Article: Q179573
Product(s): Microsoft Exchange
Version(s): winnt:4.0,5.0,5.5
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbusage
Last Modified: 06-AUG-2002
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Exchange Server, versions 4.0, 5.0, 5.5
An object persists in the directory of a remote site even though the object has
been deleted from its original site.
Typically, the site that still contains the object failed to receive a replica
of that object prior to the object's tombstone expiring. Once an object's
tombstone expires, it is no longer considered an "object," and is not
replicated. See MORE INFORMATION, below.
There are two possible approaches to resolution: re-creating the orphaned object
in its "original context" or re-orienting replication bridgehead servers. The
second method has a slim chance of resolving the issue, but may be worth a try
if the Tombstones of the deleted objects have only recently expired in the
feeder site.
Method 1. Re-create the Orphaned Object in Its "Original Context"
1. Create the object so that it has its original distinguished name (DN); for
instance, an orphaned mailbox should be re-created in the original site and
so on, such that its "Obj-Dist-Name" attribute matches that of the orphaned
object as viewed in Raw Properties in the Administrator program.
2. Modify some attribute of this re-created object until the "Object Version"
attribute value exceeds the "Object Version" value on the orphaned object as
viewed in in Raw Properties in the Administrator program.
3. Allow the re-created object to replicate to the site(s) maintaining an
orphaned replica.
4. Verify that the new replica has replicated to the orphan's site by viewing
the orphan's "Object Version" attribute; it should increase to the value
incremented in step 2 above.
5. Delete the re-created object in its origin site. This deletion should now
replicate to all sites.
Method 2. Re-orient Replication Bridgehead Servers
This method involves re-orienting replication bridgehead servers between the site
maintaining the orphan and the site that "feeds" that context to the orphan
site. This assumes that at least two servers in each site exist, and that the
servers that are not currently replication BHs can assume this role, at least
temporarily. This will result in a full refresh of all objects from all contexts
previously provided by the "feeder" site; thus including the refresh of the
orphan object context.
NOTE: A third option would be to break the replication connector between the
orphan site and its "feeder" site. This should only be a last resort, because it
has a much higher impact on other servers in the site and any downstream sites,
and certainly should avoided in larger organizations when the orphan site is
also a "feeder" site to additional downstream sites.
Object Deletion, Tombstone Lifetime, Tombstone Expiry, and Garbage
Collection Interval
When a directory object (also known as a specific Naming Context or NC) is
deleted (be it a mailbox, Customer Recipient (CR), Distribution List, Connector,
and so on, hidden or not), a tombstone property (date and timestamp that the
delete of the object was performed) is added to the object's properties, an
"IsDeleted" attribute is added and set to TRUE, and the object is "hidden" from
These attribute changes should result in the replication of this "new" version of
the object to ALL other directories. Within each directory, a garbage collection
thread routinely executes (based on value specified for
<site>\Configuration\DS Site Configuration\Garbage Collection Interval)
and removes objects whose "IsDeleted" attribute is TRUE, and whose tombstone
property is older than:
the current date\time minus the value specified for
<site>\Configuration\DS Site Configuration\Tombstone Lifetime
The defaults for Tombstone Lifetime and Garbage Collection Interval are 30 days
and 12 hours, respectively. So, by default, any object whose tombstone (date the
object was deleted in the Administrator program) is older than 30 days (from
"now") will be garbage collected (which actually means having most properties
stripped off, leaving only a small stub in the directory).
Orphaned Objects
If conditions (configuration, hardware or network problems, and so on) prevent
one or more other sites (or local site directories) from receiving an update of
a naming context (NC) during the tombstone period, these other sites (and
servers) never find out that the objects have been flagged for deletion. Once
the tombstone expires in the originating site, the object is removed from that
site's directory, and there is no longer an object to replicate. Since the
tombstone never replicated to some other servers, and since the only writable
copy of the object has now been deleted, these objects are orphaned in site(s)
that never received a replica of the object with the "IsDeleted" flag and
tombstone "timestamp".
WARNING: Tombstone lifetime and Garbage Collection Interval are site-wide
attributes. Reducing the Tombstone lifetime within a site to a value of only a
few days can increase the possible occurrence of orphaned objects - particularly
in large organizations, where it can be more difficult to assess the state of
replication organization wide. There is little to gain from reducing this value,
and it is not recommended. The minimum value is two days.
WARNING: Use of "MTACHECK /RD" to remove directory replication messages from a
backlogged MTA queue may contribute to orphaned objects. This procedure should
NOT be used as a routine method of reducing MTA backlogs. The real solution is
to find the cause of the backlog, and resolve that problem. If it is determined
that directory replication scheduling has been set to "ALWAYS", and that this
has resulted in MTA queue backlogs, then "MTACHECK /RD" might be appropriate
AFTER scheduling has been correctly set.
Determining the Original Context of Orphaned Objects
View the object's raw properties. The following attributes can be revealing:
- Obj-Dist-Name: This is the full DN of the object, and specifies the precise
location (origin context) of the object in the directory information tree
(DIT). This should be all that's needed to identify an orphaned object's
- DSA-Signature: This corresponds to a particular directory's Invocation- ID,
and identifies the directory responsible for having this copy of the object
written to the current directory. Note that the server originating the orphan
may no longer exist in the organization.
- Hide from AB: This can be tricky, because hidden objects will not be viewable
by default. This can exacerbate "mysteriously recurring address book views".
A Microsoft Knowledge Base article should be available on this topic soon.
- Object-Version: This is an object-specific, monotonically increasing value
for an object - organization wide. If an object has fully replicated
throughout the organization, all directories will have the same value in this
attribute. If an object is orphaned in numerous places, then determine which
of orphans maintains the "highest" Object- Version value. If re- creating the
original object (option #1 above) modify the re-created object until its
Object-Version exceeds the highest value found among the orphans. This will
ensure that the orphan will later be successfully deleted throughout the
- When-Created: Date\timestamp the object was created.
- When-Changed: Date\timestamp of the most recent replica update.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbusage
Technology : kbExchangeSearch kbExchange500 kbExchange550 kbExchange400 kbZNotKeyword2
Version : winnt:4.0,5.0,5.5