Q176402: Introducing Microsoft Windows 98 Comments and Corrections

Article: Q176402
Product(s): Microsoft Press
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbdocerr
Last Modified: 13-JAN-2000

The information in this article applies to:

- MSPRESS Introducing Microsoft Windows 98, ISBN 1-57231-630-6 


This article contains information on known errors, corrections, and comments
relating to the Microsoft Press book "Introducing Microsoft Windows 98," ISBN


- ActiveMovie Now Called DirectShow

- Page 73: Web Path Incorrect

- Page 158: Outlook Express Will Not Support Faxes

- Page 322: Win32 Driver Model Supports All Audio Types

- Page 350: Incorrect Short Filename Representations


ActiveMovie Now Called DirectShow

Pages 20, 79, 81, and 441: All references to Microsoft ActiveMovie should be to
Microsoft DirectShow.

Page 73: Web Path Incorrect

Page 73, top of page:
Change: "http://www.w3.orgPICS"
To: "http://www.w3.org/PICS/"

Page 158: Outlook Express Will Not Support Faxes

Page 158 states that Outlook Express will send, receive, and organize e- mail,
faxes, and other information. However, Outlook Express does not support faxes.

Correction: Page 158, paragraph 7, sentence 1:
Change: "...organize e-mail, faxes, and other information."
To: "...organize e-mail and other information."

Page 159, bullet 4:
Delete bullet "The Microsoft Fax Driver" and adjoining paragraph.

Page 322: Win32 Driver Model Supports All Audio Types

The "WDM digital audio" section of page 322 states, in part: "If you aren't
planning to use USB speakers, this section is probably of no use to you.... The
features mentioned in the following paragraphs are of no relevance to systems
with conventional audio systems installed."

However, the Win32 Driver Model will support all types of audio systems,
including USB, ISA, and PCI. Much of the information in this section is valid
for non-USB systems as well.

Page 322:

- Delete paragraph 6 ("If you aren't planning to use USB speakers...")

- Move the "USB support" section below the "WDM digital audio" section

- Move USB-specific information from the "WDM digital audio" section to the
  "USB support" section

Page 350: Incorrect Short Filename Representations

The list of long filenames on page 350 contains incorrect short filename
representations. All long filenames have a short filename representation ending
with ~1 (or some other number). Below is the correct directory listing:

Volume in drive C is MY HARDDISK
Volume Serial Number is 1E30-830F
Directory of C:\Long Filename Directory

.        <DIR> 11-07-97  8:39a .
..       <DIR> 11-07-97  8:39a ..
4THQUA~1 XLS 147 11-07-97 8:40a 4th Quarter Analysis.xls
BOSS'S~1 TXT 147 11-07-97 8:41a Boss's birthday card.txt
1994FI~1 DOC 147 11-07-97 8:41a 1994 Financial Projections.doc
COMPAN~1 BMP 147 11-07-97 8:41a Company Logo.bmp
FISCAL~1 <DIR>   11-07-97 8:42a Fiscal Year Information
SHORTC~1 PIF 147 11-07-97 8:42a Shortcut to MS-DOS Application.pif
NEWWAV~1 WAV 147 11-07-97 8:43a New Wave Sound.wav
NEWVID~1 AVI 147 11-07-97 8:44a New video.avi
DIRECT~1 DOC 147 11-07-97 8:44a Directions to company picnic.doc
        8 file(s)              0 bytes
        3 dir(s)     861,011,968 bytes free

Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate books. All
comments and corrections listed above are ready for inclusion in future
printings of this book. If you have a later printing of the book, it may already
contain the above corrections.

Additional query words: press ms_press win98

Keywords          : kbdocerr 
Technology        : kbMSPressSearch
Version           : :
Issue type        : kbinfo
Solution Type     : kbfix
