Q169487: Access Violation in Mngcli.exe When You Close Server Manager

Article: Q169487
Product(s): Microsoft SNA Server
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.0,3.0 SP1
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbnetwork
Last Modified: 13-JUN-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft SNA Server, versions 3.0, 3.0 SP1, on platform(s):
   - the operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 


After you start SNA Server Manager, if you close Server Manager before the
domain is fully opened (that is, while the hourglass is displaying before the
configuration information appears), an access violation can occur in Mngcli.exe.
An entry in <Ntroot>\Drwtsn32.log will be created as follows:

  Application exception occurred:
     App: mngcli.dbg (<process ID>)
     Exception number: c0000005 (access violation)


  function: EnterCriticalSection

  FAULT ->77f4704a f0ff4204    lock   inc dword ptr [edx+0x4]


Server Manager attempts to close the domain that was already closed.


To work around this problem:

  Do not close Server Manager until the domain has been opened and the
  configuration information is displayed.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SNA Server version 3.0 and 3.0
Service Pack 1. This problem was corrected in the latest SNA Server version 3.0
U.S. Service Pack. For information on obtaining this Service Pack, query on the
following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):

  S E R V P A C K


When this problem occurs, the stack back trace may look like this:

  *----> Stack Back Trace <----*

  FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
  0111fd94 614812df 00000000 6149d3ec 6148dd0d 6149d3ec
  0111fda0 6148dd0d 6149d3ec 00000000 00000214 6149d36c snamanag!SyncRead
  0111fdc0 61490656 6149d3ec 0111fde6 614906f0 00000000 snamanag!EnumList
  0111fde4 0100df29 1f7fffff 002e1768 010071cb 1f7fffff
  0111fdf0 010071cb 1f7fffff 60210000 00000000 60983130
  0111fe0c 01006dcc 002e14b0 00000040 00000003 010014f4
  0111fe24 609843c1 0111fe44 0111fe8c 03d711ac 011203a0
  0111fe50 60989887 011203a0 002e1660 77ea5848 6098126c
  0111fe8c 6098b220 0111fe9c 00000003 002e1440 00000002
  0111fea8 01009b15 602042b2 77f52f1c 0012febc 77fa1773
  0111ffb8 77f46c2e 0012febc 602042b2 77f52f1c 0012febc
  602042b2 000d8964 5e000000 5de58b5b ccccccc3 cccccccc

With this hotfix applied, Server Manager checks to see whether the domain is
already closed before attempting to close it.

Additional query words: crash

Keywords          : kbnetwork 
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbSNAServSearch
Version           : WINDOWS:3.0,3.0 SP1
Issue type        : kbbug
Solution Type     : kbfix
