Article: Q243622
Product(s): Microsoft Home Games
Version(s): 1.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbui igz kbimu msgamekbfaq
Last Modified: 16-MAY-2002
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Asheron's Call, version 1.0
- Microsoft Asheron's Call: Dark Majesty, version 1.0
This article contains a list of the chat commands you can use in the Chat window
in Microsoft Asheron's Call.
To use chat commands, press ENTER to activate the Chat window, type one of the
commands in the table below, and then click Send.
NOTE: You can substitute an AT SIGN (@) for the BACKSLASH (/) character in these
chat commands:
/a -- Sends a broadcast to your Allegiance.
/age -- Displays your total gameplay time.
/birth -- Displays when your character was created.
/c -- Sends a broadcast to your Co-vassals.
/chat -- Sets whether you receive normal chat or not.
/consent -- Commands to display and manage your corpse-looting consent list.
/corpse -- Displays the location of your last outdoor death.
/e -- Used to emote some text.
/em -- Used to emote some text.
/emote -- Used to emote some text.
/f -- Sends a broadcast to your Fellowship.
/fillcomps -- Assists in the purchase of spell components.
/filter -- This command by itself will list all the filters currently in place.
/filter [-message_type] -- Filters out all incoming messages of a specific type.
These include: Speech, Tell, Combat, Magic, Emote, Appraisal, Spellcasting, Allegiance, Fellowship, Combat_Enemy, Combat_Self.
/filter -all -- Filters out all incoming messages of all types.
/friends -- Tells you when friends log in
/friends_add -- Adds a character to your friends list.
/friends_remove -- Removes a character from your friends list.
/help -- Displays available commands.
/house boot <name> - Removes a player from your house.
/house boot all - Removes everyone from your house.
/house guest add <name> - Adds players to your house guest list.
/house guest remove <name> - Removes players from your house guest list.
/house guest remove_all - Removes all guests from your house guest list.
/house guest add_allegiance - Adds your allegiance to the guest list.
/house guest remove_allegiance - Removes your allegiance from the guest list.
/house guest list - Shows the current guest list.
/house recall - Teleports you to your house.
/house storage add <name> - Gives a player permission to use your house storage.
/house storage remove <name> - Removes permission to use your house storage from a player.
/house storage remove_all - Removes all storage permissions from guests.
/house open - Creates an open house.
/house close - Closes your house.
/house hooks on|off - Makes the hooks in your house visible or invisible.
/lifestone -- Kills your character.
/loc -- Displays your current position.
/log -- Echoes chat text to a logfile.
/m -- Sends a broadcast to your Monarch.
/me -- Used to emote some text.
/motd -- Displays the message of the day for your allegiance.
/notell -- Toggles whether you receive /tell's or not.
/p -- Sends a broadcast to your Patron.
/permit -- Gives or revokes corpse-looting permissions to another player.
/r -- Sends some text to the last person who /tell'd you.
/render radius # -- set landscape radius (between 5 and 25).
/render fov # -- set field of view (between 10 and 160).
/render texpage on|off -- toggles 3dfx texture paging system.
/reply -- Sends some text to the last person who /tell'd you.
/retell -- Sends some text to the last person you /tell'd.
/rp -- Sends some text to the last person who /tell'd you.
/rt -- Sends some text to the last person you /tell'd.
/say -- Says some text to everyone around you.
/speaker -- Tells you who your allegiance speaker is.
/squelch -- By itself, this shows the current list of squelched characters (max 32).
/squelch <character> -- Squelches all messages from a character.
/squelch -account <character> -- Squelches all messages from a character and also stops all non-public chat coming from the target's other characters.
/tell -- Sends a long-distance message to a character.
/unfilter [-message_type] -- Removes filters on incoming messages of a specific type.
These include: Speech, Tell, Combat, Magic, Emote, Appraisal, Spellcasting, Allegiance, Fellowship, Combat_Enemy, Combat_Self.
/unfilter -all -- Removes filters on incoming messages of all types.
/unsquelch -- Modifies the squelch information for this character
/v -- Sends a broadcast to your Vassals.
Additional query words: 1.00 ac msngz shortcuts chatting asherons
Keywords : kbui igz kbimu msgame kbfaq
Technology : kbHomeProdSearch _IKkbbogus kbGamesSearch kbMSNSearch kbAsheronSearch kbAsheron100 kbAsheronDarkMaj
Version : :1.0
Issue type : kbinfo