Article: Q190968
Product(s): Microsoft C Compiler
Version(s): 6.0
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 05-MAR-2002
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition, version 6.0
This article discusses some of the limitations of IntelliSense when working with
classes. The following problems are addressed:
- Class constructors do not activate Parameter Info.
- Private members display in Members list for an object outside of the class
- IntelliSense may not recognize standard Win32 data types in member functions
when default parameters are used.
- IntelliSense does not recognize the member functions of a few new MFC
classes, such as CIPAddressCtrl, CMonthCalCtrl, CRebar, and CRebarCtrl.
- IntelliSense may not display the member list of a class in the constructor of
a derived class if its virtual base class member is used inside the derived
class constructor.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the
beginning of this article. We are researching this bug and will post new
information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
The following is a code sample that illustrates the limitations described in
this article. This sample should be placed into a header file:
// Test.h : IntelliSense Class Limitations
//void IntelliSenseFix(DWORD,UINT);
class CIntelliSense
public :
CIntelliSense(int n=5) { Num = n; }
void Win32Types(DWORD dw=10, UINT ui=6) {}
void MFCProblem()
CMonthCalCtrl calCtrl;
private :
void PrivateFunction() {}
int Num;
Create a Visual C++ MFC project, and include the header file above into a source
Class Constructors Do Not Activate Parameter Info
Type the following line of code into the source file:
CIntelliSense CIs(
Notice that no Parameter Info appears for the optional parameter "n" in the class
Private Members Display in Members List Outside the Class Definition
Type the following lines of code into the source file:
CIntelliSense CIs;
The Members list for the CIntelliSense class should appear after typing the
period. Notice that it contains the PrivateFunction member function and the Num
member variable.
Although these functions and variables appear in the Members list, they will
generate a compiler error C2248 if used. Private member variables and functions
can not be used outside of the class in which they are defined.
IntelliSense May Not Recognize Standard Win32 Data Types in Member
Functions When Default Parameters Are Used
Type the following lines of code into the source file:
CIntelliSense CIs;
Notice that only the first DWORD parameter appears in the Parameter Info for this
function. IntelliSense does not provide Parameter Info for the second parameter
of this function.
When an unknown data type is used in a member function parameter list,
IntelliSense stops parsing the function at that point. At times, IntelliSense
does not recognize Win32 data types as valid data types when used in member
functions. This is related to the use of default parameters, and it causes
Parameter Info and Type Info to generate a truncated list of function
parameters. The only way to avoid this problem is to use the data type outside
of a default parameter list before it is used in the member function. This has
to occur in the same file that contains the class definition. The following is a
1. Identify all of the data types that are having this problem.
2. Create a global function prototype above the class where the problem occurs.
3. Place each of the data types that IntelliSense doesn't recognize in the
function's parameter list.
In the sample code, remove the comments from the global IntelliSenseFix prototype
function. The complete Parameter Info and Type Info now appears for the
Win32Types function.
IntelliSense Does Not Recognize the Member Functions of a Few New MFC
Classes, such as CIPAddressCtrl, CMonthCalCtrl, CRebar, and CRebarCtrl
In the CIntelliSense::MFCProblem function, enter a new line after the
instantiation of the CMonthCalCtrl object. Insert the following code:
The Members list will appear, but it does not include the member functions for
CmonthCalCtrl; however, it does include the members for the CWnd class.
For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
Q153284 Limitations of IntelliSense in Visual C++ 6.0
"About Automatic Statement Completion;" Visual C++ Documentation, Using Visual
C++, Visual C++ Users Guide, Text Editor, Overview: Text Editor, About Automatic
Statement Completion.
"Automatically Completing Statements;" Visual C++ Documentation, Using Visual
C++, Visual C++ Users Guide, Text Editor, How do I ... Topics: Text Editor,
Automatically completing Statements.
Additional query words: kbvc600
Keywords :
Technology : kbVCsearch kbAudDeveloper kbVC600 kbVC32bitSearch
Version : :6.0
Issue type : kbbug
Solution Type : kbpending