Article: Q242985
Product(s): Microsoft Home Games
Version(s): 1.0,2.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbsetup kbtool msgamekbfaq
Last Modified: 07-MAY-2002
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Allegiance, version 1.0
- Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2: WWII Pacific Theater, version 1.0
- Microsoft Crimson Skies
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 Professional Edition
- Microsoft Links 2001
- Microsoft Metal Gear Solid
- Microsoft Midtown Madness 2, version 2.0
- Microsoft Motocross Madness 2, version 2.0
- Microsoft StarLancer, version 1.0
This article describes the new features included in Microsoft DirectX 7.0.
DirectX 7.0 is composed of the following six components:
- Direct3D (used for 3-dimensional rendering)
- DirectDraw (used for screen graphics)
- DirectSound (used for audio playback)
- DirectPlay (used for multi-player gaming)
- DirectInput (used for input device support)
- DirectMusic (used for message-based musical data)
The following new features are included in DirectX 7.0.
New Direct3D features include:
- Hardware-accelerated transformation and lighting: Direct3D can now take
advantage of 3-D accelerators to accelerate transformation and lighting
operations in hardware devices.
- Environment mapping with cubic environment maps: Direct3D and DirectDraw now
support a special type of texture map used in environment mapping, called a
cubic environment map. Cubic environment mapping involves the use of a
six-sided texture that can contain images to be applied to objects in a
scene. Cubic environment maps provide realistic environment mapping in
- Geometry Blending: Programs that use the Direct3D geometry pipeline can take
advantage of new support for geometry blending. Geometry blending can be used
to perform "skinning" effects to increase the realism of segmented objects in
a scene, especially characters.
- Device-state blocks: Programs that target the new IDirect3DDevice7 interface
can take advantage of its support for programmable sets of state changes,
called state blocks. State blocks make it possible for a Direct3D program to
record common sequences of device state changes into a construct that has a
unique identifier, or block handle. Programs can use the block handle to
execute previously recorded state blocks in a single method call. Besides
minimizing the calls required to change device states, state blocks enable
devices to cache precompiled sets of state changes for optimal execution,
often resulting in improved performance.
- Improved texture management: The Direct3D texture manager has been expanded
to allow programs to prioritize managed textures. Direct3D uses texture
priorities to determine which textures to keep in memory, and which to
- Enhanced software emulation: Direct3D has been optimized to use any special
instructions supported by the CPU. Supported instruction sets include the AMD
3D-Now! instruction set on some AMD processors and the MMX instruction set
supported by many Intel processors. Where available, Direct3D utilizes the
3D-Now! instruction set to accelerate transformation and lighting operations
and the MMX instruction set to accelerate rasterization. Programs that use
the Direct3D transformation and lighting pipeline with software devices
automatically benefit from this feature.
New DirectDraw features include:
- DirectDraw stereo support has been added for active devices.
New DirectSound features include:
- Improved hardware voice management.
- New 3-D audio processing algorithms result in better CPU utilization.
New DirectPlay features include:
- Ripple launching is provided for Microsoft DirectPlay lobbied programs.
New DirectInput features include:
- Microsoft DirectInput now supports up to eight mouse buttons, exclusive
access to the keyboard, and delayed start for force-feedback effects.
New DirectMusic features include:
- Microsoft DirectMusic supports the Downloadable Sounds level 2 standard.
For information about how to download and install DirectX 7.0, please see the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q179113 How to Download and Install DirectX
Additional query words: direct-x dx improvements update versions
Keywords : kbsetup kbtool msgame kbfaq
Technology : kbHomeProdSearch _IKkbbogus kbLinkGolfSearch kbGamesSearch kbFlightSimSearch kbGolfSearch kbAllegianceSearch kbMetalGearSearch kbMotocrossSearch kbStarlancerSearch kbCrimsonSkiesSearch kbMidtownMadSearch kbAllegiance kbStarlancer kbCombatFlightSim2 kbCombatFlightSimSearch kbFlightSim2000 kbMetalGearSolid kbMidtownMadness2 kbMotocrossM2 kbCrimsonSkies kbLinks2001 kbSimSearch
Version : :1.0,2.0
Issue type : kbinfo