Article: Q194876
Product(s): The Microsoft Network
Version(s): WINDOWS:1.3
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbenv kberrmsg kbmsn
Last Modified: 10-OCT-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- The Microsoft Network version 1.3
If you connect to MSN, The Microsoft Network, using a Dial-Up Networking
connection or a third-party Internet service provider, you may receive the
following error message when you attempt to send or receive e-mail on MSN or
gain access to proprietary MSN content:
Modem is busy or cannot be found.
This behavior can occur if your MSN connection settings are incorrect or the MSN
Dial-Up Networking connections are damaged.
To resolve this issue, follow these steps:
1. Right-click the MSN icon on the desktop, and then click Connection Settings.
2. Click the "Connect using another dial-up Internet access provider" option,
and then click OK.
NOTE: After you change this setting, you must connect to your third-party
Internet service provider before you connect to MSN. When the "Connect using
another dial-up Internet access provider" setting is enabled, you cannot use
your modem to connect directly to MSN.
Additional query words: msnet msnetwork microsoft-net m.s.n. dun
Keywords : kbenv kberrmsg kbmsn
Technology : kbMSNSearch kbMSN130
Version : WINDOWS:1.3
Issue type : kbprb