Article: Q198409
Product(s): Microsoft Windows NT
Version(s): winnt:4.0
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 10-AUG-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0
IMPORTANT: This article contains information about editing the registry.
Before you edit the registry, make sure you understand how to restore it if
a problem occurs. For information about how to do this, view the "Restoring
the Registry" Help topic in Regedit.exe or the "Restoring a Registry Key"
Help topic in Regedt32.exe.
This article consists of 3 parts and describes settings for the Microsoft Domain
Name Service (DNS) server. You can modify most settings using the DNSADMIN tool,
although some settings can only be altered using Registry Editor.
For additional information, please see the following articles in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
Q198408 Microsoft DNS Server Registry Parameters, Part 1 of 3
Q198410 Microsoft DNS Server Registry Parameters, Part 3 of 3
WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may
require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that
problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use
Registry Editor at your own risk.
For information about how to edit the registry, view the "Changing Keys And
Values" Help topic in Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) or the "Add and Delete
Information in the Registry" and "Edit Registry Data" Help topics in
Regedt32.exe. Note that you should back up the registry before you edit it.
To change these parameters, use the following procedure:
1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
2. From the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree, go to the following key:
3. From the Edit menu, click Add Value and add a value to the key described in
the appropriate entry below. Type in the value, and use the "Data Type" check
box to set the value type.
4. Click OK.
5. Quit Registry Editor.
6. Restart the DNS Server for the above changes to take affect.
Server Parameters
Several registry parameters determine behavior of the entire server. Each of
these is a registry value under
NOTE: These registry keys are read only at startup. Some may be reset and, in
some cases, the server behavior dynamically changed, through the DNS
Administrator. But if manually reset, the DNS server must be restarted to pick
up the new value.
All of the DNS parameters are registry values located under subkeys of:
Value: SecureResponses
Added: SP4 (April 1998)
Type: DWORD (Boolean)
Default: NoKey = OFF (Non-secure data is kept)
Function: Determines whether server attempts to clean up
responses to avoid cache pollution.
With the Service Pack 4 (April, 1998) release, the SecureResponses flag is off.
Create the SecureResponses value and set it to 1 to enable it. Responses from
other DNS servers may contain records whose validity are open to question.
Examples: DNS server makes MX query for to's DNS server. The DNS server
responds but includes A record for A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET giving its own address.
The rogue DNS server has then gotten itself set up as a root server in your DNS
server's cache. Less malicious, but more common, are referral responses (or
direct responses from BIND, see WriteAuthorityNs for discussion) that contain
records for the DNS of an ISP: Authority section: NS NS
Additional section: A A
NOTE: The address record for the ISP happens to be old\stale. If SecureResponses
is on, records that are not in a subtree of the zone queried are eliminated. For
example, in the example above, the DNS server was
queried, so the all the records are secure, but the A record is not in the sample subtree, and
is not cached or returned by the DNS server.
Value: RecursionRetry
Added: Windows NT 4.0
Default: NoKey (Retry is three seconds)
Function: Set the interval before retrying a recursive lookup.
To resolve recursive client queries, the DNS server queries remote DNS servers.
When no response comes back, the server must retry (to the same and/or other DNS
servers). This key allows override of default retry timeout. If the
RecursionRetry key does not exist or is zero, retries are made after three
seconds. If the RecursionRetry key is nonzero, its value (in seconds) sets the
retry interval. Users should not alter this key.
Value: RecursionTimeout
Added: Windows NT 4.0
Default: NoKey (Timeout is 15 seconds)
Function: Set the timeout before DNS server gives up recursive query.
To resolve recursive client queries, the DNS server queries remote DNS servers.
When no response comes back, the server from any of the remote servers
contacted, the DNS server must eventually give up on the query and report to the
client that it was unable to answer it (response code is SERVER_FAILURE). This
key allows override of default retry timeout. If the RecursionTimeout key does
not exist or is zero, the DNS gives up after 15 seconds. If the RecursionTimeout
key is nonzero, its value (in seconds) sets the retry timeout. In general the
15-second timeout allows any outstanding response from anywhere to get back to
the DNS server. Users are discouraged from altering this key.
Value: RoundRobin
Added: SP4
Type: DWORD (Boolean)
Default: NoKey (Round robin A records)
Function: Determine whether server round robins multiple A records.
By default, the Microsoft DNS server round robins A records when multiple A
records exists for a name. This is a primitive load balancing mechanism.
If the RoundRobin key does not exist or is nonzero, the DNS server round robins A
records. If the RoundRobin key is zero, the DNS server returns A records in a
fixed (file load) order.
Value: LocalNetPriority
Added: SP4
Type: DWORD (Boolean)
Default: NoKey (Give local net records priority)
Function: Determine the priority of multiple A records given in
By default, the Microsoft DNS server gives priority to the "closest" A record to
the client's IP address when there are multiple A records for a name. This is
designed so that the client application will attempt to connect to the closest
(and fastest) IP available.
Example: has three A records:,,
and Client at queries DNS server for Instead of returning in database order or round
robin, the DNS server notices that the client's 131.21 address matches the
network (class B) portion of the address. The DNS server then
reorders the addresses in the response:
If the client query comes from, then none of addresses matches in
the network portion of the address and NO local net priority reordering is
If more than one address matches in the network portion, then the matching
addresses are ordered with the closest match first so that the result is most
likely to be correct regardless of any subnetting.
Example: has four A records:,,, and Client at queries DNS server for Now both 131.21 addresses are returned at the top,
but the 131.21.196 address is first because it matches the client's IP address
down through the 131.21.192 subnet (that is, it would match even if subnetting
down to a 255.255.248 mask). So the response is ordered:
NOTE: Having LocalNetPriority supersedes round robining. However, if RoundRobin
is on, the records continue to be round-robined, and are returned in the current
round-robin order when no LocalNetPriority match can be made.
Value: AddressAnswerLimit
Added: SP3
Default: NoKey (No limit)
Function: Limits number of A records put in answer to query.
The AddressAnswerLimit registry key puts a limit on the number of A records that
are actually written to the answer section in a response to an A record query.
This has two benefits:
1. Allows Windows 95 clients to operate correctly, even when a DNS name is
configured with more than 28 A records.
2. Keeps remote DNS servers resolving a name from retrying with TCP when they
receive a truncated response. (In general, client resolvers will not retry
with TCP, whether the truncation bit is set or not.)
If the AddressAnswerLimit registry key is nonzero, it specifies a limit on the
number of A records written into an answer for a name. The limit itself is
bounded 5 < x < 28. So an AddressAnswerLimit value greater than 28, will
result in a limit of 28, and a value 0 < x < 5, will result in a limit of
five. (The bottom limit of 5 is there so that, if multiple addresses are
available, at least enough is given back so that one computer is likely to be
found.) In addition, when AddressAnswerLimit is set, the truncation bit is not
set on a response, even if the packet space is exhausted before the limit for
writing A records is reached (see benefit 2 above).
NOTE: These restrictions are only for simple A record queries to the name. They
do not affect other query types.
If the AddressAnswerLimit registry key does not exist or is zero, A record
responses are not limited. All A records for a name are written to the packet.
If all the records do not fit in a UDP DNS packet, the truncation bit it set.
Value: LooseWildcarding
Added: SP4
Type: DWORD (Boolean)
Default: NoKey (prior to SP4 loose; after SP4 RFC wildcarding)
Function: Set server to do wildcarding loosely.
Zone file fragment:
* MX 10 MX 10 A
Query:, type MX
According to RFC, the query is looked up and no MX
record is found at, but an A record does exist.
Hence, no wildcard matching is done. The query responds with an authoritative
empty response (no error and no records). Smart mail programs would then requery
for an A record for and use the A record to send mail
directly to
Before Service Pack 4 (SP4), the Microsoft DNS server finds no MX record at, notes that MX is a wildcard type, and notes that is the parent of a wildcard name. It checks that wildcard
name * for MX records, finds a match and returns it. The
mail program would then send mail to
The advantages of each approach should be apparent. The RFC approach is easier if
your hosts are capable of receiving mail directly. However, if you advertise
hosts that are not mail servers, you also need to explicitly add MX records at
each host. The Microsoft DNS approach allows you to set up just two MX records
and cover queries to the entire zone. However, if you have individual hosts that
should receive there own mail, you need to put MX records at each of these
If the LooseWildcarding key does not exist or is zero, the server (after SP4)
will follow the RFC specified wildcarding behavior. The administrator is advised
to put MX records in for all hosts that are not capable of receiving mail.
If the LooseWildcarding key is nonzero, the server aggressively seek out the
closest wildcard node (equivalent to shipped Windows NT 4.0 behavior). The
administrator should put MX records at both the zone root and in a wildcard node
(*) directly below the zone root. The administrator should also put
self-referent MX records on hosts that are to receive their own mail.
Value: BindSecondaries
Added: Windows NT 4.0
Type: DWORD (Boolean)
Default: NoKey (Send uncompressed transfers to non-MS secondaries)
In Admin: No.
Function: Determine AXFR message format when sending to non-MS DNS
BIND did not implement the RFC specified zone transfer protocol. Specifically,
BIND sends one zone record in every DNS message. This adds the unnecessary
overhead of a message header with every record; it also eliminates any
possibility of name compression. BIND servers prior to 4.9.4 will refuse zone
transfer messages that properly buffer multiple records in each DNS message, and
some implementations may fault. More recent BIND versions (4.9.4 and later) will
both accept and send the faster compressed format, but may be configured with a
list of servers that must receive the old format.
The Microsoft DNS server can send (and receive) messages in either format. To
allow Microsoft to Microsoft transfers to use the faster format, a Microsoft DNS
secondary appends two characters (MS) to its AXFR request packet. When a
Microsoft master receives a request with this signal, it then sends the transfer
using the fast compressed format. If the request does not contain this signal,
the transfer is sent using the slower one record per message format, to avoid
causing problems if the secondary is an old BIND implementation.
If the BindSecondaries registry key does not exist or is nonzero, the server uses
the paradigm described above and will always send transfers to non-Microsoft DNS
secondaries in the uncompressed BIND compatible format. If the BindSecondaries
registry key is zero, the server will send all transfers in the fast format.
Note that the default behavior is adequate to transfer to any DNS server. The
only reason to use the BindSecondaries key is when you have NEW BIND servers (or
non-BIND, non-Microsoft servers) that are secondaries to an Microsoft DNS server
and you want to get the fastest possible transfer performance.
As the fixed BIND servers replace older versions, the defaults to this key may be
altered so that the efficient transfer is the default even to non- Microsoft
Value: WriteAuthorityNs
Added: SP3
Type: DWORD (Boolean)
Default: NoKey (Do not write unnecessary NS records)
Function: Write NS records to authority section on successful response.
By default, Microsoft DNS server uses the authority section only as outlined by
- For NS records when making a referral.
- For an SOA record to allow caching of a NAME_ERROR response. (In compliance
with dnsind clarify draft.)
If the WriteAuthorityNs registry key is nonzero, the server will write NS records
for the zone into the Authority section when making a successful authoritative
response. If the WriteAuthorityNs registry key does not exist or is zero, the
server use the default RFC compliant behavior and only write to the Authority
section in the two cases noted above.
NOTE: This key exists only for those who need Authority data for some
programmatic reason.
Value: WriteAuthoritySoa
Added: SP3
Removed: SP4
Type: DWORD (Boolean)
Default: NoKey (Do not write unnecessary SOA record)
Function: Write NS records to authority section on successful response.
The use of this key is deprecated. Use WriteAuthorityNs (see above) if mimicking
of BIND authority section behavior is desired.
Value: ListenAddresses
Added: Windows NT 4.0
Default: NoKey (Use all IP interfaces)
Function: Determines IP addresses bound to DNS server.
Some DNS resolvers (including Windows 95) require that the IP source address of a
DNS response be the same as the IP address they sent the query to, or they
reject the response. Accommodating these resolvers means that the DNS server
must explictly bind sockets to IP addresses on the computer.
The ListenAddresses key is a list of IP addresses for the DNS server to listen
on. The list is not dotted IP strings, but a counted array of raw addresses in
net byte order. It should be configured through the Server Properties,
Interfaces dialog box in the Administrator tool. Editing the registry key is
discouraged. If the ListenAddresses key does not exist, the DNS server attempts
to bind to every IP address on the computer. This is, in general, desirable
However, there are a few reason why using the listen address key may be
- For administrative reasons, you do not want to use some interfaces.
- Computer contains lots of IP interfaces, binding to all of them is expensive.
- If greater than 35 IP interfaces, the DNS server will not detect and bind to
all IP interfaces properly. Because of limitations in Winsock's
GetAddressByName(), only the first 35 interfaces are returned to the DNS
server. If your DNS should be bound to any addresses beyond the first 35,
whether all the addresses on the computer or some subset, ListenAddresses is
required to get the correct binding.
Additional query words:
Keywords :
Technology : kbWinNTsearch kbWinNT400search kbWinNTSsearch kbWinNTS400search kbWinNTS400
Version : winnt:4.0
Issue type : kbinfo