Q177689: Microsoft Age of Empires: Inside Moves Corrections and Comments

Article: Q177689
Product(s): Microsoft Press
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbdocerr
Last Modified: 25-NOV-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- MSPRESS Microsoft Age of Empires: Inside Moves ISBN 1-57231-529-6 


This article contains information on known errors, corrections, and comments
relating to the Microsoft Press book "Microsoft Age of Empires: Inside Moves,"
ISBN 1-57231-529-6.


- Page 11: Incorrect History of Cyrus the Great

- Page 87: Guard Tower Should Be Watch Tower


Page 11: Incorrect History of Cyrus the Great

Page 11:
Delete paragraphs 4 and 5 ("In B.C.546, Cyrus, the destroyer...")

Replace with:
"In B.C. 499, the Greek city-state of Athens earned the wrath of the Persian
ruler, Darius I, for its support of the anti-Persian revolt of a Grecian colony
called Miletus. Darius destroyed Miletus in B.C. 493 and vowed revenge on the

Darius sent a huge army to teach a lesson to Athens in B.C. 492. Athens asked
another Greek city-state, called Sparta, for help. Unfortunately for Athens,
Sparta was too busy with a religious ceremony to help when the Persian army
arrived. Athens had to attend to Darius alone. Surprisingly, the Athenian army
defeated the Persians without Spartan help." (without the quotation marks)

Page 11, paragraph 6, sentence 1:
Change: "In 480, Xerxes I, the son of Cyrus..."
To: "In 480, Xerxes I, the son of Darius..." (without the quotation marks)

Page 87: Guard Tower Should Be Watch Tower

Page 87, first screen shot caption:
Change: "... build two guard towers."
To: "... build two watch towers." (without the quotation marks)

Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate books. All
comments and corrections listed above are ready for inclusion in future
printings of this book. If you have a later printing of the book, it may already
contain the above corrections.

Additional query words: rise of rome expansion pack press ms_press 1-57231-529-6

Keywords          : kbdocerr 
Technology        : kbMSPressSearch kbZNotKeyword2 kbZNotKeyword3
Version           : :
Issue type        : kbinfo
Solution Type     : kbfix
