Article: Q163583
Product(s): Word Front Page
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbinterop kbdta
Last Modified: 26-SEP-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft FrontPage 97 for Windows
Microsoft FrontPage 97 allows you to convert files from several formats into
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format. FrontPage will also convert your files
in the following cases:
- When you paste content into FrontPage Editor.
- When you use a drag and drop operation to move content into FrontPage Editor.
- When you import a file into FrontPage Editor.
This article provides information about how to troubleshoot problems that occur
when you convert documents to or from FrontPage 97.
To troubleshsoot problems that occur when you convert documents, add the
following statement to the [FrontPage 2.0] section of the Frontpg.ini file:
"ConverterDebug=rtf,htm,dbg" (without the quotation marks)
NOTE: You must type the variables in lower-case or they will not work. For
example, type "rtf" (without the quotation marks) instead of "RTF" (without the
quotation marks).
In this command, RTF instructs FrontPage to save the RTF temporary file that is
created when you import your FrontPage file into a word processing program (such
as Microsoft Word), using an import converter (such as the Mswrd832.cnv file).
HTM instructs FrontPage to save the HTML temporary file that is created when you
use the Html32.cnv file. DBG instructs FrontPage to display a message box which
identifies the converter that you used and a return code. The message box
appears when the conversion is completed.
You can use these three parameters (RTF, HTM, and DBG) in any combination or any
order, but they must be comma-delimited and lower-case.
Temporary files are saved in the \temp folder of the folder in which you
installed FrontPage. By default, FrontPage installs in the C:\Program
Files\Microsoft FrontPage\ folder.
Additional query words: 97 rtf rich text format conversion
Keywords : kbinterop kbdta
Technology : kbFrontPageSearch kbFrontPage97 kbZNotKeyword2 kbFrontPage97Search
Version : :
Hardware : x86