Article: Q174700
Product(s): Microsoft Exchange
Version(s): winnt:4.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): exc4
Last Modified: 26-JUN-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Exchange Server, version 4.0
After installing the LinkAge Notes Directory Exchange Agent (DXA), the Notes DXA
will not process updates or full load propagations from the Directory Exchange
Manager (DXM) to the Notes DXA. In the LinkAge Administrator's Browse Log (or in
the log files in the Linkage\Logs directory), you see the following error
1997/09/22 17:46:19- DXANOTES(01e8) 1 41104:Error opening Notes database
>> lsnabapi(660)
1997/09/22 17:46:19- DXANOTES(01e8) 2 41127:Notes Package ID: Operating
System (OS). Extended Reason String: File does not exist
>> lsnabapi(3118)
1997/09/22 17:46:19- DXANOTES(01e8) 1 64092:Error {Invalid parameter}
detected when Opening a Note
>> lndxapi(2361)
1997/09/22 17:46:19- DXANOTES(01e8) 1 64085:Error {Invalid parameter}:
detected when adding user to Notes
>> lndxapi(2002)
1997/09/22 17:46:19- DXANOTES(01e8) 2 64073:Error {Invalid parameter}:
While processing Transaction 1
>> lndxapi(1397)
The Notes DXA has not been configured through the LinkAge Setup icon in the
LinkAge Software 3.2 program group.
Use either of the following methods to work around the problem.
Method 1
1. Start the Setup program from the LinkAge Software 3.2 program group, and
click Configure Directory Exchange Manager/Agent(s).
2. On Select LDE Component to Configure, click Notes DXA, and click Next. Enter
the required information (Notes server name, path to Notes.ini file, source
N&A book(s), and target N&A book).
Method 2
Alternatively, directly edit the Linkage.ini file found in the Linkage directory.
The section [DXANOTES] has the following parameters that need to be set:
Servername is the full name of the Notes Server (for example, SERVER/ORG).
Notesini is the full path to the Notes.ini file. Sourcebooks= are the Notes
N&A books that are propagated to the DXM; and Targetbook= is the Notes
N&A book that contains all foreign users.
Keywords : exc4
Technology : kbExchangeSearch kbExchange400 kbZNotKeyword2
Version : winnt:4.0
Issue type : kbprb