November Disasters
Olympic Champion Figure Skater Dies of Heart Attack
Opposition Parties End Boycott of Cote d'Iviore Elections
Planet Detected Orbiting a Star Similar to the Sun, Astronomers Say
Queen Signs Maori Land Compensation Agreement
Shevardnadze Elected President of Georgia
Tanzania Elects Leader from Governing Party
Turkey's Tansu Ciller Retains Prime Ministership
Ukraine and Macedonia Join Council of Europe
United States Senator Nancy Kassebaum to Retire at End of Term
United States Speed Limit of 55 mph Repealed
Warring Parties in Bosnia Sign Peace Agreement
Weak HIV Strain Found in Australia
Westinghouse Buyout of CBS Approved
Additional query words: 1996 encarta yearbook builder update multi media multimedia multi-media mmtitles kbmm
Keywords :
Technology : kbHWMAC kbOSMAC kbHomeProdSearch kbHomeMMsearch kbEncartaSearch kbEncartaEncycSearch kbEncartaEnCyc1996 kbEncartaEnCyc1996Mac
Version : WINDOWS:; :1996 edition