Article: Q171099
Product(s): Microsoft Exchange
Version(s): WINDOWS:5.0
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 25-DEC-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Exchange Windows NT client, version 5.0
- Microsoft Exchange Windows 95/98 client, version 5.0
A new feature in Microsoft Exchange version 5.0 is the ability to save options
for a recipient in your personal address book, like the format for messages. If
you are creating an application such as a fax gateway, you might want to save
information like a default cover sheet. You can create customized templates for
entering these send options. These templates will appear and allow you to set
options for that recipient when you choose "Send Options" in your personal
address book. However, when you try to look at these options for your gateway
recipient they will not be saved.
Microsoft is researching this problem and will post new information here in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
It should be noted that if you have an SMTP address and set the send options,
they will be saved. The option available for SMTP addresses is message format
(MIME or Plain Text/UUENCODE).
Additional query words:
Keywords :
Technology : kbExchangeSearch kbExchangeClientSearch kbZNotKeyword kbZNotKeyword2 kbZNotKeyword3 kbExchange500NT kbExchange500Win95
Version : WINDOWS:5.0
Issue type : kbprb