Article: Q237689
Product(s): Microsoft Press
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbdocfix kbdocerr
Last Modified: 09-MAR-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- MSPRESS Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Database Implementation Training Kit ISBN 1-57231-826-0
This article contains comments, corrections, and information about known errors
relating to the Microsoft Press book Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Database
Implementation Training Kit, ISBN 1-57231-826-0.
The following topics are covered:
- CD-ROM: Readme.txt Instructions For Installing NTSP4
- CD-ROM: PowerPoint Presentation Uses Incorrect References
- CD-ROM: Broken Links In Files On CD-ROM
- CD-ROM: NT4SP4 Installs More Than SP4 From CD-ROM
- CD-ROM: No Sound In Demos
- Page 3: Figure Number In Last Paragraph Should Be 1.2
- Page 69: Error In Code At The Bottom Of The Page
- Page 94: Typo Under Modify File Section
- Page 94: Incorrect Syntax
- Page 97: Code Correction
- Page 100: Correction For First Sentence
- Page 103: Code Corrections
- Page 106: Change Tables To Table In Statement For Security Information For
Table Privileges
- Page 108: firstname Should Be birth_date
- Page 111: Correction To Loanhist Table In Figure 3.6
- Page 195: Example 2 Should Reference Member Table
- Page 234: Correction to Figure 8.1 Results
- Page 244: Figure 8.4 Corrections
- Page 258: Question 4 Should Ask For Phone Numbers Instead Of Addresses
- Page 265: Correction To First Bulleted Item
- Page 269: Incorrect Date
- Page 434: Figure 14.3 Shows Incorrect Code In Execute Line
CD-ROM: Readme.txt Instructions For Installing NTSP4
The readme.txt file located in the NT4SP4 folder does not give accurate
directions for installing Windows NT Service Pack 4 from the CD-ROM that
accompanies this training kit. The Readme.txt file in the root of this CD-ROM
does contain the correct instructions for installing the service pack.
To install Windows NT Service Pack 4, run the Sp4i386.exe file located in the
NT4SP4 folder on the CD-ROM.
PowerPoint Presentation Uses Incorrect References
The PowerPoint presentation included on the SMS 2.0 Supplementary course
materials CD makes several references in chapter 12, to "Windows NT 5.0", as
part of the presentation text and in at least one slide title.
These references should be changed to "Windows 2000".
Broken Links In Files On CD-ROM
There are broken links within two of the documents on the SMS 2.0 Supplementary
course materials CD, as follows:
Chapt01\Articles\pressreleases.htm - links to the missing files: \others.htm
and \standards.htm
Chapt07\Articles\Q142641.doc - contains a link to an external source: and this link cannot be opened
NT4SP4 Installs More Than SP4 From CD-ROM
The NT4SP4.exe included on the SMS 2.0 Supplemental Course materials CD, as well
as the SP4 included in the autorun install on the SMS 2.0 Evaluation CD,
installs more than Service Pack 4.
NT4SP4.exe is in the Chapt04\Exfiles\Ex20 folder of the supplemental course
materials CD and in the NTQFE\NT4SP4 folder of the SMS Evaluation CD.
When the user runs this executable, it installs NT4 Service Pack 4, IE4.01SP1,
and MDAC, with no option or opportunity to install just one or a combination of
these applications.
CD-ROM: No Sound In Demos
There is no sound to accompany the demonstration files included in the Chapter
The omission of sound was by design to ensure that all content was accessible,
regardless of whether the computer was configured to provide audio. No sound is
necessary to fully understand the concepts being demonstrated.
Correction: Add this information to the README.TXT file on the CD-ROM.
Page 3: Figure Number In Last Paragraph Should Be 1.2
On page 3, in the last sentence on the page, the Figure number should be 1.2.
"In this implementation, the host computer fulfills the role of client and the
role of server, as shown in Figure 1."
"In this implementation, the host computer fulfills the role of client and the
role of server, as shown in Figure 1.2."
In Chapter 2, Lesson 2, on page 52, change COLUMNOBJECT to COLUMNPROPERTY.
The last sentence in the first paragraph on this page should read: "The first
argument of the COLUMNPROPERTY function requires an object ID rather than an
object name."
Page 69: Error In Code At The Bottom Of The Page
On Page 69, in the code sample at the bottom of the page, "COMMIT TRANSACTION"
should be moved to the next line, and second custid should be 78910.
UPDATE savings SET amount = (amount - 100)
WHERE custid = 78910
UPDATE checking SET amount = (amount + 100)
UPDATE savings SET amount = (amount - 100)
WHERE custid = 78910
UPDATE checking SET amount = (amount + 100)
WHERE custid = 78910
Page 94: Typo Under Modify File Section
On page 94, in the paragraph titled "Modify File", there is a typo in the last
"You may not specify the FILENAME option with the MODIFY OPTION."
"You may not specify the FILENAME option with the MODIFY FILE option."
Page 94: Incorrect Syntax
On page 94, the Syntax example contains some errors.
"| CREATE FILEGROUP filegroup_name
| DROP FILEGROUP filegroup"
"| ADD FILEGROUP filegroup_name
Page 97: Code Correction
On page 97, under the Example heading, the last line of code can be deleted.
Page 100: Correction For First Sentence
On page 100, "using SQL Server Enterprise Manager or" can be deleted from the
first sentence on the page.
"You can shrink a data file in a database using SQL Server Enterprise Manager or
by executing the DBCC SHRINKFILE statement."
"You can shrink a data file in a database by executing the DBCC SHRINKFILE
Page 103: Code Corrections
On page 103, in the example code, you will need to capitalize
"OrderHistoryGroup", in the second and last line of code, and "Northwind", in
the fourth line of code.
Page 106: Change Tables To Table In Statement For Security Information For Table Privileges
On page 106, in the table containing information schema view and descriptions,
the statement for security information for table privileges will not run as
Page 108: firstname Should Be birth_date
In Chapter 3, Lesson 5, page 108, in figure 3.4 the juvenile table has a
mislabeled column.
Change "firstname" to "birth_date".
Page 111: Correction To Loanhist Table In Figure 3.6
On page 111, in figure 3.6, in the loanhist table, under the member_no column, FK
should not be listed. A foreign key constraint was not created on the member_no
column of the loanhist table.
Page 195: Example 2 Should Reference Member Table
In Example 2 on page 195, the paragraph describing the example references the
wrong table.
"This example executes a statement that accesses the table ID of the juvenile
table and..."
"This example executes a statement that accesses the table ID of the member table
Page 234: Correction to Figure 8.1 Results
On page 234, Figure 8.1, Result table, buyer_id column:
"1, 2, 3, 4, 3"
"1, 1, 4, 3, 4"
The Result table for this figure should match the information on page 235, under
the subheading Result.
Page 244: Figure 8.4 Corrections
On page 244, in figure 8.4, the column labeled [buyer_id] should be [prod_id] in
the Produce table.
Page 258: Question 4 Should Ask For Phone Numbers Instead Of Addresses
On page 258, in question four, change "addresses" to "phone numbers". The tables
that are used in reference to this question do not include an address column.
This question is repeated in Appendix A, in the Question and Answer section on
page 478 and should also be changed there.
"How can you produce a single list of names and addresses for both doctors and
"How can you produce a single list of names and phone numbers for both doctors
and patients?"
Page 265: Correction To First Bulleted Item
On page 265, the first bulleted item under Correlated Subqueries is misleading.
You do not have to use aliases to distinguish table names. You can use the
actual table name if you prefer.
"You must use aliases to distinguish table names."
"You must distinguish table names using either an alias or the full table name."
Page 269: Incorrect Date
On page 269, in Example 1, there is a wrong date in the first sentence.
"... a list of employees who received orders on 9/2/94."
"... a list of employees who received orders on 9/5/97."
Page 434: Figure 14.3 Shows Incorrect Code In Execute Line
On page 434, in Figure 14.3, there is an error in the code. Please remove the "@"
sign in front of "mathtutor".
"EXECUTE @mathtutor 5, 6, @answer OUTPUT"
"EXECUTE mathtutor 5, 6, @answer OUTPUT"
Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate books. All
comments and corrections listed above are ready for inclusion in future
printings of this book. If you have a later printing of this book, it may
already contain most or all of the above corrections.
Additional query words: 1-57231-826-0 TKBOOK SQL
Keywords : kbdocfix kbdocerr
Technology : kbMSPressSearch
Version : :
Issue type : kbinfo