Article: Q242588
Product(s): Microsoft C Compiler
Version(s): winnt:4.0,4.1,4.2,5.0,6.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbAutomation kbCOMt kbMFC kbVC400bug kbVC410 kbVC420 kbVC500bug kbVC600bug kbDSupport k
Last Modified: 02-MAY-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- The Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), included with:
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Editions, versions 4.0, 4.1
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition, version 4.2
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition, version 4.2
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition, version 5.0
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition, version 5.0
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition, version 6.0
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition, version 6.0
- Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Learning Edition, version 6.0
When using the string literals defined for VTS_UI1 or VTS_PUI1 in calling
COleDispatchDriver::InvokeHelper() or CWnd::InvokeHelper(), you might get
strange results. You might notice any of the following symptoms when using the
values defined in AfxDisp.h:
- An ASSERT on line 321 in file Oledisp2.cpp in the
COleDispatchDriver::InvokeHelperV function.
- A message box stating "Bad variable type."
- An uncaught exception in WindowProc.
- A first chance exception in Kernel32.dll.
This is because VTS_UI1 and VTS_PUI1 are defined incorrectly in the Afxdisp.h
header file.
Do not use VTS_UI1 or VTS_PUI1 in any of your code. Instead, define the correct
values for each of these using a name you assign. Code like the following can be
//Do NOT use VTS_UI1. It has a value of "0x0F" which is incorrect.
//The correct value for VTS_UI1 is 17 or 0x11
#define MY_VTS_UI1 "\x11"
//Do NOT use VTS_PUI1. It has a value of "0x4F" which is incorrect.
//The correct value for VTS_PUI1 is 81 or 0x51
#define MY_VTS_PUI1 "\x51"
void SomeFunction(BYTE byteVal)
static BYTE parms[] = MY_VTS_UI1; // please note that this is not VTS_UI1
DISPID dispid = 0x60030000; // notice that this is different!
COleDispatchDriver d;
if (d.CreateDispatch("SomeComObject.SomeComObject.1))
d.InvokeHelper(dispid, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_EMPTY, NULL, parms, byteVal);
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the
beginning of this article.
Q241862 BUG: ClassWizard Omits Methods that Take BYTE or BYTE* as Parameters
Additional query words: 0x80020008 COleException InvokeHelper Invoke IDispatch OLE Automation
Keywords : kbAutomation kbCOMt kbMFC kbVC400bug kbVC410 kbVC420 kbVC500bug kbVC600bug kbDSupport kbGrpDSMFCATL
Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbMFC
Version : winnt:4.0,4.1,4.2,5.0,6.0
Issue type : kbbug