Q241865: ILS May Cause SBS Wizards Not to Work

Article: Q241865
Product(s): Microsoft Windows NT
Version(s): winnt:4.5
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbenv kberrmsg
Last Modified: 05-NOV-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft BackOffice Server 4.5 
- Microsoft BackOffice Small Business Server version 4.5 


If you have the Internet Locator service (ILS) installed in BackOffice Small
Business Server (SBS) 4.5 or BackOffice Server 4.5 and the ILS is using TCP port
389 (which is necessary for Microsoft NetMeeting clients to connect), some of
the console wizards may not work.

For example, the Add User Wizard may skip past the information necessary for
creating the Microsoft Exchange mailbox, or you may receive the following error
message and events when you try to manage your e-mail distribution list:

  E-mail Distribution List Wizard
  The specified Exchange server could not be found or is not running. This
  program cannot continue.

  Event ID: 1306
  Type: Error
  Source: MSexchangeDS
  Description: Register LDAP protocol failed with error 10048. If port number
  389 is used by another application, change to an unused port, then shutdown
  and restart Microsoft exchange Directory Services. Contact Microsoft Support
  service if the condition persists.

  Event ID: 1309
  Type: Error
  Source: MSExchangeDS
  Description: Register LDAP SSL protocol failed with error 10048. The LDAP SSL
  server is not available. Make sure port number 636 is not used by another


When you run the Add User Wizard from the console, it attempts to make a
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) query to the Microsoft Exchange
server on TCP port 389 (by default). The ILS may start before the Exchange
Directory service, which would take control of TCP port 389.


See the following article for information about how to configure Exchange to use
a different port, allowing the ILS to use TCP port 389. The Add User Wizard can
query Exchange on the alternate port.

  Q176169 XADM: How to Install ILS on Exchange Server Computer

Additional query words: smallbiz

Keywords          : kbenv kberrmsg 
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbBackOfficeSearch kbSBServSearch kbBackOfficeServ450 kbSBServ450
Version           : winnt:4.5
Issue type        : kbprb
