Q243170: Asheron’s Call: Text in the Chat Box Contains Unexpected Charact

Article: Q243170
Product(s): Microsoft Home Games
Version(s): 1.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbdisplay kbenv igz kbimu msgame
Last Modified: 06-AUG-2002

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Asheron's Call, version 1.0 
- Microsoft Asheron's Call: Dark Majesty, version 1.0 


When use the Chat feature in Microsoft Asheron's Call, the text in the Chat box
may contain unexpected characters.


This behavior can occur if the Times New Roman font installed on your computer
is missing or damaged.


To resolve this issue, install a new copy of the Times New Roman font from your
Microsoft Windows CD-ROM. To do this, use the appropriate method for your
operating system.

Microsoft Windows 98

To install the Times New Roman font in Windows 98:

1. Insert the Windows 98 CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. Press and hold down the
  SHIFT key when you insert the CD-ROM to prevent Windows Setup from starting

2. Click Start, and then click Run.

3. In the Open box, type "sfc.exe" (without the quotation marks), and then click

4. Click "Extract one file from installation disk."

5. In the "Specify the system file you would like to restore" box, type
  "times.ttf" (without the quotation marks), and then click Start.

6. In the Restore From box, click the CD-ROM drive that contains the Windows 98

7. In the Save File In box, type the following line, and then click OK


  where <drive> is the drive letter of the hard disk on which Windows is

Microsoft Windows 95

For information about how to restore the default fonts (including Times New
Roman) in Windows 95, click the article number below to view the article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  Q152974 How to Restore the Default Fonts in Windows 95

Additional query words: 1.00 ac msngz igz corrupt extended illegible strange asherons

Keywords          : kbdisplay kbenv igz kbimu msgame 
Technology        : kbHomeProdSearch _IKkbbogus kbGamesSearch kbMSNSearch kbAsheronSearch kbAsheron100 kbAsheronDarkMaj
Version           : :1.0
Issue type        : kbprb
