Q226510: SMS_DISCOVERY_DATA_MANAGER Status "Failed to Enumerate Sites"

Article: Q226510
Product(s): Microsoft Systems Management Server
Version(s): winnt:2.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbenv kbsms200
Last Modified: 06-AUG-2002

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Systems Management Server version 2.0 


The following message may appear in the Systems Management Server 2.0 Status
Message system every few minutes:

| Component                  | Status message text          | Message ID | 
| SMS_Discovery_Data_Manager | "Failed to enumerate sites." | 679        | 

In addition, if logging for SMS_Discovery_Data_Manager is enabled, the following
message appears in the DDM.log file:

  CDiscoverDataManager::GetSiteInfo - Could not get subsites.
  GMTDATE=Tue Mar 23 15:38:31.973 1999 ISTR0="" ISTR1="" ISTR2="" ISTR3=""
  ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=0
  CDiscoverDataManager::Process - Could not refresh registry values.
  Sleeping for 60 seconds

No Discovery data records (DDRs) are processed.


The SMS Service account listed in the SMSDATA table in the SMS database does not
match the service account the SMS_EXECUTIVE service is started with. To verify
you are experiencing this problem:

1. In Control Panel, double-click Services, and check the SMS_EXECUTIVE Startup

2. Note the exact account name listed in the "Log on as" section.

3. Connect to the SMS database with the SQL query tool.

4. Perform the following query:

  Select ServiceAccountName from SMSDATA

5. Note the value returned from the query. If the name in the database and the
  name in Service Control Manager do not match exactly (letter for letter), you
  experience this problem.


Perform a site reset and specify the SMS Service account again. Specify the SMS
Service account using the following format:


For example,


NOTE: It may take several minutes after the site reset is finished before the
information is actually updated.


When an SMS component connects to SQL, SMS checks to determine whether the
connection is being made by the SMS Service account or not. If it is not the SMS
Service account, SMS checks permissions and excludes results based on the user's
permissions. In this case, SMS_Discovery_Data_Manager is logged on as an account
name that does not match the ServiceAccountName entry in the SMSDATA table in
the SMS database. As a result, the query to find all sites returns no rows,
causing the error message listed above.

Additional query words: prodsms

Keywords          : kbenv kbsms200 
Technology        : kbSMSSearch kbSMS200
Version           : winnt:2.0
Issue type        : kbprb
