Article: Q234500
Product(s): Microsoft Press
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbdocfix kbdocerr
Last Modified: 09-DEC-2000
The information in this article applies to:
- MSPRESS Microsoft Pocket Guide to Microsoft Excel 2000 ISBN 1-57231-971-2
This article contains comments, corrections, and information about known errors
relating to the Microsoft Press book Microsoft Pocket Guide to Microsoft Excel
2000, ISBN 1-57231-971-2.
The following topics are covered:
- Page 57: Callout Pointing To Wrong Buttons
- Page 62: Two Incorrect Features On Page
- Page 76: Button Name Incorrect
- Page 102: Delete Information That Is No Longer Correct
- Page 170: Command On Insert Menu Incorrect
Page 57: Callout Pointing To Wrong Buttons
In the graphic under the "Drawing" entry, the callout text is reversed. The 3rd
callout should point to the Draw button, and the 1st callout should point to the
drop-down arrow. Please reverse the 1st and 3rd callouts.
Page 62: Two Incorrect Features On Page
Two of the features under the Erasing Cells entry are incorrect.
In the Erasing a Cell's Contents section,
Change: "...choose Contents Del or press Delete."
To: "...choose Contents or press Delete."
Delete the entire Erasing Hyperlinks section as it is no longer correct.
Page 76: Button Name Incorrect
In the procedure at the end of the Full Screen entry, a button name is incorrect.
In the last sentence,
Change: " the Close Full Screen toolbar button."
To: " the Full Screen toolbar button."
Page 102: Delete Information That Is No Longer Correct
In the Office Assistant, the last sentence before the graphic, beginning "Or
click Tips, and the Assistant..." is no longer correct. Please delete it.
Page 170: Command On Insert Menu Incorrect
Two changes need to be made to the end of the Insert Menu entry.
First, the Object command is actually on the Insert Menu (not on a submenu), so
it should be a the same level as they Hyperlink command. Please left-align it
with Hyperlink and format it in the same way.
Second, the Map command is no longer on the Insert menu. Please delete it.
Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate books. All
comments and corrections listed above are ready for inclusion in future
printings of this book. If you have a later printing of this book, it may
already contain most or all of the above corrections.
Additional query words: EUBOOK EUPG OFF2000 XL
Keywords : kbdocfix kbdocerr
Technology : kbMSPressSearch
Issue type : kbinfo