Q169963: OFF97: Copy To from Bookshelf Starts Program Not Binder

Article: Q169963
Product(s): Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows
Version(s): WINDOWS:97
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbinterop
Last Modified: 15-NOV-2000

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft PowerPoint 97 for Windows 
- Microsoft Word 97 for Windows 
- Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows 
- Microsoft Office 97 Professional Edition for Windows 


If you start Microsoft Bookshelf Basics from within Microsoft Office Binder 97,
and then use the Copy To command to copy selected text, the program associated
with the section is started, and the selected text is not pasted into the active
section. This behavior occurs in Microsoft Excel 97, PowerPoint 97 and Word 97


To work around this problem, use the Copy command instead of the Copy To
command, and then paste the selection into the active section.


Microsoft is researching this problem and will post new information here in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.


Microsoft Bookshelf is a multimedia reference collection with online books and
materials you can use to look up and cite information. To find information, you
can search for titles in a table of contents, or you can search for contents in
a single reference or in all references at once.

When Microsoft Bookshelf 1996-97 (or earlier) or Microsoft Bookshelf Basics is
installed with Microsoft Office 97, special Bookshelf commands are added to
PowerPoint, Word, and Microsoft Excel. You can click Look Up Reference on the
Tools menu to look up information in Bookshelf without ever leaving a
presentation. You can also right-click a word in a presentation, and then click
Define on the shortcut menu to quickly find a definition. You can copy entire
articles or selected text and images from Bookshelf directly to a new or
existing file, and Bookshelf automatically includes copyright information in the

Bookshelf Basics is included with Microsoft Office 97 Professional Edition.

Steps to Copy and Paste a Selection

You can copy an address, media, or text from Bookshelf articles and use them in
another program, such as a word processor. To do this, follow these steps:

1. To select an image, click the image and drag the pointer over it until a
  black border appears.

  Enlarged images cannot be selected; press CTRL+C to copy enlarged images to
  the Clipboard.

2. To copy Bookshelf text or images to the Clipboard, right-click the text or
  image you want to copy, and then click Copy.

3. To copy pronunciations to the Clipboard, right-click the audio icon, and then
  click Copy.

4. To copy selected text directly into Microsoft Excel, Word, or PowerPoint,
  right-click the text, point to the Copy To command, and then select the
  program to which you want to copy the text.

  NOTE: If you're copying and pasting a table into Word, it may be necessary to
  reformat the text using the Text To Table command.

5. To paste text from the Clipboard, move the insertion point to the location
  where you want to place the text or media, and then click Paste on the Edit

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbinterop 
Technology        : kbWordSearch kbOfficeSearch kbExcelSearch kbPowerPtSearch kbWord97 kbWord97Search kbPowerPt97 kbZNotKeyword2 kbExcel97Search kbPowerPt97Search kbZNotKeyword3
Version           : WINDOWS:97
Issue type        : kbprb
