Q177665: Path Too Long Error Message When Exceeding MAX_PATH

Article: Q177665
Product(s): Microsoft Windows NT
Version(s): winnt:3.51,4.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kberrmsg kbui
Last Modified: 09-AUG-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows NT Workstation versions 3.51, 4.0 
- Microsoft Windows NT Server versions 3.51, 4.0 


Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 clients can expand a server directory structure
beyond MAX_PATH (256 characters) by accessing a server share and creating
directories and files through the network.

As a result, a server running Windows NT 4.0 returns the following error message
if the server administrator tries to access these files or directories locally
on the server through Windows NT Explorer:

  Can't access this folder.
  Path is too long.

If you attempt to create a new folder, you may receive the following error

  Unable to create the folder '<name>'.
  The filename or extension is too long.

A server running Windows NT 3.51 shows unexpected results in File Manager such as
a general protection fault (GP fault), WINFILE crash, or display of nonexistent

Several tools and programs may also show problems when working with this
directory structure that exceeds MAX_PATH.


Win32 programs are limited to a 256-character string size limit because of the
MAX_PATH variable. Software programs can work around this problem by passing
Win32 a path that is MAX_PATH or less. The real underlying path can then be
accessed independently of the real length of the path. In this way, a program
can access files or directories beyond MAX_PATH on the server.


To resolve problems when the directory structure exceeds MAX_PATH, use either of
the following methods:

- On the server that contains the long directory structure, access these files
  and folders through a local redirection ("net use" or "subst") of the same
  share/folder that the network clients access across the network.

- In Windows NT Explorer, select the folder one level above the folder that
  returns the error. Right-click the folder returning the error and then click
  Rename. Rename the folder to reduce the number of characters used in the
  folder name.


The problem described above could not be reproduced with NTBACKUP and files and
directories that were beyond the MAX_PATH limit could be backed up and restored

Additional query words: User Interface explore

Keywords          : kberrmsg kbui 
Technology        : kbWinNTsearch kbWinNTWsearch kbWinNTW400 kbWinNTW400search kbWinNT351search kbWinNT400search kbWinNTW351search kbWinNTW351 kbWinNTSsearch kbWinNTS400search kbWinNTS400 kbWinNTS351 kbWinNTS351search
Version           : winnt:3.51,4.0
Hardware          : ALPHA PPC x86
Issue type        : kbprb
Solution Type     : kbnofix
