Article: Q216885
Product(s): Microsoft C Compiler
Version(s): NT:7.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbDatabase kbSQLServ700 kbEngQuery kbGrpDSVCDBkbfaq
Last Modified: 18-JUL-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft English Query, version 7.0
An English Query project designed with SQL 7.0 database may give a syntax error
for some queries while using a SQL Server 6.5 database at run time.
English Query takes advantage of the new SQL 7.0 T-SQL features, and may use
such new keywords as "TOP n". If you use this English Query application with SQL
Server 6.5, the new keywords aren't recognized, and generate a syntax error.
There are two possible workarounds for this issue:
Solution 1
Set the version for the data connection and rebuild the EQ domain:
Set Global properties/data connection/ version for your EQ project and rebuild
the EQ domain application. For example:
1. Open the sample pubs EQ project.
2. On the Edit menu, click the Gobal properties/data connection tab.
3. Change the version to 6.5 (for example, 06.50.201). If you click Change on
the data connection tab and choose a DSN for a SQL 6.5, the version field
on the dialog box is updated.
4. Rebuild the EQ domain application.
Solution 2
Use EQ session.SetDBMS method to generate code for SQL Server 6.5.
The SetDBMS Method sets the DBMS type and version for which the query is
generated. If the server running Microsoft SQL Server is version 7.0 (or
higher, when available), it allows the server to take advantage of the
features in that particular version.
Session.SetDBMS(Type, Version)
Part Description
Session An object variable representing an existing domain object.
Type A reserved integer it must be 0 (zero).
Version A string in the form of nn.nn.nnn
For example:
objEQSession.SetDBMS(0, "06.50.201")
You can use this method if you want to deploy on SQL Server 6.5 and can't
change the model and rebuild.
To change the MFCEQUI sample to query in SQL Server 6.5, modify the following
method in the Nlinter.cpp file by adding the following line:
(*m_pSession)->SetDBMS((enum NlDBMSType)0,"");
bool CNlpSession::Startup(const LPCTSTR szDomainFilename)
try {
m_pSession= new _SessionPtr;
catch(_com_error &e) {
try {
// **** Add this line to the sample ******
(*m_pSession)->SetDBMS((enum NlDBMSType)0,"");
// ***************************************
catch(_com_error &e) {
m_pSession = NULL;
1. Run the Visual C++ MFCEQUI sample that ships with English Query.
2. Connect to a SQL 6.5 pubs database.
3. Run the following query:
"who wrote the most books ?"
RESULTS: The following error message results:
37000: .. Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '1'
This is the query it generates:
select top 1 with ties dbo.authors.au_fname as "First Name",
dbo.authors.au_lname as "Last Name", count(*) as "count" from
dbo.titleauthor, dbo.authors where
dbo.titleauthor.au_id=dbo.authors.au_id group by dbo.titleauthor.au_id,
dbo.authors.au_fname, dbo.authors.au_lname order by 3 desc
The above query works fine for SQL Server 7.0 and fails for SQL Server 6.5
because "top 1 with ties" is a new SQL 7.0 T-SQL feature.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbDatabase kbSQLServ700 kbEngQuery kbGrpDSVCDB kbfaq
Technology : kbSQLServSearch kbEngQuery700
Version : NT:7.0
Issue type : kbprb
Solution Type : kbpending