Q164794: SNA Server Issues with DBCS Printing to an AS/400

Article: Q164794
Product(s): Microsoft SNA Server
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbprint
Last Modified: 07-SEP-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft SNA Server, version 3.0 

This article only applies to DBCS (double byte character set) code pages.
DBCS code pages include all of the following:

  290 Japanese (Katakana)
  930 Japanese (Extend Katakana)
  931 Japanese (English-lower)
  933 Korean
  935 Chinese (PRC)
  937 Chinese (Taiwan)
  939 Japanese (Extend English)

1. Carriage Return (0x0D) Not Interpreted Correctly with 5250 Printing

2. Print Server Doesn't Send Form Feed (FF) When NL or LF Is on Last Line

3. Last Line Doesn't Print When Using SNA Server Print Server

4. SNA Server Print Server Ignores the First LF and NL

5. Problem with PrintPosition (AbsoluteHorizontalMove)

6. Added Support for Thick Dotted Line, SHF, SPCC, and STO

7. FF Command Is Not Positioned at Line-1 Column-1 of Next Page

8. Application Exception in Snaprint.exe with STO


1. Carriage Return (0x0D) Not Interpreted Correctly with 5250 Printing


  Sending the following sequence to the 5250 Print Service (J version)

  "AAAA"+CR+LF+"BBBB"+NL (interpreted to ASCII for clarity)

  Will result in:


  The expected result is:


2. Print Server Doesn't Send Form Feed (FF) When NL or LF Is on Last Line


  When using the SNA Server Print Server (J version) to print to an AS/400, and
  a new line (NL) or line feed (LF) character is on the last line of the
  printable area, a form feed (FF) is not generated. Therefore, any remaining
  printable text is not printed on the next page.

3. Last Line Doesn't Print When Using SNA Server Print Server


  When using the SNA Server Print Server (J version) to print to an AS/400, the
  last line may not print. The SNA Server Print Server (J version) does not
  correctly flush the write buffer for an end-of-page.

4. SNA Server Print Server Ignores the First LF and NL


  SNA Server Print Server ignores the first line feed or new line it comes

5. Problem with PrintPosition (AbsoluteHorizontalMove)


  The following is a sample datastream (converted to ASCII for ease of


  The expected result is:


  The actual result is:


  ("BBBB" was not printed.)

6. Added Support for Thick Dotted Line, SHF, SPCC, and STO


  The following features have been added to DBCS printing in the SNA Server 3.0
  J version:

   - Support for Thick Dotted Line.

   - Support for the Set Horizontal Format (SHF) SCS command to support Max
     Print Position (MPP).

   - Support for the Set Presentation of Control Character (SPCC) command, to
     support the presentation of control characters (SI/SO).

   - Support for the Set Text Orientation (STO) command, to rotate a DBCS

  These changes were made to the DBCS environment, and do not include SBCS.

7. FF Command Is Not Positioned at Line-1 Column-1 of Next Page


  The following is a sample datastream:

  Sent data:

  "12345" (NL) "67890" (FF) "ABCDE"
  (NL:New Line)

  The following is the result:

  <Page 1>
  12345 <line 1>
  67890 <line 2>

  <Page 2>
    <line 1>
      ABCDE   <line 2>

  Notice the ABCDE is indented to the right; it should be left justified.

8. Application Exception in Snaprint.exe with STO


  When printing to an AS/400 using SNA Server 3.0 Print Server and selecting a
  DBCS character set, a general protection fault (GPF) occurs if you send a
  print job with STO in its datastream.

  The GPF is in the following function:

  WinVPRTSetTextOrientation within SNAPrint.exe.

  The following is the assembler call:

  cmp     byte ptr [edx],0x40          ds:00000000=??


To resolve these problems, obtain the hotfix mentioned below.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SNA Server version 3.0. This
problem was corrected in the latest Microsoft SNA Server 3.0 U.S. Service Pack.
For information on obtaining the service pack, query on the following word in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):

  S E R V P A C K

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbprint 
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbSNAServSearch kbSNAServ300
Version           : WINDOWS:3.0
Issue type        : kbbug
Solution Type     : kbfix
