Q199131: HOWTO: Add a FoxPro Database to SQL Server as a Linked Server

Article: Q199131
Product(s): Microsoft FoxPro
Version(s): MACINTOSH:3.0b; WINDOWS:3.0,3.0b,5.0,5.0a,6.0; winnt:7.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbDatabase kbSQL kbSQLServ kbvfp300b kbvfp500 kbvfp500a kbvfp600 KbDBFDBC kbGrpDSFox kb
Last Modified: 27-JUL-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Macintosh, version 3.0b 
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 3.0b, 5.0, 5.0a, 6.0 
- Microsoft SQL Server version 7.0 


SQL Server 7.0 allows the addition of external data sources as linked servers.
This feature provides access to distributed, heterogeneous queries against OLE
DB data sources. This article shows how to programmatically add and query a
Visual FoxPro data source as a linked server from Visual FoxPro.


sp_addlinkedserver is a new stored procedure introduced in SQL Server 7.0.
sp_addlinkedserver creates a linked server, which allows access to distributed,
heterogeneous queries against OLE DB data sources.

The syntax for adding a linked server from Transact - SQL is:

  sp_addlinkedserver [@server =] 'server',
     [@srvproduct =] 'product_name',
     [@provider =] 'provider_name',
     [@datasrc =] 'data_source',
     [@location =] 'location',
     [@provstr =] 'provider_string',
     [@catalog =] 'catalog'

  [@server =] 'server'            Is the name of the linked server to
                                  create with sp_addlinkedserver.

  [@srvproduct =] 'product_name'  Is the product name of the OLE DB data
                                  source to add as a linked server.

  [@provider =] 'provider_name'   Is the unique provider identifier of the
                                  OLE DB provider corresponding to the
                                  data source.

  [@datasrc =] 'data_source'      Is the name of the data source, as
                                  interpreted by the OLE DB provider.

  [@location =] 'location'        Is the location of or path to the
                                  database as interpreted by the OLE DB

  [@provstr =] 'provider_string'  Is the OLE DB provider-specific.

  [@catalog =] 'catalog'          Is the catalog to be used when making a
                                  connection to the OLE DB provider.

The following code snippet adds the Visual FoxPro database Testdata.DBC from the
SAMPLES\DATA directory to SQL Server as a linked server.

NOTE: This code snippet assumes that Visual FoxPro and SQL Server are being run
on the same machine.

     Connect_String='DRIVER={SQL Server};' + ;
     IF gnConnHandle > 0
        * Create a command string to pass to SQL Server via SQLExec
        SQLCommand="sp_addlinkedserver 'VFP','','MSDASQL',NULL,NULL,"+ ;
           "'DRIVER={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};" + ;
        * CREATE the LINKED Server"
        IF Create_Linked_Server > 0
           * The linked server was successfully created
           * Run the query
           * The Linked Server either already exists or the command failed.
           * Test for existence of linked server with aerror()
           IF "VFP' ALREADY EXISTS."$UPPER(s_failed[1,2])
              * The linked server exists, so run the query
              * The linked server doesn't exist, so display a message

     PROCEDURE RunQuery
        IF QRYVal > 0
           SELECT SQLResults
           =MESSAGEBOX(L_Server[1,2],32,'Query Failed')

After running the code snippet, open SQL Server Enterprise Manager and expand the
Linked Servers node. Note that a linked server named VFP has been added.


For more information about sp_addlinkedserver, search for "sp_addlinkedserver"
in the Transact - SQL Reference Help file.

(c) Microsoft Corporation 1999, All Rights Reserved.
Contributions by John Desch, Microsoft Corporation

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbDatabase kbSQL kbSQLServ kbvfp300b kbvfp500 kbvfp500a kbvfp600 KbDBFDBC kbGrpDSFox kbSQLProg 
Technology        : kbHWMAC kbOSMAC kbVFPsearch kbSQLServSearch kbAudDeveloper kbSQLServ700 kbVFP300bMac kbVFP300 kbVFP300b kbVFP500 kbVFP600 kbVFP500a
Version           : MACINTOSH:3.0b; WINDOWS:3.0,3.0b,5.0,5.0a,6.0; winnt:7.0
Issue type        : kbhowto
