Article: Q232969
Product(s): Internet Information Server
Version(s): winnt:1.0,1.1,2.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbIdxServ200
Last Modified: 19-JUN-1999
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Index Server versions 1.0, 1.1, 2.0
Below are the error codes and numbers that are related to the Microsoft Index
Server. This list is currently unavailable in the documentation, but you can
find it in the Cierror.h file from the Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise edition CD.
| #define | HRESULT | MessageText |
| QUERY_E_FAILED | 0x80041600L | Call failed for unknown reason |
| QUERY_E_INVALIDQUERY | 0x80041601L | Invalid parameter |
| QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION | 0x80041602L | The query restriction could not be parsed |
| QUERY_E_INVALIDSORT | 0x80041603L | An invalid sort order was requested |
| QUERY_E_INVALIDCATEGORIZE | 0x80041604L | An invalid categorization order was requested |
| QUERY_E_ALLNOISE | 0x80041605L | The query contained only ignored words |
| QUERY_E_TOOCOMPLEX | 0x80041606L | The query was too complex to be executed |
| QUERY_E_TIMEDOUT | 0x80041607L | The query exceeded its execution time limit |
| QUERY_E_DUPLICATE_OUTPUT_COLUMN | 0x80041608L | One or more columns in the output column list is a duplicate |
| QUERY_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_COLUMN | 0x80041609L | One or more columns in the output column list is not valid |
| FDAEMON_W_WORDLISTFULL | 0x00041680L | Wordlist has reached maximum size; additional documents should not be filtered |
| FDAEMON_E_LOWRESOURCE | 0x80041681L | The system is running out of resources needed for filtering, usually memory |
| FDAEMON_E_FATALERROR | 0x80041682L | A critical error occurred during document filtering; consult system administrator |
| FDAEMON_E_PARTITIONDELETED | 0x80041683L | Documents not stored in content index because partition has been deleted |
| FDAEMON_E_CHANGEUPDATEFAILED | 0x80041684L | Documents not stored in content index because update of changelist failed |
| FDAEMON_W_EMPTYWORDLIST | 0x00041685L | Final wordlist was empty |
| FDAEMON_E_WORDLISTCOMMITFAILED | 0x80041686L | Commit of wordlist failed; data not available for query |
| FDAEMON_E_NOWORDLIST | 0x80041687L | No wordlist is being constructed; may happen after fatal filter error |
| FDAEMON_E_TOOMANYFILTEREDBLOCKS | 0x80041688L | During document filtering the limit on buffers has been exceeded |
| SEARCH_S_NOMOREHITS | 0x000416A0L | End of hits has been reached |
| SEARCH_E_NOMONIKER | 0x800416A1L | Retrival of hits as monikers is not supported (by filter passed into Init) |
| SEARCH_E_NOREGION | 0x800416A2L | Retrival of hits as filter regions is not supported (by filter passed into Init) |
| FILTER_E_TOO_BIG | 0x80041730L | File is too large to filter |
| FILTER_S_PARTIAL_CONTENTSCAN_IMMEDIATE | 0x00041731L | A partial content scan of the disk needs to be scheduled for immediate execution |
| FILTER_S_FULL_CONTENTSCAN_IMMEDIATE | 0x00041732L | A full content scan of the disk needs to be scheduled for immediate execution |
| FILTER_S_CONTENTSCAN_DELAYED | 0x00041733L | A content scan of the disk needs to be scheduled for execution later |
| FILTER_E_CONTENTINDEXCORRUPT | 0xC0041734L | The content index is corrupt; a content scan will to be scheduled after chkdsk or autochk is run |
| FILTER_S_DISK_FULL | 0x00041735L | The disk is getting full |
| FILTER_E_ALREADY_OPEN | 0x80041736L | A file is already open; cannot open another one while a file is open |
| FILTER_E_UNREACHABLE | 0x80041737L | The file is not reachable |
| FILTER_E_IN_USE | 0x80041738L | The document is in use by another process |
| FILTER_E_NOT_OPEN | 0x80041739L | The document is not opened |
| FILTER_S_NO_PROPSETS | 0x0004173AL | The document has no property sets |
| FILTER_E_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY | 0x8004173BL | There is no property with the given GUID |
| FILTER_S_NO_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | 0x0004173CL | The document has no security descriptor |
| WBREAK_E_END_OF_TEXT | 0x80041780L | End of text reached in text source |
| LANGUAGE_S_LARGE_WORD | 0x00041781L | Word larger than maximum length; may be truncated by word sink |
| WBREAK_E_QUERY_ONLY | 0x80041782L | Feature only available in query mode |
| WBREAK_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | 0x80041783L | Buffer too small to hold composed phrase |
| LANGUAGE_E_DATABASE_NOT_FOUND | 0x80041784L | Langauge database/cache file could not be found |
| WBREAK_E_INIT_FAILED | 0x80041785L | Initialization of word breaker failed |
| PSINK_E_QUERY_ONLY | 0x80041790L | Feature only available in query mode |
| PSINK_E_INDEX_ONLY | 0x80041791L | Feature only available in index mode |
| PSINK_E_LARGE_ATTACHMENT | 0x80041792L | Attachment type beyond valid range |
| PSINK_S_LARGE_WORD | 0x00041793L | Word larger than maximum length; may be truncated by phrase sink |
| CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE | 0xC0041800L | The content index is corrupt |
| CI_CORRUPT_CATALOG | 0xC0041801L | The content index meta data is corrupt |
| CI_INVALID_PARTITION | 0xC0041802L | The content index partition is invalid |
| CI_INVALID_PRIORITY | 0xC0041803L | The priority is invalid |
| CI_NO_STARTING_KEY | 0xC0041804L | There is no starting key |
| CI_OUT_OF_INDEX_IDS | 0xC0041806L | There is no catalog |
| CI_CORRUPT_FILTER_BUFFER | 0xC0041808L | The index is invalid |
| CI_PROPSTORE_INCONSISTENCY | 0xC0041809L | Inconsistency in property store detected |
| CI_E_ALREADY_INITIALIZED | 0x8004180AL | The object is already initialzed |
| CI_E_NOT_INITIALIZED | 0x8004180BL | The object is not initialzed |
| CI_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL | 0x8004180CL | The buffer is too small |
| CI_E_PROPERTY_NOT_CACHED | 0x8004180DL | The given property is not cached |
| CI_S_WORKID_DELETED | 0x0004180EL | The workid is deleted |
| CI_E_INVALID_STATE | 0x8004180FL | The object is not in a valid state |
| CI_E_FILTERING_DISABLED | 0x80041810L | Filtering is disabled in this content index |
| CI_E_DISK_FULL | 0x80041811L | The disk is full and the specified operation cannot be done |
| CI_E_SHUTDOWN | 0x80041812L | Content Index has been shutdown |
| CI_E_WORKID_NOTVALID | 0x80041813L | The workid is not valid |
| CI_S_END_OF_ENUMERATION | 0x00041814L | There are no more documents to enumerate |
| CI_E_NOT_FOUND | 0x80041815L | The object was not found |
| CI_E_USE_DEFAULT_PID | 0x80041816L | The passed-in property ID is not supported |
| CI_E_DUPLICATE_NOTIFICATION | 0x80041817L | There were two notifications for the same workid |
| CI_E_UPDATES_DISABLED | 0x80041818L | A document update was rejected because updates were disabled |
| CI_E_INVALID_FLAGS_COMBINATION | 0x80041819L | The combination of flags specified is invalid |
| CI_E_OUTOFSEQ_INCREMENT_DATA | 0x8004181AL | The incremental data given to Load is not valid. It may be out of sequence |
| CI_E_SHARING_VIOLATION | 0x8004181BL | A sharing or locking violation caused a failure |
| CI_E_LOGON_FAILURE | 0x8004181CL | A logon permission violation caused a failure |
| CI_E_NO_CATALOG | 0x8004181DL | There is no catalog |
| CI_E_STRANGE_PAGEORSECTOR_SIZE | 0x8004181EL | Page size is not an integral multiple of the sector size of the volume where index is located |
| CI_E_TIMEOUT | 0x8004181FL | Service is too busy |
| CI_E_NOT_RUNNING | 0x80041820L | Service is not running |
| CI_INCORRECT_VERSION | 0xC0041821L | The content index data on disk is for the wrong version |
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbIdxServ200
Technology : kbIdxServSearch kbAudDeveloper kbIdxServ100 kbIdxServ110 kbIdxServ200
Version : winnt:1.0,1.1,2.0
Issue type : kbinfo