Article: Q188635
Product(s): Microsoft Exchange
Version(s): WINDOWS:5.5
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): exc55sp2fix
Last Modified: 30-APR-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.5
When you attempt to change the state of circular logging of an Exchange Server
computer running on a Microsoft Cluster Server, the following error message
A stop control has been sent to a service which other running
services are dependent on.
Microsoft Windows NT
ID no: 0xc002041b
To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Exchange Server
version 5.5. For more information, please see the following article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q191014 XGEN: How to Obtain the Latest Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack
Component: Administrator Program
File Name Version
Admin.exe 5.5.2440.0
To work around this problem, perform the following steps:
1. Start the Cluster Administrator program and open the group that was created
for Exchange Server.
2. Right-click on each Resource Type of Generic Service (these are the Exchange
Server service resources in the Exchange Cluster group such as Microsoft
Exchange Server directory, Event service, information store, and so on).
3. Click Properties on the pop-up menu, and then click the Advanced tab.
4. Click the "Do not restart" radio button, and then click the OK button for
each of these services.
5. Open the Exchange Server Administrator program and connect to the clustered
Exchange Server computer.
6. Open the Configuration object, and then open the Servers object. Highlight
the server that is the clustered Exchange Server computer.
7. Click File, click Properties, and then click the Advanced tab.
8. Change the state of Database Circular Logging and then click OK. When you go
back to the Exchange Administrator program, circular logging will be changed.
9. In the Cluster Administrator program, open the group that was created for
Exchange Server.
10. Right-click on each Resource Type of Generic Service again, click Properties
on the pop-up menu, and then click the Advanced tab.
11. Click the "Restart" radio button and click the OK button for each of these
12. Right-click on each of the Exchange Server service resources and choose
"Bring Online" on the pop-up menu. The services should then come online in
the cluster.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Exchange Server
version 5.5. This problem was first corrected in Exchange Server 5.5 Service
Pack 2.
Keywords : exc55sp2fix
Technology : kbExchangeSearch kbExchange550 kbZNotKeyword2
Version : WINDOWS:5.5
Issue type : kbbug
Solution Type : kbfix