Article: Q198733
Product(s): Microsoft Exchange
Version(s): winnt:5.0,5.5
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 28-APR-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Exchange Server, versions 5.0, 5.5
The System Attendant (SA) may log the following event in the application for a
brief period of time. The SA and the other Exchange Server services do not stop,
and mail flow is unaffected.
Event ID 5007:
Category: General
Type: Error
An error occurred during the message tracking decode operation.
Function:ScWriteLog:ScWriteField. <<0xc0020021 - The process cannot
access the file because another process has locked a portion of the
While the SA logged the above Event ID 5007, the Internet Mail Service logs the
following Event ID:
Event ID 3016:
Category: Message Transfer
Type: Warning
An error occurred while logging a message tracking record. This will not
affect message delivery. Verify that message tracking is configured
Finally, the Message Transfer Agent (MTA) may log the Event ID 2026.
Event ID 2026:
Type: Warning
An internal MTA error occurred. Contact Microsoft Product Support Services.
Unable to write to the message tracking log, error code (BASE XFER-IN 20 89)
Event ID 5007 indicates that the current message tracking log file was locked by
another process. The System Attendant must be able to write to the current
message tracking log file that is found in the Exchsrvr\Tracking.log file. The
Event ID 3016 from the Internet Mail Service is logged because the Internet Mail
Service is dependent on the System Attendant to actually write to the message
tracking log file. The same is true for the MTA.
The System Attendant will write to the message tracking log file when message
tracking is enabled on any or all of the following:
- Microsoft Exchange Information Store
- Microsoft Exchange Message Transfer Agent
- Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service
The reason that the System Attendant cannot write to the message tracking log
file is because some other process has the current log file opened and locked.
Determine what process has the message tracking log file open. Then have that
process release the log file so that the System Attendant can successfully write
to it.
Processes that may lock the message tracking log file can include backup
software. Another cause for the log file to be locked is that someone currently
has the file open with an editor of some sort.
To determine if the backup software being used is locking the message tracking
log file, examine the backup software's own log to see if it records the times
it backs up particular files. If the backup software logs such information, then
compare the time that the backup software was backing up the mesage tracking log
files to the time that the System Attendant logged Event ID 5007. If they are
the same, the backup software is locking the message tracking log file and
preventing the System Attendant from writing to the file.
Additional query words: mad mad.exe
Keywords :
Technology : kbExchangeSearch kbExchange500 kbExchange550 kbZNotKeyword2
Version : winnt:5.0,5.5
Issue type : kbprb