Article: Q236402
Product(s): Microsoft Press
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbdocfix kbdocerr
Last Modified: 26-SEP-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- MSPRESS Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 Training Kit ISBN 1-57231-834-1
This article contains comments, corrections, and information about known errors
relating to the Microsoft Press book Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0
Training Kit, ISBN 1-57231-834-1.
The following topics are covered:
- CD-ROM: PowerPoint Presentation References "Windows NT 5.0"
- CD-ROM: Broken Links In Files
- CD-ROM: NT4SP4 Installs More Than SP4 From CD-ROM
- CD-ROM: SMS Evaluation Software May Not Install Properly
- CD-ROM: SMS Evaluation Software Does Not Expire
- CD-ROM: No Sound In Demos
- Page 44: Corrections Needed In User Connections Section
- Page 105: Typo In The Last Sentence
- Page 110, Paragraph 2: Registry Path Is Incorrect
- Page 154: Incorrect File Location
- Page 423: Exercise Requires Full Version of Software
CD-ROM: PowerPoint Presentation References "Windows NT 5.0"
The PowerPoint presentation included on the SMS 2.0 Supplementary course
materials CD makes several references to "Windows NT 5.0" in chapter 12. You
will see this as part of the presentation text and in at least one slide title.
These references should be changed to "Windows 2000."
CD-ROM: Broken Links In Files
There are broken links within two of the documents on the SMS 2.0 Supplementary
course materials CD, as follows:
Chapt01\Articles\pressreleases.htm links to the missing files:
\others.htm and \standards.htm
Chapt07\Articles\Q142641.doc contains a link to an external source: This link cannot be opened unless you
have an open and active connection to the Internet.
CD-ROM: NT4SP4 Installs More Than SP4 From CD-ROM
The NT4SP4.exe included on the SMS 2.0 Supplemental Course materials CD, as well
as the SP4 included in the autorun install on the SMS 2.0 Evaluation CD,
installs more than Service Pack 4.
NT4SP4.exe is in the Chapt04\Exfiles\Ex20 folder of the supplemental course
materials CD and in the NTQFE\NT4SP4 folder of the SMS Evaluation CD.
When the user runs this executable, it installs NT4 Service Pack 4, IE4.01SP1,
and MDAC, with no option or opportunity to install just one or a combination of
these applications.
CD-ROM: SMS Evaluation Software May Not Install Properly
There may be instances where the Systems Management Server 2.0 software will not
install properly. These issues have been addressed in the SMS 2.0 Service Pack 1
(SP1). However, you will be unable to install SP1 if you are running the
evaluation version of SMS 2.0. The service pack requires the full retail version
of the software.
If you experience any of the issues listed in the following article, you must
install a retail copy of SMS 2.0, then apply the service pack.
For a complete list of the issues that SP1 fixes, please review the following
Knowledge Base article on the Microsoft Web site:
Q235991 SMS: Systems Management Server 2.0 Service Pack 1 Fixlist
CD-ROM: SMS Evaluation Software Does Not Expire
The copy of Systems Management Server 2.0 included on the SMS 120-day Evaluation
CD does not explicitly expire after 120 days. SQL Server 7.0, which is also
installed during the SMS setup does expire after 120 days. This renders SMS
The expiration of SQL Server 7.0 can be verified by an event recorded in the
Windows NT Event Viewer under the Application type of Event.
CD-ROM: No Sound In Demos
There is no sound to accompany the demonstration files included in the Chapter
The omission of sound was by design to ensure that all content was accessible,
regardless of whether the computer was configured to provide audio. No sound is
necessary to fully understand the concepts being demonstrated.
Correction: Add this information to the README.TXT file on the CD-ROM.
Page 44: Corrections Needed In User Connections Section
On page 44, in the first paragraph change:
"A primary site server uses a minimum of 40 user connections for installation and
operation. Above the minimum of 40 connections, the first five concurrently
operating SMS Administrator consoles require two user connections each. If more
than five SMS Administrator consoles will be running on your site concurrently,
grant an additional five user connections in SQL Server for each console."
"Systems Management Server 2.0 requires 50 user connections for the use of the
site server and the Systems Management Server services that run on the server
plus 5 user connections for each SMS Administrator console that will run
For more information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge
Q199249 SMS: How to Configure SQL Server User Connections for SMS 2.0
Page 105: Typo In The Last Sentence
On page 105, in the last sentence in the third bulleted item, change u.Ebutart to
The last sentence should read:
"Since the recurrence pattern is configured for the last day of the month,
inventory day must be the last day of the month."
Page 154: Incorrect File Location
On page 154, in step 17, the correct location for the file SP4I386.exe should be
"cdrom drive:\msie\en\nt4sp4\I386", not "cdrom drive:\chapt04\exfiles\ex20".
Page 110, Paragraph 2: Registry Path Is Incorrect
On page 110, paragraph 2, the registry path is incorrect.
"HKLM\SW\MS\SMS\Client\Client Components\Hardware Inventory Agent"
Page 423: Exercise Requires Full Version of Software
On Page 423, Exercise 47 requires the full version of SMS 2.0. The evaluation
software included with this training kit does not have SMS Trace or the support
directory needed for the exercise.
Change Step 1 at the bottom of the page from:
1. Insert the SMS 2.0 Installation CD-ROM.
1. Insert the installation CD-ROM for the full version of SMS 2.0. (The
installation CD-ROM for the 120-day Evaluation Edition of SMS 2.0 can not be
used for this exercise.)
Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate books. All
comments and corrections listed above are ready for inclusion in future
printings of this book. If you have a later printing of this book, it may
already contain most or all of the above corrections.
Additional query words: TKBOOK SMS 1-57231-834-1
Keywords : kbdocfix kbdocerr
Technology : kbMSPressSearch
Version : :
Issue type : kbinfo