Article: Q193939
Product(s): Microsoft SourceSafe
Version(s): WINDOWS:6.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbSSafe600 kbvfp600
Last Modified: 01-MAY-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual SourceSafe for Windows, version 6.0
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 6.0
This article illustrates how you can use the various source code control related
properties and methods of the project and the file object.
All of the source code control properties and methods are associated with the
file object and only one property, read only, is associated with the project
object. You can get access to all the source control functionality through the
file object.
Presently, using the current set of project object properties, events, and
methods (PEM's), a project cannot be added to SCC programmatically. This
operation has to be done visually using the "Add project to source control"
option from the project menu.
The source control property associated with the project object is SCCProvider,
which contains an empty string if the project is not under source control.
Otherwise, the source control property contains the name of the source control
provider associated with the project. This property is read only at run and
design time and is automatically updated by Visual FoxPro whenever a project is
added to or removed from source control. The following is an example of using
the SCCProvider property to find out whether or not a project is under source
curProj = _VFP.ActiveProject
IF EMPTY(curProj.SCCProvider)
MESSAGEBOX("Project is not under SourceCode Control"+;
chr(13)+space(18)+"Unable to proceed")
MESSAGEBOX("Project is under SourceCode Control")
Following are examples of how to use the file object SCC properties and methods.
This property is read only at design and run time. It contains a numeric
representation of the source control status of a file as follows:
No. Source Control Status
0 File is not Source Controlled (SCCFILE_NOTCONTROLLED)
1 File is Source Controlled and Checked In (SCCFILE_NOTCHECKEDOUT)
2 File Checked Out to Current User (SCCFILE_CHECKEDOUTCU)
3 File Checked Out to Other than Current User (SCCFILE_CHECKEDOUTOU)
4 File has Merge Conflict (SCCFILE_MERGECONFLICT)
5 File Merged without conflict (SCCFILE_MERGE)
6 File Checked Out to Multiple Users (SCCFILE_CHECKEDOUTMU)
You can use the status property to make sure that a source control operation can
or should be performed on a specific file. To check the contents of the property
for a file, you can use the following sample code:
CurProj = _VFP.ActiveProject
FOR i = 1 to CurProj.Files.Count
IF UPPER(fname) $ UPPER(CurProj.Files(i).Name)
IF CurProj.Files(i).SCCStatus = 0
MESSAGEBOX("File "+fname+" Is not Source Controlled")
fSCCStatus = CurProj.Files(i).SCCStatus
When you invoke any of the following methods, the source control dialog box for
the specific source control function comes up. The dialog box enables you to
perform the function on a single or multiple files. The source control methods
do not work if the project is not under source control.
Function: Description
AddToSCC: Adds file(s) to Source Control
Example: _VFP.ActiveProject.Files(1).AddToSCC
RemoveFromSCC: Removes file(s) from Source Control
Example: _VFP.ActiveProject.Files(1).RemoveFromSCC
CheckIn: Allows CheckIn of file(s)
Example: _VFP.ActiveProject.Files(1).CheckIn
CheckOut: Allows CheckOut of file(s)
Example: _VFP.ActiveProject.Files(1).CheckOut
UndoCheckOut: Allows Undo CheckOut for file(s)
Example: _VFP.ActiveProject.Files(1).UndoCheckOut
GetLatestVersion: Gets the Latest version of file(s)
Example: _VFP.ActiveProject.Files(1).GetLatestVersion
In the examples above, the file represented by FILES(1) is selected in the source
control dialog file list if the function can be performed on the file.
Otherwise, the very first file in the list will be selected. In the dialog box,
you can select to perform the function on one or multiple files.
Visual FoxPro Help: Project Object/File Object
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbSSafe600 kbvfp600
Technology : kbVFPsearch kbSSafeSearch kbAudDeveloper kbVFP600 kbSSafe600
Version : WINDOWS:6.0
Issue type : kbhowto